By Subject
658 messages sorted by:
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Starting: Tue May 07 2002 - 02:05:10 EDT
Ending: Tue May 06 2003 - 03:53:32 EDT
- 16.001 Happy 15th Birthday!
- 16.002 Lyman Award to Jerome McGann
- 16.003 cultural divisions
- 16.004 Archiving the Avant Garde
- 16.005 OCR and handwriting
- 16.006 violations of copyright
- 16.007 Urgent Business Proposals and the Ontario Provincial Police
- 16.008 new on WWW: American Memory; First Monday
- 16.009 almost sweet 16, or no Little Red Book here!
- 16.010 cultural divisions
- 16.011 summer seminars on Grindstone
- 16.012 ELRA news; digital preservation activities
- 16.013 author?
- 16.014 Urgent Business Proposals (419)
- 16.015 summer seminar; symposium; call for papers
- 16.016 OCRing handwriting
- 16.017 classical Latin drama in TEI markup?
- 16.018 Urgent Business Proposals
- 16.019 new on WWW: digital content guide; US preservation site; funding info
- 16.020 cultural divisions
- 16.022 happy birthday Humanist
- 16.023 read it tonight
- 16.024 WorldCALL; CATaC'02
- 16.025 anti-plagarism software?
- 16.026 new on WWW: Ubiquity 3.13
- 16.027 corpus-building questionnaire
- 16.028 ACL-02 conference
- 16.029 anti-plagarism software
- 16.031 anti-plagarism software
- 16.032 new books
- 16.033 call for submissions: New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia
- 16.034 conferences
- 16.035 postgraduate study?
- 16.036 Summer Publishing Institute for Professionals (Virginia)
- 16.037 NINCH highlighted at ALA
- 16.038 conference on Greek, Arabic and Latin Commentaries
- 16.039 work-placement opportunities wanted in London area
- 16.040 new on WWW: Ubiquity 3.14
- 16.041 interest in visual anthropology webcasts?
- 16.042 call for articles: "Online Lives"
- 16.043 silence and flood
- 16.044 Summer Institute 2002 - Creating Electronic Texts and Images
- 16.045 conferences
- 16.046 on Winograd and Flores, Understanding Computers & Cognition
- 16.047 job at the Ashmolean, Oxford
- 16.048 stolen moments, resurfaced
- 16.049 NEH Summer Stipends 2003
- 16.050 postprint projects?
- 16.051 Report of the Workshop on Digital Imagery for Works of Art
- 16.052 new on WWW: EMLS, Humbul, Ubiquity, CIT Infobits
- 16.054 new on WWW: Forum: Qualitative Social Research/Sozialforschung 8
- 16.055 job at Stanford
- 16.056 new on WWW: Ubiquity 3.16; First Monday 7.6; H-Museum
- 16.057 Summer courses at University College London
- 16.058 seeing the sharp edges
- 16.059 ESSLLI 2003 call for proposals
- 16.060 new on WWW: standard for digital stills; report on technology & digitization
- 16.061 Grau on telepresence
- 16.062 on certainty
- 16.063 DRH 2002 in Edinburgh
- 16.064 highly constrained language?
- 16.065 new book: Model-based Reasoning
- 16.066 ESSLLI 2003 topic suggestions
- 16.067 highly constrained languages (& who was alert?)
- 16.068 models and memory lapses
- 16.069 new on WWW: Th Gray Archive; "The Future of Literary Studies"
- 16.070 fellowship competition
- 16.071 highly constrained language
- 16.072 JoDI special issue on Interactivity in Digital Libraries
- 16.073 highly constrained language
- 16.074 summer seminars at Oxford
- 16.075 Protocol for Metadata Harvesting
- 16.076 attending from highly constrained language
- 16.077 TEI P4 in print
- 16.078 Webcast on higher education
- 16.079 COLING-02 tutorials; UCLA/Getty Summer Institute
- 16.080 highly constrained languages
- 16.081 new on WWW: Ubiquity 3.18
- 16.082 new book on Anaphora Resolution
- 16.083 conferences
- 16.084 highly constrained languages
- 16.085 Document Explorer 6.0
- 16.086 call for mentors & job-seekers
- 16.087 Butler on prosthesis?
- 16.088 new on WWW: Ubiquity article; Scholarly E-Pub Bibliography ver 43
- 16.089 Samuel Butler on prosthesis
- 16.090 chat event for artists & writers
- 16.091 articles on cyberculture
- 16.092 detachment from attachments
- 16.094 Samuel Butler (and others) on prosthesis
- 16.095 evaluation of music IR and music DL systems?
