Humanist Discussion Group

Humanist Archives: Dec. 23, 2024, 10:31 a.m. Humanist 38.293 - Solstitial greetings returned

              Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 38, No. 293.
        Department of Digital Humanities, University of Cologne
                      Hosted by DH-Cologne
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    [1]    From: maurizio lana <>
           Subject: Re: [Humanist] 38.291: Solstitial greetings (65)

    [2]    From: J.J. Naughton <>
           Subject: Re: [Humanist] 38.291: Solstitial greetings (18)

        Date: 2024-12-22 20:20:38+00:00
        From: maurizio lana <>
        Subject: Re: [Humanist] 38.291: Solstitial greetings

hi Willard,

i understand what you mean when you say “dream.” more and more often the
mailing lists that in the beginning were also called discussion lists
(!) are treated like bulletin boards, and when a topic of discussion
rarely appears the very strong tendency is to dialogue privately with
the person who posed the question. even in one of the mailing lists to
which i am subscribed, it happens that the very person who poses the
question writes “answer me in private.” i have found myself more than
once asking (if the thing concerned issues posed by me), or encouraging,
to keep open the dialogue in the mailing list.

I wonder why this bringing dialogue into private on issues that have
nothing private about them; especially since in the social media on the
contrary one puts all one's private in public.
this said, i think that we must keep pushing, and going, in the
direction of the 'genuine conversation'.


Il 21/12/24 09:28, Humanist ha scritto:
> Digital oldtimers here will know that as editor of Humanist I take the
> opportunity at the winter Solstice to muse on this medium and draw its
> calendar year to a close. After so long there's little news to report or
> summarise--my impossible dream for other, more public news services--but
> a Janus-like looking back and forward is not without its uses.
> After so long you might think I'd have put aside another dream, for a
> forum in which vigorous intellectual discussion is constant rather than
> sporadic. There are, as you know, so many ways of of letting off excess
> steam nowadays, but these other media are shaped in such a way that real
> discussion (Gadamer's 'genuine conversation') seldom happens in any of
> them. In its latter years the journal whose editorship I am putting down
> in a few days exposed me to the fire-hose of desperate attempts to get
> published anywhere, anyhow. Even that very small percentage of articles
> which made it through to publication in my journal were indeed journal
> articles, hardly in most if not all hands not conversational at all, but
> presentational, runs at a QED. At least those who do not have to worry
> about 'promotion' anymore hardly ever dare to be provocative, to get us
> thinking and talking back. That's what Humanist has always aimed
> at--and, I am happy to be able to say, what some here actually sometimes do.
> Yes, I know: the real world and the world as it actually is are
> radically different. But those who with wit, skill and intelligence give
> us a kick, get us talking back, do us a great service. This is to thank
> them and to encourage others to be similarly possessed.
> Many holidays at this darkest time of year in the Northern Hemisphere,
> celebrated also (to quote one of my most favourite authors from
> Downunder) in "the heat of Christmas". To everyone wherever Humanist
> reaches, I send greetings at a chilly sunrise


mentre percorreva il corridoio,
chiedeva di poter parlare
con un avvocato o con il consolato
testimone Delta, atto di chiusura delle indagini
della Procura di Roma sull'uccisione di Giulio Regeni

Maurizio Lana
Università del Piemonte Orientale
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
Piazza Roma 36 - 13100 Vercelli

        Date: 2024-12-22 08:30:28+00:00
        From: J.J. Naughton <>
        Subject: Re: [Humanist] 38.291: Solstitial greetings

Dear Willard

Thank you for that Solstitial message, and for your inspired editorship of ISR.
I just wanted to point out, as a daily reader of this newsletter, that your
provocations have regularly evinced the “wit, skill and intelligence”  necessary
get us talking back.  Thank you for them, and long may they continue!

Professor John Naughton
Senior Research Fellow, CRASSH
University of Cambridge

On 21 Dec 2024, at 08:30, Humanist <> wrote:

But those who with wit, skill and intelligence give
us a kick, get us talking back,

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