editing and censoring, cont. (74)

Tue, 28 Mar 89 20:46:01 EST

Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 774. Tuesday, 28 Mar 1989.

(1) Date: Tue, 28 Mar 89 07:45:00 EST (29 lines)
From: N.J.Morgan@vme.glasgow.ac.uk
Subject: Re: editing and censoring, cont. (55)

(2) Date: Tue, 28 Mar 89 11:08 EDT (13 lines)
From: Peter D. Junger <JUNGER@CWRU>
Subject: Giampapa's suggestion

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 89 07:45:00 EST
From: N.J.Morgan@vme.glasgow.ac.uk
Subject: Re: editing and censoring, cont. (55)

I have been in agreement with Willard McCarty on the subject of
moderating HUMANIST. However I'm a little concerned that
suddenly we are being asked to follow the model of a scholarly

As such, it is just like a journal. [Amsler]

HUMANIST can and should be scholarly, but as an "electronic seminar"
[McCarty] it should not be tied down by the discipline that
journals and their editors (often, I suspect power crazed) tend
to wield.

I neither think nor suspect that Willard is power crazed. I'm just
anxious that we don't lose our to now obvious and delightful
spontaniety of thought and wit.

And why, as an endnote, all these Milton quotations ? If we HUMANISTS
really want cogent thought from the 17th century on the tensions
between discipline and the freedom of the spirit I suggest
they take a look at Friends' literature, which is often obsessed
with the same concerns.

Nicholas Morgan
Scottish History
University of Glasgow
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------17----
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 89 11:08 EDT
From: Peter D. Junger <JUNGER@CWRU>
Subject: Giampapa's suggestion

I believe that Giampapa's suggestion can be implemented with
little or no extract work. Anyone proposing a topic deemed not
to fall within the domain of HUMANIST should be allowed to post
a notice on HUMANIST briefly describing the topic and the _sender's_
e-mail address. All requests to receive the material would have to
be sent to the sender of the notice. This would not involve the
HUMANIST listserver in any way.

Peter Junger--CWRU Law School--Cleveland, OH 44106--bitnet: JUNGER@CWRU

[A comment. If someone replies to such a notice, as is probable, by
hitting the "reply" key, then the new note will be sent to me. Since
I'm not (contra Sebastian) blessed or cursed with divine powers,
I may not recognize this misdirected reply as such. I will be puzzled.
If I'm feeling bloody-minded, I may just delete the note summarily --
may it not be so! If I'm feeling kindly towards the world, as I very
much hope is always the case, I will root around to discover
the original posting, then forward the message, thus spending time I
don't have. In either case, the likely result in the long term is that
Humanist suffers. Perhaps, however, I'm just being melancholic. We
could always try this and see what happens. --W.M.]