- 16.096 texts in Document Explorer
- 16.097 conferences
- 16.098 urgent help for humanities computing in Italy
- 16.099 new on WWW: Ubiquity 3.19; Subject Index; CIT Infobits
- 16.100 conferences
- 16.101 non-verbal thought
- 16.102 call for input on digital rights management
- 16.103 e-mail attachments
- 16.104 conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE
- 16.105 encoding questions
- 16.106 Old High German corpus?
- 16.107 digital rights management: who's who
- 16.108 non-verbal thought
- 16.109 new on WWW: Technology Source 7-8/02
- 16.110 CATaC conference: The Net(s) of Power: Language, Culture and Technology
- 16.111 Old High German corpora
- 16.113 publication & recognition of software & systems?
- 16.114 humanities computing in Italy
- 16.115 TEI training: request for proposals
- 16.116 postgrad funding: Trinity College Dublin, De Montfort
- 16.117 call for papers: advances in NLP
- 16.118 online things and events
- 16.119 Museum Computer Network conference, Toronto, 9/02
- 16.120 new on WWW: history site
- 16.121 Bamberg Apocalypse on CD-ROM
- 16.122 NEH application deadlines
- 16.123 new book on interdisciplinary software practice
- 16.124 new MA programmes, Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam)
- 16.125 hearing on digital rights management (US Congress)
- 16.126 how troubling the Dialogues of Hume could be
- 16.127 problems in translation
- 16.128 Mapping Humanites Computing
- 16.128 mapping humanities computing at ALLC/ACH and after
- 16.129 "digital rights management"
- 16.130 change of wizards
- 16.132 Copyright Town Meeting
- 16.133 Varia
- 16.135 conference announcements
- 16.136 restricted code
- 16.137 varia
- 16.138 Endangered Languages Documentation Programme
- 16.139 workshop on ms transcription; online course in aesthetics
- 16.140 jobs in Copenhagen: computer games & digital aesthetics
- 16.141 The War of the Apostrophe
- 16.142 visualizing and knowing
- 16.143 new on WWW: CIT Infobits; Ubiquity 3.23
- 16.144 new search interface
- 16.145 conferences, workshop
- 16.146 visualizing and knowing
- 16.147 new on WWW: Ubiquity 3.25
- 16.148 digital copyright case
- 16.149 COLING-2002 4th call
- 16.150 new book: historian confronts technological change
- 16.151 e-print archiving
- 16.152 new books from Kluwer
- 16.153 call for referees & mentors: young scholars in LLC
- 16.154 e-print archiving
- 16.155 events
- 16.156 new on WWW: Scholarly E-Pub bibliography; JoDI 3.1
- 16.157 publications: commercial and individual notices
- 16.158 new on WWW: Ubiquity 3.26
- 16.159 commercial & individual notices of publication
- 16.160 School for Scanning; Visual Representations conference
- 16.161 commercial & individual notices of publication
- 16.162 new book on digitization and work
- 16.163 cultural heritage standards
- 16.164 commercial & individual notices of publication
- 16.165 conference
- 16.166 embodiment
- 16.167 commercial & individual notices of publication
- 16.168 NLP/XML conference
- 16.169 online workshop: The Shrinking Public Domain
- 16.170 commercial & individual notices of publication
- 16.171 events: Technology at the Zoo; Forum on Metadata
- 16.172 embodiment
- 16.173 medieval stylometrics? good scholarly work?
- 16.174 new on WWW: Digital Humanities Computing Seminar report
- 16.175 Internet Society on Digital Rights Management
- 16.176 commerce and research
- 16.177 embodiment, or The Ballad of Hans Moravec
- 16.178 medieval studies conference
- 16.179 new approach to overlapping hierarchies
- 16.180 gatekeeping & its perils
- 16.181 conference: CICLing 2003
- 16.182 a garden enclosed, no garden otherwise
- 16.183 new on WWW: presentation on the "eclectic journal"
- 16.184 call for articles: "Online Lives"
- 16.185 a garden enclosed
- 16.186 TEI training session at Members' meeting
- 16.187 new on WWW: Techne on Borgmann
- 16.188 (concept, topic &al.) mapping?
