16.429 self-archiving

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk)
Date: Wed Jan 22 2003 - 02:35:17 EST

  • Next message: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 16, No. 429.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                         Submit to: humanist@princeton.edu

             Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 07:19:29 +0000
             From: lachance@chass.utoronto.ca (Francois Lachance)
             Subject: promotion and archiving: self and others

    Willard & Patrick

    It with interested attention that I noticed the thread on self-archiving
    take its turn towards questions of longeivity.

    I just want to test some assumptions:

    Did the site recommended as a model refer to itself as a "self-archive"?
    If so, how in what context? If not, by whom and in what context?

    I don't think that either of you are arguing for the in/out of archive
    marker to be a value of what gets retained. There are items of value that
    never make it into an archive, correct?

    It struck me, after thinking about this for a while, letting the thinking
    machine churn through some other cycles, that "self-archive" may be a
    cross between "personal archive" and "self-promotion". (As an aside, I
    came to this conclusion after disentangling a rather long standing
    conflation of "terms of endearment" and "rules of engagement" in the
    teamwork covenant of an organization which the team signed under the
    rubric "terms of engagement".)

    Could the making available through networked distribution of
    material be considered as:

              an invitation to peek into a not so secret garden and depending
    on the various permissions to take a clipping or too?

    I've chosen the garden metaphor careful. For me, gardens are libraries and
    they are laboratories. In a diachronic view of a garden it is its storage
    capacity that makes it akin to a library. And subscribers to Humanist are
    well capable of choosing what ever implement is at hand to work out the
    analogy between garden as laboratory and the synchronic view.

    If gardens offer multiple temporalities, so too do materials made
    available through networked distribution. What I want to stress here is
    that just because something is an archive, personal, public or self, does
    not mean that it will be consulted (read, viewed, heard, sensed). It does
    not mean that there will be a record of any consultations.

    For the record, knowing that this little set of material may come to
    occupy a place in a little growing archive (should moderator and
    software and connectivity be willing) means that I as author understand it
    is sharable. Indeed I intend to be so if but for a short time in the
    turning of the seasons. Yes the garden path stretches to the centre where
    upon a pedastal stands a sundial inscribed within its circular edge words
    chasing words: compost grows archive grows compost.

    Could we not call such offerings, for I believe we are re-inventing and
    preserving the beauteous economy of the gift in intellectual and technical
    matters, could we not call them these offerings "growing archives"?

    I found a seedling in some compost and I hope transplanted to a bed in
    which it will flourish.

    >From the snows of Canada, forcing bulbs to provide sense and bloom indoors
    while the winter offers another view of the garden.

    Francois Lachance, Scholar-at-large,
    knows no "no exit" in a hypertext
    every cul-de-sac is an invitation to turn

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