16.512 conferences

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk)
Date: Thu Feb 27 2003 - 03:01:48 EST

  • Next message: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 16, No. 512.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                         Submit to: humanist@princeton.edu

       [1] From: steven.krauwer@elsnet.org (40)
             Subject: CfP: ACL2003 Resources Infrastucture Workshop

       [2] From: info@folli.org (83)
             Subject: Reminder: ESSLLI 2003 Call for Workshop Paper

             Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 07:19:43 +0000
             From: steven.krauwer@elsnet.org
             Subject: CfP: ACL2003 Resources Infrastucture Workshop

              ACL2003 Resources Information Infrastructure Workshop

                                  CALL for PAPERS

                   Towards a Resources Information Infrastructure

                       Workshop at ACL2003 in Sapporo (Japan)

                                July 11 and 12 2003

                           Organised by ENABLER / ELSNET


       The problem addressed by this workshop is the well-known information
       problem. People are creating, exploring and exploiting language
       resources all over the world. Those who are working with resources
       know a lot about their own and other resources, and they are generally
       prepared to share this knowledge, their expertise and in many cases
       even their resources with others via publications in journals,
       presentations at conferences, and via the web.

       Unfortunately this information, however public, is not accessible in
       any systematic way for those who need resources, who want to know what
       sort of resources exist, how resources should be annotated, which
       standards to adhere to, which tools to use, etc etc. We will call this
       problem the 'Resources Information Problem'.

       The problem has also a geographical dimension: As work on specific
       languages is very often concentrated in specific parts of the world,
       much relevant information has a tendency to stay in one geographical
       place. This is an obstacle for those who are working on these same
       languages in different parts of the world, and it makes it harder to
       port knowledge and expertise gained on one language to other

       The above observation are far from novel, and it would be naive to
       think that the problems will ever go away. At the same time one can
       observe that there are organisations (associations, agencies,
       projects, networks, etc) that have access to parts or fragments of
       this information and that have their own infrastructures that
       facilitate access to this information by internal or external people.

       The purpose of this workshop is to investigate how we can exploit the
       existing infrastructures to a maximum in order to facilitate
       world-wide access to information on language resources. The role of
       the workshop will be to bootstrap this process.

    [material deleted]

       A full list of PC members will be published on the workshop
       website at http://www.elsnet.org/acl2003-workshop

             Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 07:34:19 +0000
             From: info@folli.org
             Subject: Reminder: ESSLLI 2003 Call for Workshop Paper

                    ESSLLI 2003
    Workshop Programme and Call for Workshop Papers

           15th European Summer School in Logic,
                Language and Information

                 August 18-29, Vienna


    Title: Student Session

    Dates: August 18-29, 2003
    Deadline for submissions: March 7, 2003 (extended)
    Website: http://www.science.uva.nl/~bcate/esslli03
    Organizer(s): Balder ten Cat
    Contact email: b.ten.cate@hum.uva.nl


    Title: Direct Reference and Specificity

    Section: Logic&Language
    Dates: August 18.-22. 2003
    Deadline for submissions: March 15st, 2003
    Website: http://ling.uni-konstanz.de/DirRefSpec/
    Organizer(s): Klaus von Heusinger and Hans Kamp
    Contact email: klaus.heusinger@uni-konstanz.de


    Title: Conditional and Unconditional Modality

    Section: Logic&Language
    Dates: August 25.-29.2003
    Deadline for submissions: March 7, 2003
    Website: http://www-linguistics.stanford.edu/sigmod/ESSLLI03/
    Organizer(s): Veltman, Frank and Condoravdi, Cleo and Kaufmann, Stefan
    Contact email: veltman@hum.uva.nl


    Title: Workshop on Interval Temporal Logics and Duration Calculi

    Section: Logic & Computation
    Dates: August 25.-29.2003
    Deadline for submissions: March 31, 2003
    Website: keine ofizielle Website
    Organizer(s): Goranko, Valentin and Montanari, Angelo
    Contact email: vfg@na.rau.ac.za


    Title: The Meaning and Implementation of Discourse Particles

    Section: Language & Computation
    Dates: August 18.-22. 2003
    Deadline for submissions: April 4, 2003
    Website: http://www.ling.uni-potsdam.de/~stede/essllicfp.html
    Organizer(s): Stede, Manfred and Zeevat, Henk
    Contact email: stede@ling.uni-potsdam.de


    Title: Ideas and Strategies for Multilingual Grammar Development

    Section: Language & Computation
    Dates: August 25.-29.2003
    Deadline for submissions: 14 March 2003 to multigram@coli.uni-sb.de.
    Website: http://www.dfki.uni-sb.de/~siegel/esslli/
    Organizer(s): Fouvry, Frederik and Siegel, Melanie and
                      Flickinger, Dan and Bender, Emily
    Contact email: siegel@dfki.uni-sb.de


    Title: Adaptation of Automatic Learning Algorithms for Analytical
    and Inflectional Languages

    Section: Language & Computation
    Dates: August 18.-22. 2003
    Deadline for submissions: Mar 14, 2003
    Website: http://ckl.mff.cuni.cz/~alaf03
    Organizer(s): Hladka, Barbora and Ribarov Kiril
    Contact email: alaf03@ckl.mff.cuni.cz


    Title: Language Evolution and Computation

    Section: Language & Computation
    Dates: August 25.-29.2003
    Deadline for submissions: 28th February 2003
    Website: http://www.ling.ed.ac.uk/~simon/esslli.html
    Organizer(s): Kirby, Simon (University of Edinburgh)
    Contact email: simon@ling.ed.ac.uk

    Dr. ing. Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova
    Chair of the Program Committee ESSLLI 2003
    Computerlinguistik, Universitaet des Saarlandes,

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