- 16.189 new Kluwer books
- 16.190 conferences
- 16.191 mapping
- 16.192 new on WWW: CIT Infobits
- 16.193 conference, workshop
- 16.194 new journal on computational linguistics?
- 16.195 new on WWW: ALLC/ACH pictures & videos; Ubiquity 3.29
- 16.196 acknowledged self-archiving
- 16.197 new on WWW: The Technology Source 9-10/02
- 16.198 conference; meeting
- 16.199 tenure-track job at Brown
- 16.200 CFP: Economics of Digital Libraries
- 16.201 a for-the-first-time residue?
- 16.202 new on WWW: article on helps to e-publishing
- 16.203 new on WWW: Review of Biblical Literature
- 16.204 doing and talking
- 16.205 ELRA news
- 16.206 conference
- 16.207 residue
- 16.208 calls for journal & conference papers
- 16.209 residue
- 16.210 call for book proposals
- 16.211 residue
- 16.212 new (but not so new) on WWW
- 16.217 new Kluwer books
- 16.218 conferences
- 16.219 job at Kentucky
- 16.220 theory vs practice?
- 16.221 the brief silence
- 16.222 critique of words about silence
- 16.223 new on WWW: 4 studies on preservation & cultural heritage
- 16.224 courses, workshops, symposium
- 16.225 theory vs practice
- 16.226 new on WWW: Ubiquity 3.32; Humbul's RSS Channels
- 16.227 ACH/ALLC 2003 conference
- 16.228 new Kluwer book
- 16.229 free e-books, e-records
- 16.230 call for papers: The Multilingual Internet
- 16.231 why the #? theory vs practice
- 16.232 MacArthur Fellowship recognizes Internet publisher
- 16.233 free e-books
- 16.234 theory/practice -- & the meaning of "application"?
- 16.235 free e-books; new Kluwer book
- 16.236 conference on editing scientific texts
- 16.237 live Webcast of McGann's lecture on "Textonics"
- 16.238 jobs at ELDA
- 16.239 styles of publication
- 16.240 new on WWW: CIT Infobits; Ubiquity
- 16.241styles of publication
- 16.242 why the #
- 16.243 why the #
- 16.244 styles of publication
- 16.245 new on WWW: EMLS 9/02
- 16.246 job at UCLA
- 16.247 styles of publication
- 16.248 CLCWeb; related new books & calls
- 16.249 styles of publication
- 16.250 new on WWW: Webcast of McGann's lecture
- 16.251 U.S. Congress passes fair-use act (TEACH)
- 16.252 new Kluwer book on database systems
- 16.253 CFP: text-analysis research conference
- 16.254 styles of publication
- 16.255 new on WWW: EXEMPLARIA; NYPL & Morgan Library
- 16.256 European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering
- 16.257 European Language Resources Association news
- 16.258 styles of publication
- 16.259 OCRing Latin?
- 16.260 new on WWW: Ubiquity 3.34; American Memory
- 16.261 Arthur Kroker, "Hyper-Heidegger"
- 16.262 OCRing the OLD
- 16.263 styles of publication
- 16.264 OCRing
- 16.265 styles of publication
- 16.266 conferences: WorldCALL; TCC
- 16.267 styles of publication
- 16.268 new on WWW: Scholarly E-Publishing Bibliography v. 45
- 16.269 new Kluwer books
- 16.270 call for Unfoldings
- 16.271 workshops
- 16.272 new on WWW: tutorials in ERIC
- 16.273 ERIC url correction
- 16.274 Latin-German lexicon on CD
- 16.275 Colin Steele, E-prints: the future of scholarly communication?
- 16.276 symposium on copyright/wrong
- 16.277 the archaeological imagination?
- 16.278 Globalisation and the Everyday City
- 16.279 new on WWW: JoDI on Chinese collections
- 16.280 conference: SSGRR 2003
- 16.281 Technology Source Author Forums 22/10
- 16.282 archaeological imagination
- 16.283 trivial problems are all that remain
- 16.284 NewZoids on WWW
- 16.285 the archaeological imagination
- 16.286 museums
- 16.287 trivial problems
- 16.288 conferences
- 16.289 the archaeological imagination
- 16.290 conference
- 16.291 new on WWW: Irish Resources in the Humanities
- 16.292 conferences
- 16.293 the archaeological imagination
- 16.294 manuscript editing and e-publishing?
