Humanist Discussion Group

Humanist Archives: Dec. 19, 2023, 9:19 a.m. Humanist 37.353 - events: imaging mss. (Vercelli); digital editions (Passau)

              Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 37, No. 353.
        Department of Digital Humanities, University of Cologne
                      Hosted by DH-Cologne
                Submit to:

    [1]    From:  Helen Davies <hrdavies5@GMAIL.COM>
           Subject: Medieval Manuscripts in a Modern World (85)

    [2]    From: Georg Vogeler <>
           Subject: Call for Experiments for Workshop "Generative AI, LLMs and GPT in digital scholarly edition"@DHd2024 - Deadline 14.1.2024 (44)

        Date: 2023-12-19 08:29:06+00:00
        From:  Helen Davies <hrdavies5@GMAIL.COM>
        Subject: Medieval Manuscripts in a Modern World

Dear all,

This summer, we are leading a digital humanities summer institute in
Vercelli, Italy. This program is aimed to teach multispectral imaging,
3D modeling, and other digital humanities technologies, as well as
traditional manuscript skills such as codicology and paleography. The
summer program will take place and in collaboration with a renowned
archive of medieval manuscripts, which includes the famed Vercelli Book
and a large /Mappa Mundi/. We aim to make this program accessible to
graduate students, contingent faculty, and tenured/tenure-track faculty.
We are particularly interested in bringing together librarians,
archivists, grad students, and faculty. Please see the attached flyer
and blurb below for more information. I am happy to chat with anyone who
may be interested in joining us.  (apologies for cross-posting)

      The Center for the Study of Religion, Culture, and Society at Elon

The Center for Research Frontiers in the Digital Humanities at the
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

   The Museo del Tesoro di Duomo in Vercelli


Medieval Manuscripts in a Modern World: A Summer Digital Humanities
Institute in Vercelli, Italy

June 16th through June 22nd, 2024

Click here for
schedule, pricing, and more information _

The /Videntes//Imaging Collective/ is delighted to announce its 2024
Summer Digital Humanities Institute held in Vercelli, Italy: Medieval
Manuscripts in a Modern World. Participants will engage in five days of
workshops, lectures, and labs designed around materials held by the
Capitular Archives of Vercelli. In collaboration with the Museo del
Tesoro di Vercelli and the Capitular Archives this institute will engage
the use of traditional approaches to medieval texts such as codicology
and paleography alongside innovative technologies such as multispectral
imaging and photogrammetry, all with an eye towards using digital tools
for knowledge-sharing, such as VisColl and Digital Mappa. Participants
will learn about the DH project life cycle, meet like-minded
international scholars, and experience a truly collaborative DH team at

If you are a librarian, early career scholar, graduate student,
conservator, archivist, Digital Humanities enthusiast, click on the link
above to ensure you will be notified when registration opens.

The DH Institute will be led by:

   *     Dr. Helen Davies (University of Colorado Colorado Springs) Digital
     Humanities, Multispectral Imaging, Medieval Literature, Manuscript
   *     Dr. Evan Gatti (Elon University) Art History, Museum Studies and
     Public History
   *     Dr. Heather Wacha (University of Wisconsin) Medieval History,
     Manuscript Studies, Material Culture, Digital Humanities
   *     Katie Albers-Morris (University of Rochester) Medieval Literature,
     Digital Humanities, 3D Modeling, Manuscript Studies
   *     Dr. Silvia Faccin (Museo del Tesoro di Vercelli) Chief Curator of
     Manuscripts and Rare Books, Educational Services
   *     Dr. Sara Minelli (Museo del Tesoro di Vercelli) Chief Museum
     Curator, Documentation Services, Public Relations
   *     Dr. Gionata Brusa (Museo del Tesoro di Vercelli), Medieval Studies,
     Medieval Art, Liturgical Manuscripts and Early Printed Books

Thank you very much,

Helen Davies, PhD
Co-Director, Center for Research Frontiers in the Digital Humanities
Assistant Professor, Department of English
University of Colorado Colorado Springs

        Date: 2023-12-18 20:28:45+00:00
        From: Georg Vogeler <>
        Subject: Call for Experiments for Workshop "Generative AI, LLMs and GPT in digital scholarly edition"@DHd2024 - Deadline 14.1.2024

Apologies for writing in German, but the event happens at DHd2024 in
Passau, so main conference language is German:

Im Zuge unseres bevorstehenden Workshops “Generative KI, LLMs und GPT
bei digitalen Editionen” auf der Dhd24 <>,
lädt das Institut für Dokumentologie und Editorik (IDE) zur Einreichung
experimenteller Beiträge ein, die sich mit den Anwendungsmöglichkeiten
und Herausforderungen KI-basierter Tools wie GPT und Large Language
Models (LLMs) in digitalen Editionen auseinandersetzen. In diesem
Workshop sollen konkrete Anwendungsfälle präsentiert und diskutiert
werden, in denen GPT-4 oder alternative LL-Modelle auf Basis
unterschiedlichen Quellenmaterials für die vorgegebenen Szenarien
experimentell erprobt und hinsichtlich ihrer Potenziale, Grenzen,
Probleme sowie ethischen und theoretischen Implikationen diskutiert
werden, um darauf aufbauend anhand der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse zu
erörtern, welchen Einfluss diese Technologien auf die digitalen
Editionen der Zukunft haben könnten.

Wir starten daher einen Call for AI-Experiments zu jeglichen
Themenbereichen die im Zusammenhang mit digitalen Editionen stehen,
einschließlich (aber nicht beschränkt auf):

  * Überführung von unstrukturiertem Text (Transkription) in
    strukturierten Text (Markup)
  * Überführung von strukturiertem Text in explizite Datenstrukturen
  * Named Entity Recognition, Normalisierung und Anreicherung
  * Kontextspezifische Annotationen
  * Fehlermanagement und Datenkontrolle
  * Integration in Arbeitsabläufe
  * Planung, Konzeption und Evaluierung digitaler Editionen
  * Webentwicklung und Benutzeroberflächen
  * Fine Tuning, Prompt Tuning, Prompt Engineering und Vektordatenbanken

Um einen Beitrag einzureichen, senden Sie bitte eine halbseitige Skizze
und Link zum Chat-Protokoll (wenn möglich) an bis zum 14.
Januar 2024. Die Vorschläge werden von den Organisator:innen
(Mitgliedern des IDE) des Workshops begutachtet, die Benachrichtigung
über die Annahme erfolgt bis zum 26. Januar 2024.

Im Namen des IDE <>

Christopher Pollin, Alexander Czmiel, Stefan Dumont, Franz Fischer,
Christiane Fritze, Patrick Sahle, Thorsten Roeder, Torsten Schaßan,
Markus Schnöpf, Martina Scholger, Georg Vogeler

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