Tools for Humanists (35)

Wed, 15 Feb 89 21:23:58 EST

Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 613. Wednesday, 15 Feb 1989.

Date: 15 February 1989
From: Willard McCarty <>
Subject: Tools for Humanists: the door is not yet closed

Most of you will know about the software and hardware fair, Tools for
Humanists, that I am organizing in conjunction with the ALLC/ICCH
conference to be held here in Toronto this June. I was unpleasantly
surprised yesterday to learn that one potential exhibit in the fair, and
a particularly interesting one, had not been proposed because the person
in charge thought that she was too late to make a proposal. My soft
deadline, 1 February, has passed, but in the next two weeks I will still
be able to entertain suggestions. We have a goodly number of quite
promising exhibits, but there is still room in the room.

Remember, there will be scheduled exhibits and a "Hacker's Corner" where
anyone can test or demonstrate software. Only those who have scheduled
exhibits will be able to get information about their work in the
guidebook, however, so the extra effort is worth it.

Please don't bushel-hide any genuine light. It's quite challenging to
exhibit software to a large crowd of knowledgeable colleagues, but the
suggestions provoked and interest generated can be invaluable.

Send me a note if you wish an application form.

Willard McCarty