- 16.295 digital archaeology
- 16.296 ms editing and e-publishing
- 16.297 new on WWW: museums meeting report & paper; digital preservation report
- 16.298 ELRA news
- 16.299 Open Archives workshop 12/2002 in Lisbon
- 16.300 research methodology?
- 16.301 grants for CLip 2002
- 16.302 research methodology
- 16.303 research methods
- 16.304 NSF research funding deadline (U.S.)
- 16.305 research methods: Internet ethics
- 16.306 new on WWW: report, newsletter, history
- 16.307 humanities computing in a cyborg world
- 16.309 research methodology
- 16.310 new on WWW: CIT Infobits 10/02
- 16.311 conferences, symposium, workshop
- 16.312 associative thinking? comments on exemptions?
- 16.313 ACH/ALLC 2003 deadline extended; MLA Special Session
- 16.314 TEACH Act (U.S.)
- 16.315 Linguistic Bibliography 1998
- 16.316 colloquium, workshop, conference
- 16.317 manuscript editing and e-publishing
- 16.318 new on WWW: e-sources; Ubiquity; Rosetta; Eldred v Ascroft
- 16.319 Digital Archaeology workshop, Rome, Summer 2003
- 16.320 Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art (Cornell)
- 16.321 Canada Research Chair in Humanities Computing
- 16.322 Canadian Symposium on Text Analysis
- 16.323 analogy research
- 16.324 new books on ethics, systems theory, patterns & women in research
- 16.325 new on WWW: digital preservation & repositories
- 16.326 thinking physically
- 16.327 automatic keywording for HTML documents?
- 16.328 physical reasoning
- 16.329 messy science
- 16.330 new on WWW: Guide to Good Practice
- 16.331 call for revisions: "Institutional Models for Humanities Computing"
- 16.332 reasoning
- 16.333 messy science
- 16.334 new on WWW: Ubiquity 3.40
- 16.335 books: a review, an announcement
- 16.336 job at Regina (Canada)
- 16.337 messy science
- 16.338 best OCR software?
- 16.339 a book and an article
- 16.340 Dottie Day, 1943-2002
- 16.342 COCH/COSH 2003 call for papers
- 16.343 OCR software and hardware
- 16.344 "New Perspectives in Humanities Computing" 12/02 (Alberta)
- 16.345 OCR research & favourites
- 16.346 OCR favourites
- 16.347 printed ephemera in An American Time Capsule, 2nd release
- 16.348 Humanities Computing and Narratology
- 16.349 Portal Toolkit released
- 16.350 European computational linguistics conference
- 16.351 new on WWW: Ubiquity 3.41
- 16.352 book on virtual art
- 16.353 conferences
- 16.354 new on WWW: L'Astrolabe (for things literary & computational); CIT Infobits
- 16.355 significant deviations?
- 16.356 report on MA in Humanities Computing at Alberta
- 16.359 Journal of Electronic Publishing moves to Columbia University Press
- 16.360 calls for participation: ESSLLI, The Future of Web Publishing
- 16.361 NEH Summer Seminars and Institutes 2003
- 16.362 BBC Domesday Book resurrected: a cautionary tale
- 16.363 supping with a long spoon?
- 16.364 new on WWW: Ubiquity on computers vs spouses
- 16.365 supping with a long spoon
- 16.366 Ruskin Teaching Collection
- 16.367 Computer-related sessions at the MLA 2002
- 16.368 stand to deviate - deviate to stand
- 16.369 correction: BBC Domesday Book
- 16.370 ELRA News
- 16.371 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries
- 16.372 encoded text vs database?
- 16.373 Computer-related sessions at the MLA 2002
- 16.374 supping with a long spoon? and "He who eats with the devil must use a long spoon"
- 16.375 encoded text vs database
- 16.376 MLA session on Mining Digital Resources
- 16.377 encoded text vs database
- 16.378 NEH Summer Internships; Lyman Award nominations
- 16.379 request for proposals: major user study
- 16.380 thinking with the technologies
- 16.381 Ubiquity 3.43, esp on computing curricula
- 16.382 solstitial greetings
- 16.383 call for papers: multilingual corpora
- 16.384 thinking with the technologies
- 16.385 new on WWW: Scholarly E-Publishing Bibliography, ver. 46
- 16.386 Museums and the Web 2003
- 16.387 thinking with tools
- 16.388 new projects by Creative Commons
- 16.389 jobs at Oxford
- 16.390 thinking with the technologies / XML vs. RDM
- 16.391 new on WWW: Ubiquity 3.44; exhibition
- 16.392 Internet research ethics
- 16.393 thinking with tools
- 16.394 new on WWW: additions to Critical Thinking
- 16.395 mew books
- 16.396 report on COCH/COSH May 2002
- 16.397 Workshop on Shallow Processing of Large Corpora
- 16.398 new on WWW: CIT INFOBITS -- December 2002
- 16.399 conferences
- 16.400 diagramming? microcard scanning?
