Humanist Discussion Group

Humanist Archives: Jan. 8, 2025, 7:55 a.m. Humanist 38.306 - events: museology; corpus linguistics

              Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 38, No. 306.
        Department of Digital Humanities, University of Cologne
                      Hosted by DH-Cologne
                Submit to:

    [1]    From: Stefano Gulizia <sgulizia@GMAIL.COM>
           Subject: History of Scholarship and the Global Imagination, Vera Keller, 13 January (43)

    [2]    From: Marinella Testori <>
           Subject: Fwd: [Corpora-List] starting 15 January: Open Advanced methods in corpus linguistics research group (49)

        Date: 2025-01-07 21:03:21+00:00
        From: Stefano Gulizia <sgulizia@GMAIL.COM>
        Subject: History of Scholarship and the Global Imagination, Vera Keller, 13 January

Dear friends and colleagues,

As a follow-up of ouronline Scientiae seminar series "History of
Scholarship and the Global Imagination", which we have been coordinating
with Stefano Gulizia and in cooperation with the Institute of
Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, we are glad to announce one more
talk. It will take place onJanuary 13, at 17:45 CET.

Our presenter will be Vera Keller (University of Oregon)who will
deliver a paper
Think Globally, Collect Locally: Johann Daniel Major//and Globally
imagined Museology


It is often assumed that early modern Europeans collected
objects from around the globe and inserted them into local, European
categories and epistemologies. That was the standard practice. However,
in theorizing the museum within a new intellectual discipline of
museology, Johann Daniel Major sought to counter customary practice.
Through/historia litteraria,/he and his peers researched global
knowledge practices throughout time as an instrument for intellectual
reform. One such practice was collecting. Major made the study of global
collecting and display practices the basis for new discipline he called
the/Tactics of Chambers/. Majoradvocated for local museums throughout
the world arranged according to shared epistemic principles as an
infrastructure for the collaborative worldwide pursuit of knowledge.

Below we are sending a Zoom link for this event. We are looking forward
to seeing you online. Please, note that the talk starts later than usual
and the Zoom link is different than usual.

With very best wishes for the new year,

Vladimír Urbánek and Stefano Gulizia

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 977 9923 7766
Passcode: 388154

        Date: 2025-01-07 15:48:11+00:00
        From: Marinella Testori <>
        Subject: Fwd: [Corpora-List] starting 15 January: Open Advanced methods in corpus linguistics research group

[Da: Brezina, Vaclav via Corpora <>]

Dear all,

The ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science, Lancaster
University offers an Open Advanced Methods in Corpus Linguistics research
group, which meets fortnightly online/in person.

We start on Wed 15 January 12-12.50pm UK time.

This is an informal meeting space for exchange of ideas on corpus
linguistics, methodology and science. This term we will be discussing:
Fundamental principles of (social) science.

Everybody is welcome.

Free registration:

Reading: McEnery & Brezina (2022). Fundamental Principles of Corpus
Linguistics.. CUP.


Wed 15/01/2025 12-12.50pm online and in person County South C89 – Research
and common sense. Chapter 1

Wed 29/01/2025 12-12.50pm online and in person County South C89 What is
science? Chapter 2

Wed 12/02/2025 12-12.50pm online and in person County South C89 How to do
science? Chapter 3

Wed 26/02/2025 12-12.50pm online and in person County South B89 What is
social science and the digital humanities? Chapter 4

Wed 12/03/2025 12-12.50pm online and in person County South B89 Forms and
functions Chapter 5

Wed 26/03/2025 12-12.50pm online and in person County South C89 Repetition
and replication Chapters 6-7

Professor Vaclav Brezina
Professor in Corpus Linguistics
Department of Linguistics and English Language
ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Lancaster University
Lancaster, LA1 4YD

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