Humanist Discussion Group

Humanist Archives: Sept. 7, 2022, 6:19 a.m. Humanist 36.158 - attendance at scholarly events during the Pandemic?

              Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 36, No. 158.
        Department of Digital Humanities, University of Cologne
                      Hosted by DH-Cologne
                Submit to:

        Date: 2022-09-06 09:41:59+00:00
        From: Greta Boers <>
        Subject: Survey: Attending scholarly events during the Pandemic

Survey: Attending scholarly events during the Pandemic

This survey is designed for people who attended conferences and similar events
in ancient studies, archaeology, classical studies, digital humanities, medieval
studies, public history, and related fields from June 1st, 2017, to date. Its
purpose is to understand how the online/hybrid/blended formats used during the
pandemic might influence the organization of scholarly events in future, by
comparing attendance before and after it started.

What works? What doesn't? What recommendations and best practices would you
offer other people?

Please feel free to share the survey widely.  The more opinions, experiences,
and recommendations we gather, the more useful the results will be to everyone
in our communities. These will be aggregated, and the open-ended answers
summarized so that responses will not be recognized, though I may include
representative quotes in my findings.  The survey results will be shared on the
appropriate listservs.

This is the link to the survey:  Attending scholarly events during the
Pandemic <>

The survey will close on September 30th, 2022.  Please contact me if you have
any questions.

For your suggestions and insight, thank you: Dr. Gabriel Bodard (University of
London), Ms. Silvia Stopponi (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen), Dr. Hope Williard
(University of Lincoln); and my colleagues at Duke University: Ms. Joyce
Chapman, Dr. Tina LaChapelle, Mr. John Little, and Mr. Lee Sorensen.

All best,

Greta Gezina Boers
Librarian for Classical Studies and the Linguistics Program
Duke University Libraries, Box 90725
Durham, NC 27708
 t: 919.660.5864 f: 919.660.5999

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