Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 16, No. 562.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
Submit to:
[1] From: Bill Kretzschmar <> (42)
Subject: Humanities Computing Workshops at ACH/ALLC
[2] From: Ray Siemens <> (53)
Subject: Summer Institute - Creating Electronic Texts - David
[3] From: Steven Krauwer <> (12)
Subject: EACL2003 Workshop Programme, April 13-14
[4] From: Steven Krauwer <> (38)
Subject: ESS2003: Language and Speech Technology for Language
[5] From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <> (20)
Subject: NINCH COPYRIGHT TM: Creating Museum IP Policy:
Portland, Oregon, May 22
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 06:45:28 +0000
From: Bill Kretzschmar <>
Subject: Humanities Computing Workshops at ACH/ALLC
A full program of humanities computing training workshops will be offered
this year in conjunction with the annual joint meeting of the Association
for Computers and the Humanities and the Association for Literary and
Linguistic Computing, to be held at the University of Georgia, May 27-June
2, 2003. See the conference web site at
for the full program and registration information. The workshop program
and fee schedule appear below:
Tuesday, May 27 9:30AM to 6PM Introduction to XML and the TEI I
Tuesday, May 27 9:30AM to 6PM Creating an Image Gallery Database I
Wednesday, May 28 9:30AM to 6PM Introduction to XML and the
Wednesday, May 28 9:30AM to 6PM Creating an Image Gallery
Database II
Wednesday, May 28 9:30AM to 6PM TEI Training I
Thursday, May 29 9:30AM to 6PM Introduction to XSLT
Thursday, May 29 9:30AM to 6PM Intro to Document Type Definitions
Thursday, May 29 9:30AM to 6PM TEI Training II
Workshop instructors will plan activities within the time slot
available; participants should plan to be available throughout the day of
the workshop.
Instructors include a team from the Maryland Institute for Technology in
the Humanities led by Susan Schreibman for the XML/TEI, XSLT, DTD, and
Image Gallery sessions, and a team of well-known TEI experts (Julia
Flanders, Terry Catapano, Syd Bauman, and Brett Barney) for the TEI
Training sessions. Full information about the workshops is available
Costs for Workshops
Any single workshop: TEI Members, $250; Not yet a Member of TEI,
Any two workshops: TEI Members, $400; Not yet a Member of TEI,
Any three workshops: TEI Members, $500; Not yet a Member of TEI,
All workshops are open to the general public as well as to conference
registrants. Participants who wish to become members of TEI (there are
institutional, project, and individual options) should consult the TEI
Consortium Web site:
Registration Deadline
In order to plan appropriately for workshops, we need to know the number of
registrants well in advance: please register by April 15th. Late
registrations for workshops will be accepted only on a space-available basis.
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 06:44:50 +0000
From: Steven Krauwer <>
Subject: EACL2003 Workshop Programme, April 13-14
EACL 2003 in Budapest, April 12-17, 2003
Workshop Programme and Call for Participation
Important dates:
Workshop dates: Apr 13-14, 2003
Conference dates: Apr 12-17, 2003
Important URLs:
Main conference:
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Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 06:44:04 +0000
From: Ray Siemens <>
Subject: Summer Institute - Creating Electronic Texts - David Seaman
Announcing the Seventh Summer Institute at the University of New
Brunswick / Fredericton / New Brunswick / Canada
Creating Electronic Texts and Images -- a practical "hands-on"
exploration of the research, preservation and pedagogical uses of
electronic texts and images in the humanities.
DATES: August 24-29, 2003
INSTRUCTOR: David Seaman, Director, Digital Library Federation
PLACE: University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
Sponsored by the Electronic Text Centre at the University of New
Brunswick Libraries and the Department of Archives and Special
The course will centre around the creation of a set of electronic texts
and digital images. Topics to be covered include:
. XML tagging and conversion
. Using the Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines
. Ebooks
. The basics of archival imaging
. The form and implications of XML
. Publishing XML on the World Wide Web
. EAD - Encoded Archival Descriptions
The course is designed primarily for librarians and archivists who are
planning to develop electronic text and imaging projects, for scholars who
are creating electronic texts as part of their teaching and research, and
for publishers who are looking to move publications to the Web.
Course participants will learn how to create TEI encoded XML files from a
selection of manuscripts from UNB's Archives and Special Collections; and,
then, how to turn these XML files automatically into multiple formats,
including HTML, PDF, and EBook. Participants will also have the
opportunity to tag an EAD finding aid and explore issues in creating
digital images. The work of the class will be made available on the
Internet through the Electronic Text Centre at the University of New
Brunswick Libraries' Web Page.
[material deleted]
You may also obtain further information by contacting Karen Kilfillen
( or 506-453-4740). Information on prior institutes,
including comments from participants, is available at:, under the heading of
Educational Initiatives.
AS OF APRIL 1, you will be able to use our Web Registration Form located
[material deleted]
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 06:46:18 +0000
From: Steven Krauwer <>
Subject: ESS2003: Language and Speech Technology for Language Learning
The 11th ELSNET Summer School on Language and Speech Communication
Topic: Language and Speech Technology in Language Learning
Lille (France), Monday July 7 - Friday July 18, 2003
Organized by the University of Lille 3
We are happy to announce that registration for the 11th ELSNET Summer
School is now open. For this school we have chosen a topic of great
relevance to researchers and developers in Europe and in other
multilingual environments: the use of language and speech technology
in language learning, both of spoken and of written language. The goal
of this workshop is to get young researchers on a track that will
eventually contribute to an important application area. The underlying
vision (or dream) is The automatic animated language tutor.
+ Audience and aims:
We see the school as mainly research and development oriented, and
hence the primary audience are researchers, developers and integrators
who will make our vision happen (rather than teachers who would use
it). Both technological and pedagogical aspects will be taken into
The aims are:
* to make the students familiar with the main principles and
problems of language learning/teaching
* to make them familiar with current best practice in computer
assisted language learning
* to make them familiar with the main challenges in computer
assisted language learning
Participants are expected to have a general computational background
and some familiarity with language or speech research and/or
processing. After completion of the summer school participants should
be able to function in teams aimed at designing or implementing tools,
environments or courses for Computer Assisted Language Learning
(abbreviated CALL).
+ Course programme:
The provisonal programme is available at
[material deleted]
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 06:48:05 +0000
Subject: NINCH COPYRIGHT TM: Creating Museum IP Policy: Portland,
Oregon, May 22
News on Networking Cultural Heritage Resources
from across the Community
March 17, 2003
Creating Museum IP Policy in a Digital World
Co-sponsored by the Canadian Heritage Information Network
and the Intellectual Property Section of the Oregon State Bar
at the 2003 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Museums
Doubletree Hotel Portland Lloyd Center, Portland, Oregon
Thursday May 22, 9am-4pm
Registration Required with AAM: $75
[Workshop 64: Intellectual Property Workshop]
* Advance Registrations Must Be Received By April 18 *
After April 18, Registrations (if available) only on-site
* * * *
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