16.442 self-archiving

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk)
Date: Mon Jan 27 2003 - 02:06:20 EST

  • Next message: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 16, No. 442.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                         Submit to: humanist@princeton.edu

       [1] From: "Miran Hladnik" <miran.hladnik@guest.arnes.si> (17)
             Subject: Self-archiving

       [2] From: Patrick Durusau <pdurusau@emory.edu> (34)
             Subject: Re: 16.439 self-archiving

       [3] From: Ross Scaife <scaife@uky.edu> (12)
             Subject: Re: 16.439 self-archiving

             Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 06:48:55 +0000
             From: "Miran Hladnik" <miran.hladnik@guest.arnes.si>
             Subject: Self-archiving

    Since 1995 I have been used to put virtually everything I have published
    onto the web, include it into my personal library (see
    http://www.ijs.si/lit/hlad_bib.html) and advertise it in the discipline's
    discussion forum. From my point of view, the main difference between the
    self-archiving and web-publication is in the extension of their announcement
    and their availability to the audience. For the students' sake I digitised
    and htmlized even my pre-computer and pre-web publications. As for
    publishers: they mostly agree with the parallel web-publication. Some prefer
    I wouldn't point to the web-version of the article prior it is published in
    their newspaper or magazine. When it comes to a book, I have been pushing
    enough to include the right of (at least partial) parallel web-publication
    into the contract with the publisher (e. g.
    http://www.ijs.si/lit/spisovn.html). Being the publisher myself (e. g.
    http://www.ff.uni-lj.si/sft/) I don't notice any significant flow of the
    readers from the book to the web: the book is still being purchased by the
    readers. Students grab more and more for web-publications, however I
    wouldn't agree their knowledge is now much better than before.

    Miran Hladnik

             Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 06:49:38 +0000
             From: Patrick Durusau <pdurusau@emory.edu>
             Subject: Re: 16.439 self-archiving


    David Hoover wrote:

    >I have been following this thread with interest. My Law librarian friends
    >that the trend of looking only at on-line sources is very strong among law
    >students as well. Fortunately, law materials have the financial resources
    >them to get most important sources quickly on line.
    >One question that arises, though, is the nasty issue of copyright. Can we
    >self-archive published work. It would seem not, at least in the case of
    >articles for which we have assigned copyright to the journal. Am I just too
    >timid? Is this really not a problem?
    As Philip Cadigan reported, many university presses are fairly flexible on
    the issue of posting published material to the WWW by authors.

    It might be of interest to Humanist readers that Addison-Wesley, a
    "commercial" publisher in every sense of the word, has shown similar
    flexibility. Consider Elliotte Rusty Harold's most recent work, "Processing
    XML with Java," that is available in its entirety at:
    http://www.ibiblio.org/xml/books/xmljava/. Another good example is
    National Academy Press, which has more than 2,500 titles available for free
    download from their website. (http://www.nap.edu/index.html)

    While both of those examples deal with monographs, you can check CiteSeer
    (http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/) to see a large number of computer science
    papers that also appear in journals and conference proceedings.

    My suggestion to authors is to patronize publishers that allow such
    practices and shun those that don't.


    Patrick Durusau
    Director of Research and Development
    Society of Biblical Literature

    --[3]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 06:50:05 +0000 From: Ross Scaife <scaife@uky.edu> Subject: Re: 16.439 self-archiving

    Mr Cadigan's choice of words strikes me as noteworthy:

    >The MIT Press Journals >division *allows* our authors to web-publish/host their articles >independently one year after publication. Our books division is a little >more flexible than that. In our case the publisher still *retains* the >rights...

    (emphasis added)

    Alternative argument that scholarly authors should not *surrender* the rights to what is after all their own intellectual property:

    Peter Suber's "Removing the Barriers to Research: An Introduction to Open Access for Librarians," forthcoming in College & Research Libraries News, 64 (February 2003), available online at


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