announcements (257)

Wed, 15 Feb 89 21:05:59 EST

Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 612. Wednesday, 15 Feb 1989.

(1) Date: Tue, 14 Feb 89 21:38:51 CST (35 lines)
From: Mark Olsen <>
Subject: ARTFL Project

(2) Date: Wed, 15 Feb 89 09:28:42 CST (14 lines)
From: "Kevin L. Cope" <ENCOPE@LSUVM>
Subject: Appreciations

(3) Date: Wed, 15 Feb 89 09:44 EDT (24 lines)
From: Joe Giampapa <GIAMPAPA@brandeis.bitnet>
Subject: LIPADIT

(4) Date: Wed, 15 Feb 89 17:46:40 -0200 (48 lines)
From: onomata@bengus (nissan ephraim)
Subject: International Journal of Expert Systems

(5) DATE: Tuesday, February 14, 1989, 22:11:50 MST (103 lines)
FROM: John J. Hughes <XB.J24@Stanford.BITNET>
SUBJECT: Job Advertisement

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 89 21:38:51 CST
From: Mark Olsen <>

ARTFL Project

PhiloLogic and MacPhilo Release

We are releasing our new access software to the Treasury of the French
Language in the next day or so (depending on printer speed:-).

PhiloLogic is a full text system that can search on some or all of the
database of 2000 French texts and can send results to users by download,
e-mail, and FTP as well as hard copy printing. It supports word list
management, sub-string searching, on-line help, and limited (at this
time) proximity searching. We have two full screen interfaces.
PhiloLogic runs on any terminal or terminal emulator, such as the
VT100. MacPhilo runs on the Macintosh and makes full use of the Macintosh
graphics interface. You can access PhiloLogic via telephone lines or
through INTERNET using the telnet protocol.

HUMANISTs who would like to look at PhiloLogic (and MacPhilo) should
contact me. We have set up a guest account for testing and demonstation
purposes. I would be very interested in getting the reactions of
individuals whose primary interest is French language and literature
as well as those interested in full text retrieval.

Mark Olsen
ARTFL Project
Romance Languages
Univerity of Chicago

(2) --------------------------------------------------------------18----
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 89 09:28:42 CST
From: "Kevin L. Cope" <ENCOPE@LSUVM>
Subject: Appreciations

I'd like to thank all of those who took time to respond to my question concern-
ing e-mail nodes of greater length than eight characters. I received a great
many replies, both on and off the HUMANIST network--so many, in fact, that I'm
resorting to this general statement of appreciation rather than writing to each
contributor individually. I'm now in the process of presenting these solutions
to the genii of our computer laboratory; I expect that some of them will work
on our system.

One again, thanks for your help! Cordially, KEVIN L. COPE (ENCOPE@LSUVM)
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------28----
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 89 09:44 EDT
From: Joe Giampapa <GIAMPAPA@brandeis.bitnet>
Subject: LIPADIT

"LInguistic PApers DIstribution Tilburg is a student initiative to distribute
papers on generative linguistics on the electronic network. It is a pure pre-
publication service. All available papers are final drafts as submitted, or
ready to be submitted, for publication on paper. Papers are deleted from
the database as soon as they appear in a journal or book."

Currently there is no charge for membership, but the posting explains that
there will be a $10 membership fee in the future.

The file is rather large, and I have not made it through to the info about
how to subscribe. However, any HUMANISTs who are interested may send me
e-mail and I will forward the posting to them.


Just an asside: are there any art critics who are a part of HUMANIST?

(4) --------------------------------------------------------------52----
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 89 17:46:40 -0200
From: onomata@bengus (nissan ephraim)

The "International Journal of Expert Systems: Research & Applications"
(ESRA) is now in its Vol. 2 (1989).
In Vol. 1, some papers on Natural-Language Processing have been published.
There has been a special issue completely devoted to the topic.

Inquiries on subscription should be directed to:
JAI Press Inc., P.O. Box 1678, Greenwich, Connecticut 06836-1678, U.S.A.

Submissions are invited, as far as AI is involved. Six copies of submitted
papers should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief: Mehdi T. Harandi,
130 Digital Computer Laboratory, Department of Computer Science,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1304 West Springfield Avenue,
Urbana, Illinois 61801, U.S.A. Submittors from Europe can send papers
either to the above address, or to the Associate Editor for Europe:
Ephraim Nissan, Department of Mathematics & Computer Science,
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel.

