16.443 conference: The Electronic Potential of a Museum

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk)
Date: Mon Jan 27 2003 - 02:05:32 EST

  • Next message: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 16, No. 443.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                         Submit to: humanist@princeton.edu

             Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 06:50:47 +0000
             From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org>
             Subject: CIDOC 2003 Conference: The Electronic Potential of a
    Museum. St Petersburg (Sept 1-5, 2003)

    News on Networking Cultural Heritage Resources
    from across the Community
    January 24, 2003

                                 CIDOC 2003 CONFERENCE
                "World Cultural Heritage: Uniting by Understanding"
                 "The Electronic Potential of a Museum: Incentives
                     and Limitations, Achievements and Problems"
                    September 1 - 5, 2003: St. Petersburg, Russia


    >From: "CIDOC'2003 St.-Petersburg RUSSIA" <info@CIDOC2003.ADIT.RU>

    1-5 September 2003
    St.-Petersburg, Russia
    "World Cultural Heritage: Uniting by Understanding"
    Topic of the Conference: "The Electronic Potential of a Museum: Incentives
    and Limitations, Achievements and Problems"

    The objective of the conference is to review the results of the application
    of information technologies in museums:
    * Analysis of the main achievements in the field of storage, restoration,
    conservation and educational work.
    * Discussion of the pressing technical, technological, psychological and
    social problems and restrictions.
    * Outline of prospective areas of development and the further penetration
    of information technologies into the traditional museum environment.
    * Incentives for innovations.

    The Secretariat of the CIDOC Conference and ADIT announces the First Call
    for Papers for CIDOC'2003 to be held in St. Petersburg, 1-5 September 2003.
    This year's conference theme will be multifaceted, highlighting the most
    pressing aspects of virtual heritage informatics.

    Throughout CIDOC'2003 there are many different opportunities to share
    experiences, meet your colleagues and learn from your peers. Social events
    and cultural program will provide you a chance to meet with other delegates
    in an informal environment in the Hermitage Museum, the Russian Museum, and
    brilliant suburb museums of the North Capital of Russia.

    The conference will coincide with the year of celebrating the tercentenary of
    Saint-Petersburg. We assume, that the conference will be the leader both by
    quantity of the participants, level of expertise and proficiency of experts,
    who will take part in its various programs.
    More information on the conference can be found at:

    Paper Deadline 1 April 2003
    Acceptance Notification 1 June 2003
    Manuscript Submission 10 July 2003
    CIDOC Conference 1-5 September 2003

    For more information, please email the conference Secretariat:

    Looking forward to seeing you in St. Petersburg.

    General Director of State Russian Museum Vladimir Gusev
    CIDOC Chair Adrian Finney
    President of ADIT Alexander Dremailov

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