Humanist Discussion Group

Humanist Archives: May 16, 2024, 7:12 a.m. Humanist 38.7 - events: historical networks (Lausanne); diversity &c. (Verona)

              Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 38, No. 7.
        Department of Digital Humanities, University of Cologne
                      Hosted by DH-Cologne
                Submit to:

    [1]    From: Martin Grandjean <>
           Subject: Historical Network Research Conference 2024: final program and registration (194)

    [2]    From: Stefano Bazzaco <>
           Subject: DAIDH2024 Congress - programme (16)

        Date: 2024-05-15 11:55:32+00:00
        From: Martin Grandjean <>
        Subject: Historical Network Research Conference 2024: final program and registration

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the final program for the "Historical Network
Research 2024" conference is now online here: 

This event, which will take place in Lausanne from 8 to 10 July, will bring 
together people interested in the application of network analysis to the historical 
sciences. In addition to some 40 contributions, the programme includes plenary 
lectures by Mathieu Jacomy, Claire Lemercier and Marten Düring. The event will 
be held in English and French.

Registration for the conference is free, and it is also possible to follow it

We look forward to seeing many of you in Lausanne or online in July!
Best regards,
Martin Grandjean


Monday 8 July

Monday 8 July will consist of two workshops, followed by the opening plenary
session. Registration for the workshops is independent of the conference:

9:00-12:30 WORKSHOP 1
Visual Network Analysis
• Mathieu Jacomy

14:00-17:30 WORKSHOP 2
Historical network analysis with nodegoat
• Pim van Bree and Geert Kessels

18:00-19:30 PLENARY A
Opening keynote: “Irreductionist network visualization”
• Mathieu Jacomy

Tuesday 9 July
9:00-10:30 PLENARY B
Opening session
• Martin Grandjean
HNR Keynote
• Marten Düring

SESSION 1: Long papers
• Networks of Confessional Affiliation: Religious Choice and the Schism of
• Jaap Geraerts, Demival Vasques Filho
• Emerging Maximilian: temporal co-occurrences network analysis of people
mentioned in Regesta Imperii XIII
• Marcella Tambuscio, Daniel Luger, Georg Vogeler
• Inclusive institutions? Access to political power in the city of Tainan (Fort
Zeelandia) in Dutch Formosa (1655-1662)
• Maarten F. Van Dijck
SESSION 2: Long papers
• Le marché foncier à Lausanne au 19e siècle. Mutations et réseaux des
• Lucas Rappo
• Communicating about communication: Using graph comics to explore communication
networks in letters of Early Romanticism
• Elena Suárez Cronauer, Aline Deicke, Laura Fath
• Levantine Transitions. A Social Network Approach to Elite Formation in Urban
Egypt, 1890-1914
• Gert Huskens, Jan Vandersmissen, Christophe Verbruggen, Julie Birkholz

SESSION 3: Long papers
• Les réseaux urbains lyonnais pendant la guerre civile (1589-1594)
• Graziella Gentet
• ‘Our Maist Speciall Freindis’: Using historical network analysis to study clan
structures in early modern Scotland
• Katharina Pruente
• The Diplomatic Networks of Ancient Athens: The Evidence from the Decrees
• Silvan Auf der Maur
SESSION 4: Short papers
• Religious Networks in Late Babylonian Period (RelNet)
• Rocio Da Riva
• Archaeological networks in pre-Roman Italy: approaching new visual
• Tayla Newland
• Beyond nodegoat: a critical look at historical network research workflows
• Pim van Bree, Geert Kessels
• Visualization of Early Islamicate Scholars’ Network
• Tuba Nur Saraçoğlu
• Representing discourses as networks: potential applications of TheSu XML in
network analysis for the history of ideas and science
• Daniele Morrone

SESSION 5: Long papers
• Analysing artistic network of the Basilian order in Eighteenth-Century Poland-
Lithuania: a digital humanities approach
• Tomasz Panecki, Melchior Jakubowski
• Integrating library and prosopographical data in the early modern publication
network of the University of Louvain (1501-1797)
• Rossana Scebba, Margherita Fantoli
SESSION 6: Short papers
• Viewsari: New Perspectives on Historical Network Analysis in Giorgio Vasari’s
The Lives Using Knowledge Graphs
• Sarah Rebecca Ondraszek, Harald Sack, Etienne Posthumus
• Shaping British Digital Art: the Global Network of the Computer Arts Society,
• Pita Arreola, Jin Gao, Bonnie Buyuklieva
• The assistance of the Church to the Jews in Milan during the Second World War
• Chiara Bonomelli
• Finance, business and Cultural Cold War: exploring transatlantic
associationism’s networks in post-war Italy
• Giulia Clarizia