- 16.401 review of Culture, Technology, Communication; CATaC
- 16.402 new on WWW: Ubiquity 3.45
- 16.403 Foundations of Science, on context; new Kluwer books
- 16.404 conferences
- 16.405 Versioning Machine beta release
- 16.406 Computer-Mediated Collaborative Scholarship? Journal abbreviations?
- 16.406 conferences: Extreme 2003; SCI 2003
- 16.408 a slippery slope
- 16.409 Shock of the Old (Oxford)
- 16.410 call for contributions: Free Online Dictionary of Philosophy
- 16.411 AI Topics
- 16.412 AI, cognitive science and Hofstadter
- 16.413 Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru completed
- 16.414 new books
- 16.415 colloquium, conferences, workshop
- 16.416 on disciplinarity
- 16.417 HyperNietzsche; a comment on online self-archiving
- 16.418 new books (Kluwer, Springer)
- 16.419 conference: component software
- 16.420 disciplines & conversations beyond them
- 16.421 new on WWW: Ubiquity 3.46
- 16.422 Lyman Award nomination deadline extended
- 16.423 self-archiving
- 16.424 conferences &c.
- 16.425 book source
- 16.426 U.S. Supreme Court on copyright
- 16.427 conference; TS Author Forums
- 16.428 source of a Minsky-ism?
- 16.429 self-archiving
- 16.430 Minsky on models
- 16.431 conference: Museum Computer Network 2003
- 16.432 jobs in CS at Cyprus
- 16.433 user evaluations of digital cultural resources
- 16.434 new on WWW: Ubiquity 3.47
- 16.435 self-archiving
- 16.436 education of engineers
- 16.437 new on WWW: Ciberfeminismo/Cyberfeminism
- 16.438 Metadata and Digital Imaging Best Practices
- 16.439 self-archiving
- 16.440 Computing and Philosophy: ethics of the digital divide (ANU, 11/03)
- 16.441 small business research
- 16.442 self-archiving
- 16.443 conference: The Electronic Potential of a Museum
- 16.444 DSpace Federation: repository for digital scholarly production
- 16.445 meeting, conference
- 16.446 guidelines for adoption of educational technology?
- 16.447 report on Computer Science and the Humanities Conference 17-18/1/03
- 16.448 new book: A Theory of Immediate Awareness
- 16.449 conference, symposium
- 16.450 case-studies of digitally born artifacts in museums?
- 16.451 new on WWW: Ubiquity 3.48
- 16.452 new Virtual Lightbox released
- 16.453 Electronic Publication workshop; Texts in Performance
- 16.454 digitally born artifacts in museums
- 16.455 new on WWW: Virtual Reality Guide; CIT Infobits
- 16.456 digitally born artifacts in museums
- 16.457 reviewed in Computing Reviews
- 16.458 latest additions to Critical Thinking On The Web
- 16.459 visual & sonic identity
- 16.460 events: EUROLAN, TS Author Forums
- 16.461 confirmation of likely words?
- 16.462 conferences
- 16.463 sisTer aRTS
- 16.464 confirmation of likely words, approximately
- 16.465 ACH 2003 election results &c
- 16.466 events
- 16.467 new on WWW: report, journal, magazine
- 16.468 ACH election results
- 16.469 books
- 16.470 workshop on automatic learning methods for languages
- 16.471 more on ACH election results &c
- 16.472 new books; update on URL for another
- 16.473 conferences; area forum
- 16.474 job at Malaspina
- 16.475 new on WWW: CMC Special Issue on the Middle East and Central Asia
- 16.476 La Sociedad Digital
- 16.477 seminar: Copyright in the Digital Age
- 16.478 jobs at Virginia & Oxford; Labor Archives Fellowship
- 16.479 Kelvin's "if ye canna, ye dinna!" ?
- 16.480 new on WWW: Curating New Media Art
- 16.481 copyright news (U.S.)
