Humanist Discussion Group

Humanist Archives: March 14, 2025, 5:48 a.m. Humanist 38.401 - events: workshop on digital archives in HPS (Nancy)

              Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 38, No. 401.
        Department of Digital Humanities, University of Cologne
                      Hosted by DH-Cologne
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        Date: 2025-03-13 14:43:31+00:00
        From: Pierre Willaime <>
        Subject: Workshop Digital Archives, 25-26 March 2025, Nancy, France

Workshop Digital Archives in History and Philosophy of Sciences

    25-26 March 2025, Nancy, France

In-person event only.

This workshop is a dialogue between various digital humanities projects
in philosophy, logic, and the history of science. Its goal is to discuss
methodology, digital edition, and scientific exploitation using
computational tools. The presentations come from:

  * The Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen (WAB)
  * The project "Heinrich Scholz and the School of Münster –
    Mathematical Logic and Foundational Research" at the University of
  * Digital Humanities projects of Archives Henri-Poincaré (AHP) at the
    University of Lorraine

Organized by: Andrew Arana & Pierre Willaime with the support of
project Insight (LUE) and AHP.

Conferences will take place on March 25 and are opened to everyone. They
will be followed by invitation-only discussions on potential
partnerships for digital archives projects in the morning of March 26.

Program online (always up-to-date):

    March 25, 2025


Venue: Maison de la recherche, 23 rue Baron-Louis, Nancy

/09:00 Welcome coffee/

09:25 Opening by Andrew Arana, Director of Archives Henri-Poincaré

Chair: Andrew Arana

09:30-10:00 Laurent Rollet (AHP) & Pierre Willaime (AHP): "Exploring
the Henri Poincaré Archives: Feedback and Sustainability"

10:00-10:30 Alois Pichler (Bergen): "WAB's Wittgenstein Ontology and
Semantic Faceted Search and Browsing (SFB) of the Wittgenstein Corpus"

/10:30-11:00 Break/

Chair: Laurent Rollet

11:00-11:30 Olivier Bruneau (AHP) & Yannis Addi (AHP): "Integrating
and modeling knowledge within the PatriMaths project"

11:30:12:00 Joseph Wang-Kathrein (Innsbruck): "Data Models and
Software Architecture for Digital Editions"

/12:00-13:30 Lunch/

Chair: Olivier Bruneau

13:30-14:00 Felix Oepping (Münster) & Niko Strobach (Münster):
Imagine. A vision of Heinrich Scholz online

14:00-14:30 Mélusine Rocher (AHP): Digital exploitation of
mathematical archives: N. Bourbaki's case"

14:30-15:00 Monja Reinhart (Münster): "Leibnizians of all countries
unite! Entangled paths from Poincaré to Münster"

/15:00-15:30 Break/

15:30-16:00 Round-table

    March 26, 2025

Venue : Archives Henri-Poincaré, 91 avenue de la Libération, Nancy


09:00 Welcome

09:15-10h15 : Discussions -How to collaborate and share on digital
editions and digital archives?

/10:15-10:30 Break & Tour of Archives Henri-Poincaré/

10:30-11:30 : Discussions - What levers and funding options are
available for international collaborations in digital humanities?

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