Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 36, No. 105. Department of Digital Humanities, University of Cologne Hosted by DH-Cologne Submit to: Date: 2022-07-22 09:29:40+00:00 From: Franz FISCHER <> Subject: magazén - Call for Abstracts on "Relations" magazén | International Journal for Digital and Public Humanities Dear digital humanists The call for abstracts is now open for the 2023 volume of magazén which shall devote two semestral issues to the concept of ‘relations’ and how these relations are implemented, operationalised and analysed as interdependencies, links, and connections in practices of Digital and Public Humanities scholarship. The first deadline will be on September 30, 2022 for the abstract submission. Please find the call and all details below and at the following link: On behalf of the editorial team Franz Fischer -- Deadlines Abstract submission – September 30, 2022 Abstract acceptance – October 31, 2022 Articles submission – February 15, 2023 (issue 1) or July 15, 2023 (issue 2) Prospective publication – June 2023 (issue 1) and December 2023 (issue 2) Call for Papers | 2023 Topic: Relations magazén is accepting proposals to its 2023 volume, which shall devote two semestral issues of the Journal (June and December) to the concept of ‘relations’ and how these relations are implemented, operationalised and analysed as interdependencies, links, and connections in practices of Digital and Public Humanities scholarship. Be it through the construction of simple relational databases or by means of complex correlations of data, materials, immaterial aspects, and publics, the interdisciplinary field of Digital and Public Humanities truly strives on building relationships. Far from shutting themselves up in a lonesome ivory tower, scholars in this domain are prone to bridging experiences between different disciplines, interconnecting with diverse audiences for research and dissemination purposes, and linking computational models to cultural manifestations. Relations maintain a very humanistic character, as they form the immaterial structure onto which human societies are based. Indeed, transferred into a technological setting, the principle of relationship-building can be found as the core feature of interconnected data, authority files, user-centred design, usability, user-experience, audience interaction, and many more aspects that became an integral part of Digital and Public Humanities. The very act of building relations or putting things into relationship – be they technology and culture, scholars and audiences, data and materials – thus form the backbone of scholarly projects that came to define this research field. In Digital Textual Scholarship scholars can see the text as a hub, whose relations point in many directions. They can explore, formalise, visualise, and process its connections with paratexts, other texts, physical documents, places, people, concepts as well as with readers. In Digital and Public History it is possible to establish connections between sources, events, place, dates, or people, through a database, a network analysis map, or more generally the semantic web. In Public History also the relationship between the research and its public is crucial: the active or passive participation of the audience can affect questions, methodology and research outcomes in many different ways. Relations between archaeological contexts and spaces are key factors to decipher and investigate stratigraphic sequences and past landscapes in virtual reconstructions (i.e. extended matrix approach, archeoBIM, etc.) and GIS studies (i.e. viewshed analysis, least-cost path analysis, etc.). At the same time, the integration of different remote sensing techniques and expertises often provide significant results. In Digital and Public Art History subjects may address the connection between GLAM studies and the creative industries sector as well as the artistic productions, considering: the relation between public space and art historical environment, including different techniques of virtual reconstruction (3D modelling, gaming, VR360), the implementation of digital collections adopting the IIIF framework (iconography, diagnosis, descriptions), and multimedia solutions for data collection and accessibility. The implication of digital technologies in the preservation, management and interpretation of historical, cultural, and archaeological contexts is a way to make knowledge more accessible for different audiences. The engagement of society in participatory ways highlights the importance of creating dialogue, cohesion, identity, and sustainable development. Hence, for its 2023 volume magazén is set to examine in two semestral issues the concept of “Relations” as an intrinsic characteristic of Digital and Public Humanities. Scholars are particularly invited to submit contributions that span from theoretical debates to methodological reflections, also comprising the examination of particular case studies from the heterogeneous domains of Digital and Public History, Art History, Archaeology, Cultural Heritage and Textual Scholarship. Eventually, magazén’s volume 2023 will draw particular attention to the public aspects of such endeavours, given that successful research projects hold firm to the principle of audience involvement from their very inception, rather than having public interaction just as a late side-effect of scholarly work. For scholars interested in submitting a proposal, please send the provisional title, the abstract between 250-500 words together with a short biographical note and a possibly also provisional bibliography. The abstract should address the following questions: What kind of materials and humanistic research questions are concerned? What digital/public methods are employed and how do they tackle the research aims? If the prospective paper addresses a case study or a particular project, authors should please state whether it has been completed and already made available to the research community. All materials should be sent by September 30, 2022, via the submission portal on the editorial platform of our academic publisher Edizioni Ca’ Foscari. Notice of selection will be given to authors within four weeks from the submission deadline. Finalised contributions are expected to be 6,000-9,000 words long (notes and bibliography included) and will undergo double blind peer review. Accepted languages are Italian and English, though all texts must have an English abstract and stick to the ‘Editorial Guidelines’ of Edizioni Ca’ Foscari. Texts that should not comply with editorial guidelines or that the editors should deem linguistically inappropriate won’t be accepted. Please note that the journal does not offer language proof-reading services to the authors, who must also secure all copyright permissions (reproduction costs included) for images and other media. The deadline for all accepted articles is February 15, 2023, for issue 1 and July 15, 2023, for issue 2. Final publication of the first issue is planned by June 2023, while the second issue will be due in December 2023. For further details please contact the editorial board ( -- Franz Fischer Direttore, Venice Centre for Digital & Public Humanities (VeDPH) Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici Università Ca' Foscari Palazzo Malcanton Marcorà Dorsoduro 3484/D - 30123 Venezia Tel.: +39 041 234 6266 (ufficio), +39 041 234 9863 (segreteria del centro) _______________________________________________ Unsubscribe at: List posts to: List info and archives at at: Listmember interface at: Subscribe at: