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From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk)
Date: Thu Apr 03 2003 - 02:44:17 EST

  • Next message: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 16, No. 595.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                         Submit to: humanist@princeton.edu

             Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2003 08:24:20 +0100
             From: Edward Vanhoutte <evanhoutte@kantl.be>
             Subject: TOC Literary & Linguistic Computing 17/3

    Literary and Linguistic Computing

    Volume 17, Issue 3, September 2002


    - 'Delta': a Measure of Stylistic Difference and a Guide to Likely
    John Burrows
    pp. 267-287
    This paper is a companion to my 'Questions of authorship: attribution
    and beyond', in which I sketched a new way of using the relative
    frequencies of the very common words for comparing written texts and
    testing their likely authorship. The main emphasis of that paper was not
    on the new procedure but on the broader consequences of our increasing
    sophistication in making such comparisons and the increasing (although
    never absolute) reliability of our inferences about authorship. My
    present objects, accordingly, are to give a more complete account of the
    procedure itself; to report the outcome of an extensive set of trials;
    and to consider the strengths and limitations of the new procedure. The
    procedure offers a simple but comparatively accurate addition to our
    current methods of distinguishing the most likely author of texts
    exceeding about 1,500 words in length. It is of even greater value as a
    method of reducing the field of likely candidates for texts of as little
    as 100 words in length. Not unexpectedly, it works least well with texts
    of a genre uncharacteristic of their author and, in one case, with texts
    far separated in time across a long literary career. Its possible use
    for other classificatory tasks has not yet been investigated.

    - The Pascal Digital Archive
    Shuji Shiraishi, Yutaka Wada and Shou Fujimura
    pp. 289-310
    This paper presents an overview of the Pascal Database System. The
    Pascal Database includes all the text from the Oeuvres completes de
    Blaise Pascal in four volumes. The online database was released
    experimentally in October 2000. It is possible to display material,
    perform a vocabulary search, and make frequency lists of material in the
    database via the Internet. The content display can access each volume,
    plus manuscript data, edition, references, annotations of J. Mesnard,
    and other documents, which is a great advantage when studying the
    material. The vocabulary search can perform Boolean searches with 'And',
    'Or', and 'Not', and can also use the wild card '[starf]'. Frequency
    lists can be made using alphabetical or frequency order, and it is even
    possible to create a list based on the alphabetical order of the
    reversed words. Finally, we comment on the personal pronouns in Pascal's
    letters and discuss the uses of the word figure in the second volume of
    Pascal's work.

    - How Accurate Were Scribes? A Mathematical Model
    Matthew Spencer and Christopher J. Howe
    pp. 311-322
    Until printing was invented, texts were copied by hand. The probability
    with which changes were introduced during copying was affected by the
    kind of text and society. We cannot usually estimate the probability of
    change directly. Instead, we develop an indirect method. We derive a
    relationship between the number of manuscripts in the tradition and the
    mean number of copies separating a randomly chosen pair of manuscripts.
    Given the rate at which the proportion of words that are different
    increases with the mean number of copies separating two manuscripts, we
    can then estimate the probability of change. We illustrate our method
    with an analysis of Lydgate's medieval poem The Kings of England.

    - Computer-Assisted Teaching of Translation Methods
    Chi-Chiang Shei and Helen Pain
    pp. 323-343
    This paper introduces an intelligent tutoring system designed to help
    student translators learn to appreciate the distinction between literal
    translation and liberal translation, an important and forever debated
    point in the literature of translation, and some other methods of
    translation lying between these two extremes. We identify four prominent
    kinds of translation methods commonly discussed in the translation
    literature-word-for-word translation, literal translation, semantic
    translation, and communicative translation-and attempt to extract
    computationally expedient definitions for them from two researchers'
    discussions on them. We then apply these computational definitions to
    the preparation of our translation corpus to be used in the intelligent
    tutoring system. In the basic working mode the system offers a source
    sentence for the student to translate, compares it with the inbuilt
    versions, and decides on the most likely method of translation used
    through a translation unit matching algorithm. The student can guess
    where on the literal and liberal continuum their translation stands by
    viewing this verdict and by comparing their translation with other
    versions for the same sentence. In the advanced working mode, the
    student learns some translation techniques such as the contrastive
    analysis approach to teaching translation, while appreciating the
    working of translation methods in relation to these techniques.

    - Encoding Medieval Abbreviations for Computer Analysis (from
    Latin-Portuguese and Portuguese Non-literary Sources)
    Stephen R. Parkinson and Antnio H. A. Emiliano
    pp. 345-360
    This paper proposes a solution to the problem of handling scribal
    abbreviations in TEI-conformant transcriptions of medieval texts,
    following a conservative editorial strategy. A key distinction is drawn
    between alphabetic abbreviations, which represent sequences of letters,
    and logographic abbreviations which represent whole words. The TEI
    elements [lang]expan[rang] and [lang]abbrev[rang] can be used
    systematically to separate these two types: alphabetic abbreviations
    will be expanded in the main text, recording the abbreviated form
    (including TEI entities representing the main abbreviation marks) as an
    attribute of [lang]expan[rang], while logographic abbreviations will be
    represented in their abbreviated form, with the expanded form recorded
    as an attribute of [lang]abbrev[rang]. The proposals are illustrated
    from common abbreviations and short text samples from tenth-century
    Latin-Portuguese and thirteenth-century Old Portuguese.


    - David Crystal: Language and the Internet
    Reviewed by Jean Aitchison
    pp. 361-367

    - Darrel Ince: A Dictionary of the Internet
    Reviewed by Jean Aitchison
    pp. 361-367

    - I. Dan Melamed: Empirical Methods for Exploiting Parallel Texts
    Reviewed by Dan Tufis
    pp. 368-370

    - M. Stubbs: Words And Phrases
    Reviewed by Oliver Mason
    pp. 370-372


    ============= Edward Vanhoutte Co-ordinator Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie - CTB (KANTL) Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies Reviews Editor, Literary and Linguistic Computing Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature Koningstraat 18 / b-9000 Gent / Belgium tel: +32 9 265 93 51 / fax: +32 9 265 93 49 evanhoutte@kantl.be http://www.kantl.be/ctb/ http://www.kantl.be/ctb/vanhoutte/

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