- 16.482 new books
- 16.483 conferences, debate, workshop
- 16.484 talk at Maryland; Rare Book School courses (Virginia)
- 16.485 a Time Zone Project
- 16.486 new books
- 16.487 MLA 2003: Electronic Theory and Criticism
- 16.488 job at Victoria: Chair in Humanities Computing
- 16.489 new on WWW: JoDI 3.3
- 16.490 conference; town meeting
- 16.491 Kelvin's words
- 16.492 MA programmes in humanities computing
- 16.493 new on WWW: Tactical media, cultural activism, and 9/11
- 16.494 MLA session, Digital Games conference
- 16.495 Digital Preservation Plan (U.S.); Scholarly Communication list
- 16.496 E-Poetry 2003
- 16.497 anti-spam device for ELM?
- 16.498 events
- 16.499 e-poetics
- 16.500 anti-spam
- 16.501 new on WWW: study of museums & the Web
- 16.502 conference: Information Visualization
- 16.503 high-performance computing applications?
- 16.504 anti-spam
- 16.505 new on WWW: Scholarly E-Publishing Bibliography 47
- 16.506 JISC-NSF funding for "Digital Libraries in the Classroom"
- 16.507 Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics
- 16.508 student session of ESSLLI conference
- 16.509 data modelling for a history of the book?
- 16.510 new on WWW: Ubiquity 4.1; essays
- 16.511 data-modelling; rapid prototyping?
- 16.512 conferences
- 16.513 data modelling for a history of the book
- 16.514 conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing
- 16.515 rapid prototyping
- 16.516 data modelling for a history of the book
- 16.517 new books in CS
- 16.518 new on WWW: CIT Infobits 2/03
- 16.519 e(X)literature & Oxford Shock conferences
- 16.520 rapid prototyping
- 16.521 historiography of recent history?
- 16.522 new on WWW: NINCH Guide; Glottometrics issue
- 16.523 mens pristina
- 16.524 rapid prototyping
- 16.525 ethics of research
- 16.526 prototyping and modelling
- 16.527 Extreme Markup Languages deadline
- 16.528 new on WWW: Ubiquity 4.2
- 16.529 cfp: special issue of Journal of Natural Language Engineering
- 16.530 computers & writing conferences
- 16.531 postdoc in humanities computing at Alberta
- 16.532 meeting, symposium, conference, workshop
- 16.533 postdocs in humanities computing
- 16.534 to write concisely
- 16.535 materials for history of the book
- 16.536 request for proposals: broadband in museums & libraries
- 16.537 conference; ALLC bursaries; symposium
- 16.538 Rockwell lectures at Alberta
- 16.539 postdoc position at King's College London
- 16.540 more postdocs in humanities computing!
- 16.541 postdocs of respect
- 16.542 success forgets
- 16.543 postdocs of respect
- 16.544 conference session, symposium, seminar
- 16.545 Canada Research Chair for humanities computing
- 16.546 success forgets: premature senescence of equipment
- 16.547 new books
- 16.548 lecture; conferences
- 16.549 new on WWW: Ubiquity 4.3
- 16.550 conferences
- 16.551 palimpsestic syndrome
- 16.552 new book
- 16.553 new books
- 16.554 multimedia conference
- 16.555 Harnad on Lynch on institutional archives
- 16.556 the lone scholar in the sciences
- 16.557 wireless & humanities computing?
- 16.558 success forgets: premature senescence of equipment
- 16.559 success forgets: premature senescence of equipment
- 16.560 wireless
- 16.561 Lachance on Harnad on Lynch
- 16.562 ACH/ALLC workshops & other worthy events
- 16.563 wireless
- 16.564 European Association of Archaeologists conference
- 16.565 Krichel on Harnad on Lynch
- 16.566 Jahrbuch fuer Computerphilologie Vol. 4
- 16.567 Human Language Technology for the Semantic Web and Web Services
- 16.568 new on WWW: Ubiquity 4.4
- 16.569 anachronisms?
- 16.570 the lone scholar
- 16.571 new on WWW: JoDI 3.4
- 16.572 lone scholar vs the collaborative
- 16.573 anachronisms
- 16.574 conference on Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
- 16.575 E-Poetry 2003 festival
- 16.577 lone scholar
- 16.578 History of Recent Science and Technology conference
- 16.579 Visiting Fellows competition -- deadline 31 March!
