Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 36, No. 9. Department of Digital Humanities, University of Cologne Hosted by DH-Cologne Submit to: Date: 2022-05-13 10:50:15+00:00 From: David Zeitlyn <> Subject: Vestiges new issue announcement (2022) Dear all The editors are pleased to announce the publication of a new volume on the free- to-publish and open-access online journal ‘Vestiges: Traces of Record’ available from the web site Vestiges volume 8 (1) 2022 contains the following articles Contextes Historiques pour le travail de Maurice Ledoux Tietchac (1930-2002), photographe de la ville de Garoua Ibrahima Mohamadou 1-24 Extensions territoriales et interprétations fonctionnelles des mégalithes chez les Ti-bolgui (Mambay) de l’arrondissement de Bibémi au Nord-Cameroun Saïdou Abdou & Hassimi Sambo 25-43 Restituer le patrimoine ou le déporter de nouveau: quand « La route des chefferies du Cameroun » mène au Musée du Quai Branly- Jacques Chirac en 2022 Betzogo Etongo, Simona-Lévi; Miaché Evina, Champolion; Tchandeu, Narcisse Santores 44-58 Mégalithisme à Botko (Littoral Cameroun) (VIIIè Siècle AD) : Analyses Thermiques Préliminaires et Disposition Rituelle Ngo Mboua, Charlie 59-73 Nkolandom et ses Abris Sous Roche (Cameroun Meridional) : Étude Du Materiel Archéologique Et Occupations Humaines Depuis 3000 Ans. Par Jean-Robert Mandeng 74-99 Vestiges Biographical Notes Series A Biographical Sketch of Reverend Jonathan C. Yep, 1934-2018 Nadir A. Nasidi BN1- BN5 David Z for the editors -- David Zeitlyn, Professor of Social Anthropology (research). ORCID: 0000-0001-5853-7351 Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography University of Oxford, 51 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 6PF, UK. The Virtual Institute of Mambila Studies 2020 Monograph: Mambila Divination: Framing Questions, Constructing Answers (Routledge Studies in Anthropology) London: Routledge. ISBN 9780367199500 Paper on the intellectual genealogy of primatologists: "Perception, prestige and PageRank" David Zeitlyn, Daniel W. Hook | published 28 May 2019 PLOS ONE Online vizualisation Vestiges: Traces of Record Open Access Journal _______________________________________________ Unsubscribe at: List posts to: List info and archives at at: Listmember interface at: Subscribe at: