Humanist Discussion Group

Humanist Archives: May 23, 2024, 6:09 a.m. Humanist 38.13 - events cfp: computation of heritage contents (Melbourne)

              Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 38, No. 13.
        Department of Digital Humanities, University of Cologne
                      Hosted by DH-Cologne
                Submit to:

        Date: 2024-05-22 19:23:01+00:00
        From: Ronak Kosti <>
        Subject: [CFP] SUMAC 2024 - 6th Edition

Call for Papers

SUMAC 2024
6th ACM International workshop on analysiS, Understanding 
and proMotion of heritAge Contents

Advances in machine learning, signal processing, multimodal 
techniques and human-machine interaction

28 Oct or 1 Nov, 2024
Melbourne, Australia (attendance mode TBA)

In conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2024
Main conference:

Aims and scope

The ambition of SUMAC is to bring together researchers and 
practitioners from different disciplines to share ideas and methods 
on current trends in the analysis, understanding and
promotion of heritage contents. These challenges are reflected 
in the corresponding sub-fields of machine learning, signal processing, 
multi-modal techniques and human-machine interaction. We welcome 
research contributions for the following (but not limited to) topics:

   - Monomodal analysis: text, structured referentials, image, video, 3D,
   music, sensor data
   - Information retrieval for multimedia heritage
   - Automated archaeology and heritage data processing
   - Multi-modal deep learning and time series analysis for heritage data
   - Heritage modeling, visualization, and virtualization
   - Smart digitization and reconstruction of heritage data
   - Open heritage data and bench-marking

The scope of targeted applications is extensive and includes:

   - Analysis, archaeometry of artifacts
   - Diagnosis and monitoring for restoration and preventive conservation
   - Geosciences / Geomatics for cultural heritage
   - Education
   - Smart and sustainable tourism
   - Urban planning
   - Digital Twins

Important dates (AoE)

   - Paper submission: July 19, 2024

   - Author acceptance notification: August 5, 2024
   - Camera-Ready: August 19, 2024
   - Workshop date: TBA (28 Oct - 1 Nov, 2024)

Special Highlights

Best Paper Award. Following tradition, SUMAC 2024 will also be 
awarding a best paper award, accompanied with a certificate and 
a trophy.

Submission guidelines

Submission format. All submissions must be original work not under review
at any other workshop, conference, or journal. The workshop will accept 
papers describing completed work (full paper) as well as work in progress 
(short paper). Two submission formats are accepted:

a) 4 pages plus 1-page reference (short paper); or 
b) 8 pages plus up to 2-page reference (full paper). 

They must be encoded as PDF using the ACM Article Template of the main 
conference ACM Multimedia 2024 (

Peer Review and publication in ACM Digital Library. Paper submissions
must conform with the “double-blind” review policy. All papers will be 
peer-reviewed by experts in the field, they will receive at least two reviews. 
Acceptance will be based on relevance to the workshop, scientific novelty, 
and technical quality. Depending on the number, maturity and topics of the
accepted submissions, the work will be presented via oral or poster
sessions. The workshop papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library.


Valerie Gouet-Brunet (LaSTIG Lab / IGN - Gustave Eiffel University, France)
Ronak Kosti (Pattern Recognition Lab, FAU, Germany)
Li Weng (Zhejiang Financial College, China)

Looking forward to hearing from you at SUMAC!
The workshop organizers

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