Wednesday 10 July
SESSION 7: Long papers
• Gender diversity in the historical networks of Soviet film production
• Vejune Zemaityte, Mila Oiva, Ksenia Mukhina, Aaron Schecter, Noshir S
Contractor, Maximilian Schich
• Tracing the Network Continuity: From the Socialist to the Communist Women’s
Movement (1907-1934)
• Minja Bujakovic
• The transfer of German pedagogical knowledge to Turkey through Turkish
educators in the Early Republican Era: A historical social network study in the
field of transnational education
• Seyma Aksoy
SESSION 8: Long papers
• L’analyse de réseaux pour l’étude des coopérations intergouvernementales : le
cas du Bureau International d’Éducation (1929-1952)
• Émeline Brylinski
• Visual Exchanges as a Network: The Case of Avant-Garde Periodicals
• Nicola Carboni
• The networked geography of a newspaper
• Zef Segal

SESSION 9: Long papers
• Exploring Biographical Networks of Person Objects from Newspaper Clippings in
Herder Institute
• Erdal Ayan
• Interactive Visualization of Linked Open Data Networks Representing Historical
• Sepideh Alassi
• Visualising Bibliographical Data on Polish Literature after 1989
• Maciej Maryl
SESSION 10: Short papers
• Networks of Displacement: Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Post-WWII Migration
and Resettlement
• Konstantin Schischka
• High Density = High Citations? Approaches for Tracking Knowledge Evolution
• Raphael Schlattmann, Malte Vogl, Aleksandra Kaye
• Complex networks allow a quantitative analysis of historical networks by data
mining the Wikipedia corpus
• Gustavo A. Schwartz
• Geospatial Network of Internees in Switzerland during the Second World War - A
Proof of Concept
• Nóirín Ailis Rice
• Containing complexity: Networks of expertise and the emergence of genetic
epidemiology, 1900-1990
• Carolina Mayes, Rhodri Leng

SESSION 11: Long papers
• Networks and textual production during the Middle Ages (12th-15th centuries)
• Pierre Lebec, Stéphane Lamassé
• Modéliser les réseaux de pouvoir de la fin du Moyen Âge
• Raphaël Carbonne
• Network hermeneutics: exploring the meaning of a source using network
analysis, case of inquisitorial protocols from 14th century Stettin
• Kaarel Sikk, Välimäki Reima, David Zbíral
SESSION 12: Short papers
• Mapping Anglo-Swiss Travel Writing in the 17th and 18th Century
• Stefanie Heeg
• Using citation networks for viewpoint plurality assessment of historical
literary corpora: The case of the Medieval Rabbinic corpus
• Maayan Zhitomirsky-Geffet, Nati Ben-Gigi, Binyamin Katzoff, Jonathan Schler
• Gouverner à distance : analyse d’un réseau d’espionnage contre-révolutionnaire
dans l’Europe de la Révolution et de l’Empire napoléonien
• Karine Rance, Aurelia Vasile
• Mapping the networks of the Accademia dei Nobili della Giudecca: a sous-champ
of the 18th Venetian Reforming Era
• Filippo Soramel, Bastien Tourenc
• Radical translators (Britain, France and Italy, 1789-1815) through the lens of
a network visualisation
• Miguel Vieira, Arianna Ciula, Rosa Mucignat, Sanja Perovic

16:00-17:30 PLENARY C
Closing keynote
• Claire Lemercier
Closing remarks and next HNR conference announcement

        Date: 2024-05-15 16:05:50+00:00
        From: Stefano Bazzaco <>
        Subject: DAIDH2024 Congress - programme

---- sorry for cross-posting ----

Dear all,
we are pleased to announce the final programme of the International
Congress "Diversity, Accessibility and Inclusion in the Digital text and
Cultural Heritage: Challenges and Perspectives" (DAIDH2024), that will take
place in Verona University from 22nd to 24th of May.

More information about the congress can be found here

Participants can attend to the congress in person or by zoom (link in the
attached programme).

Stefano Bazzaco and the congress committee

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