program for NB-users (55)
Tue, 28 Mar 89 20:44:17 EST
Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 773. Tuesday, 28 Mar 1989.
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 89 16:53:38 CST
From: Richard Goerwitz <>
Subject: labels in Nota Bene
Often when I write long papers using Nota Bene, revisions leave many
stranded labels and references to labels. I wrote a small program that
outputs a list of stranded labels (labels without any references to
them) and stranded references (references pointing to a label that doesn't
exist). The program is written in Icon.
Since e-mail doesn't permit me to send 8-bit codes, you'll need to
change every instance of % into a right-hand European quotation mark,
and every instance of @ ("at" sign) into a left-hand European quotation
mark. Cut the junk off up to the dotted line. The program does about
100k of text per minute on an old 8088 PC compatible.
procedure main()
lbtbl := table()
while line := !&input do {
line ? {
while tab(find("%LB")+3) do {
label := map(tab(find("@")))
/lbtbl[label] := set()
line ? {
while value := (tab(find("%RE")+1), ="RE" || tab(any('FCP'))) do {
label := map(tab(find("@")))
/lbtbl[label] := set()
lblst := sort(lbtbl,3)
every i := 1 to *lblst by 2 do {
("lb" == !lblst[i+1], match("re",!lblst[i+1])) & next
writes(lblst[i]," ")
every writes(!lblst[i+1]," ")
write("execution time = ", &time / 1000)