Humanist Discussion Group

Humanist Archives: May 30, 2023, 6:02 a.m. Humanist 37.55 - nominations for EADH Board, 2023-2026

              Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 37, No. 55.
        Department of Digital Humanities, University of Cologne
                      Hosted by DH-Cologne
                Submit to:

        Date: 2023-05-29 18:15:57+00:00
        From: Fabio Ciotti <>
        Subject: Call for Nominations to EADH Executive Committee

Dear Madame/Sir,

You are receiving this email because you are a member of the European
Association for Digital Humanities (EADH).

The European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH) seeks to elect four
(4) board members for its Executive Committee for the term 2023-2026, and
now opens its Call for Nominations.

EADH highlights the importance of a diverse and representative Executive
Committee, and welcomes candidates from all backgrounds. For further
information, please see our diversity and inclusivity statement

For each person wishing to be nominated for election, the EADH Elections
Committee must receive the following three documents:

a) two nomination statements by EADH members (here, the proposers), stating
the name of the person they wish to nominate (that is, the nominee). The
name of the proposers and the nomination statements will not be made public;

b) a statement by the nominee, of no more than 200 words (links excluded),
expressing the willingness to stand for election. Statements longer than
200 words will be disregarded.

The statements of the proposers and the statement of the nominee must be
sent to no later than midnight, 9th June 2023 (GMT).

All nominees and proposers must be members in good standing: they must have
paid the 2023 membership fee of either EADH or an Associate Organisation
(DhD, AIUCD, DHNB, CzADH or DH Russia) no later than 14th May 2023,
otherwise the nomination will be invalid. Nominees are encouraged to
confirm this with their proposers in advance. Proposers may nominate only
one (1) nominee. Additional nominations received from the same proposer
will be considered invalid.

Voting will take place between 12 June and 5 July 2023 (GMT).  Statements
by the nominees will be a matter of public record during and after the
election. Nomination statements and the identity of the proposers will not
be made public.

Results will be announced at the EADH AGM at DH2023 in Graz.

Information about the formal structure of the Association can be found in
our Constitution <>.

Questions about serving on the EADH may be addressed confidentially to (Chair of the Elections Committee).

Best wishes,

The EADH Elections committee,
Anna-Maria Sichani
Silvie Cinková
Fabio Ciotti

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