- 16.580 new on WWW: Vindolanda Tablets Online
- 16.581 new books
- 16.582 Call for Online Scholarly Humanities Resources
- 16.583 Computing methods on textual studies: workshop and conference
- 16.584 lone scholar
- 16.585 observations on disciplinarity, comparative epistemology
- 16.586 on WWW: praise for Vindolanda Tablets Online; Ubiquity 4.5
- 16.587 conference; talks; workshop
- 16.588 lone scholar
- 16.589 Digital Promise project
- 16.590 new on WWW: Vesalius, De humani corporis fabrica
- 16.591 Copyright Clearance Initiative (U.S.)
- 16.593 events
- 16.594 CS jobs in Cyprus
- 16.595 LLC 17.3 table of contents
- 16.596 new on WWW: Ubiquity 4.6
- 16.597 Categorization: Summer Institute (Montreal)
- 16.598 new on WWW: CIT INFOBITS; open access archives
- 16.599 DRH2003 extended deadline
- 16.600 Yale Library Special Collections Fellowship
- 16.602 jobs at York (Canada)
- 16.602 new technologies in Renaissance studies
- 16.603 new on WWW: Proceedings of Shallow Processing of Large Corpora Workshop
- 16.604 humanities computing jobs not in humanities computing departments
- 16.605 Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication (CATaC'04)
- 16.606 reminder: Humanities Computing CRC Chair at Victoria
- 16.607 NEH guidelines, Preservation and Access grant applications
- 16.608 Copyright Town Meeting; ACH/ALLC deadline extended
- 16.609 Princeton Cultural Policy & the Arts National Data Archive
- 16.610 POS tagging for Latin?
- 16.611 new on WWW: Ubiquity 4.7
- 16.612 new book on games
- 16.613 workshop, conference
- 16.614 ACH jobs mentoring
- 16.615 Most Accessible Museum Website?
- 16.616 workshops on parsing & on OpenURL
- 16.617 preservation by digitization
- 16.618 "Scholar-based Innovations in Publishing", part I
- 16.619 Bacon influenced by Campanella?
- 16.620 new publications
- 16.621 conference, meeting, workshop
- 16.622 preservation and absence
- 16.623 Mind and Society vol 3, nr 5
- 16.624 preservation and absence
- 16.625 new on WWW: D-Lib for April 2003
- 16.626 an invitation
- 16.627 new books
- 16.628 calls for papers
- 16.629 preservation
- 16.630 workshop on Cross-Cultural Usability for Digital Libraries
- 16.631 new things: a VR Odeon; People of the Rivermouth
- 16.632 preservation
- 16.633 Creativity and the Public Domain Forum 5/03
- 16.634 preservation
- 16.635 new on WWW: Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography (ver 48)
- 16.636 copyright; Web site and newsletter of the National Academies (U.S.)
- 16.637 Symposium in NYC 15/5
- 16.638 new on WWW: Collections Online; Technology Watch Report
- 16.639 workshop on Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
- 16.640 URL correction
- 16.641 the consumptive humanities?
- 16.642 consumptive humanities
- 16.643 Visualizing dynamic experience of time?
- 16.644 new on WWW: Chinese in California Collection
- 16.645 conferences on language
- 16.646 consumptive humanities
- 16.647 visualizing time
- 16.648 new on WWW: Ubiquity 4.10; Critical Thinking 4/03
- 16.649 new books on CS topics
- 16.650 consumptive humanities
- 16.651 innovations in e-publishing
- 16.652 new on WWW: JoDI 4.1; report on peer-reviewing
- 16.653 special issue of Visual Resources: call for contributions
- 16.654 consumptive humanities
- 16.655 studies of grey/gray literature?
- 16.656 help with the moving target
- 16.657 conference; meeting
- 16.658 consumptive humanities
- 16.659 grey literature
- 16.660 ontologies for modelling?
- 16.661 Temporal Modelling Project
- 16.662 new on WWW: reports on online scholarship, digital rights
- 16.663 further infection
- 16.664 Arts & Humanities Online, near some of us soon
- 16.665 gray/grey literature?
- 16.666 abstracting/indexing services?
- 16.667 help with the moving target
- 16.668 new on WWW: E-Sources; Infobits; Performance Workbook
- :2003
- Academic Discounts for Software
- Felicidades!!!!
- Felicidades!!!! opw
- Feliz Navidad!!!
- indigenous minority languages of the British Isles
Last message date: Tue May 06 2003 - 03:53:32 EDT
Archived on: Tue May 06 2003 - 03:53:43 EDT
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