Editor-in-Chief: Mehdi T. Harandi
Associate Editors: Veronica Dahl, Makoto Nagao, Ephraim Nissan, David C. Rine

Editorial Board:

Bruce W. Ballard, Daniel G. Bobrow, Nick Cercone, William J. Clancey,
Norbert Cot, Michael G. Dyer, Lee Erman, Larry Fagan, J.D. Foley,
Charles L. Forgy, Mark Fox, Herve' Gallaire, Michael P. Georgeff,
Aravind Joshi, Abraham Kandel, Kamal Karna, Larry Kerschberg,
Casimir A. Kulikowski, Jean-Louis Lauriere, Giorgio Levi, Leon S. Levy,
Alan K. Mackworth, David D. McDonald, Perry Miller, Jack Minker,
Sanjay Mittal, Ugo Montanari, Tim O'Shea, Jacques Pitrat, Lucas Pun,
J. Ross Quinlan, Jean-Claude Rault, C.K. Riesbeck, J. Alan Robinson,
Azriel Rosenfeld, Andrew P. Sage, Derek Sleeman, Reid G. Smith,
Elliot Soloway, Marco Somalvico, Steve Tanimoto, Sholom M. Weiss,
Yorick Wilks, Lotfi A. Zadeh, Carlo Zaniolo.

Advisory Board:

J.-P. Aubert, Ronald Brachman, Eugene Chouraqui, Marco Colombetti,
Franco Di Primio, Amitava Dutta, Steven J. Fenves, Peter Friedland,
Brian R. Gaines, Francesco Gardin, Helen M. Gigley,
John F. Gilmore, Martin C. Golumbic, Giovanni Guida, Anoop Gupta,
Sture Hagglund, Bruce Hohne, Arie Kaufman, Yves Kodratoff,
Ramon Lopez de Mantaras, Mark S. Monmonier, Constantin Virgil Negoita,
Istvan Orci, Thomas Pierce, Henry Prade, Kenneth Preiss,
Hans-Jorg Schek, Maria Simi, Alan Solomon, Leon Sterling, Franco Turini,
Beverly Woolf, Gian Piero Zarri.
(5) --------------------------------------------------------------106---
DATE: Tuesday, February 14, 1989, 22:11:50 MST
FROM: John J. Hughes <XB.J24@Stanford.BITNET>
SUBJECT: Job Advertisement

------------------------JOB DESCRIPTION------------------------

The Zondervan Corporation, a subsidiary of Harper & Row, has
developed an Electronic Publishing Division and is about to
release its first major software product. Other products are in
the works, and the division is looking for someone to fill the
position of Director of Product Management. The division has
strong growth potential.

Anyone who might have an interest in this position should contact
Tom Mockabee, Assistant Director of Human Resources, The
Zondervan Corporation, 1415 Lake Dr. S.E., Grand Rapids, MI
49506; (616) 698-3346. A job description follows.


Education: College graduate

Experience: Minimum of two years experience in microcomputer
application development, with experience in design, project
management, testing, and version control. Background in
structured design preferred. Experience programming in C and

Other Qualifications:

Able to:

-Creatively analyze problems and develop new ideas or solutions.
-Listen well and communicate clearly.
-Plan, organize, and coordinate activities independently or as
part of a team.
-Demonstrate self-confidence and positive attitude toward self
and others.

Job Title: Director of Product Management

Duties and Responsibilities:

General: Responsible for the management of technical issues
concerning electronic publishing products.


-Participate in the development of standards and design of
electronic products
-Manage product development and quality control with contract
-Manage product support systems and revision control
-Perform product testing on new products (black box and white
-Assist with text processing and program development


This position is one of three key positions for electronic
publishing. This individual will have to wear a variety of hats
as this division begins to develop its product line, but
ultimately this person will be a key manager, not merely a
programmer. He or she will be involved in establishing
text-formatting standards, foreign-language display, and large
databases design. It will be important that he or she be able to
quickly understand approaches presented by other programmers to
these issues and then to participate as part of the Zondervan
management team by detailing the strengths and weaknesses of the
various approaches.

Zondervan uses many contract programmers to fulfill much of their
programming needs. The person in this position will play a
significant role in defining product specifications so that work
will proceed quickly and smoothly with a minimum of time and
expense. People and project management skills will be important
in directing and controlling product development. Quality control
of work done by contract programmers is a key element of this
work. There will be opportunity to be involved in both testing
and aspects of coding as a project enters the final push to
completion. The control of all software revisions will be the
responsibility of this individual.

Products that are on the market will have phone support. This
individual will oversee this effort, providing training and a
more technical level of support.

Since Zondervan products deal with biblical materials, a
background in this area would be helpful. This is a secondary
concern, but awareness of the Bible, the role of commentaries,
textual issues, and some awareness of foreign languages
(particularly Greek and Hebrew) will speed the design of products
to the Zondervan standard.

This individual will be part of the Electronic Publishing
management meetings and will play a role in marketing, budget,
development, and operation decisions.