Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 35, No. 640. Department of Digital Humanities, University of Cologne Hosted by DH-Cologne Submit to: [1] From: Lingel, Jessa <> Subject: 4S Open Panel on templates, formats and models (64) [2] From: gimena del rio riande <> Subject: Conference. Digital Humanities: Perspectives from the South (33) --[1]------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: 2022-04-05 13:56:59+00:00 From: Lingel, Jessa <> Subject: 4S Open Panel on templates, formats and models Please consider sending your work to our 4S Open Panel on templates, formats and models. Description and link below! Templates / Plantillas / Modelos: This panel explores the politics and poetics of templates. Like formats, protocols, and standards, templates can be found in nearly all domains of knowledge and practice, imposing uniformity, reducing complexity, and allowing for the proliferation of communicative and material forms. Templates are crucial to organization and work across a range of professions, including architecture, publishing, genetic engineering, and nursing. Accordingly, templates vary in degree of elaboration, institutionalization, visibility, and consequence. They surface in struggles over legitimacy, inclusion, and authenticity, if only to recede again into the technological unconscious. Templates establish norms of consistency and deviation, configuring our classifications and evaluations, our sense of sameness and difference, self and other. This panel solicits proposals in English, Spanish or Portuguese that grapple with templates across contexts and from a range of interpretive perspectives. Possible topics include, but are not limited to: * Templates as organizational, managerial, or bureaucratic technologies * The relationship between templates and other aesthetic classifications (e.g., genre or style) in film, architecture, music, literature, visual arts, etc. * “Template” as rhetorical device * Templates as representations of inequality * The use of templates in projects of carcerality and/or state violence * The role of templates in the history of computing * Templates in urban governance and planning * Templates as ludic and improvisational forms * Templates in finance, economics, or marketing * Templates in academic knowledge production, scientific discovery, or publishing Across these different topics, we are particularly interested in perspectives and analysis that draw from the Global South and/or BIPOC knowledge practices. Contact: Aaron Shapiro, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Jessa Lingel, University of Pennsylvania, Annenberg School for Communication Diogo Pereira Henriques, Aarhus University<>,<>,<> Keywords: template, standard, format, aesthetics, intellectual technologies Jessa Lingel {she/her/hers | associate professor} {Annenberg School for Communication} {core faculty | GSWS<>} {University of Pennsylvania} {tumblr<> | medium<>} --[2]------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: 2022-04-05 12:42:24+00:00 From: gimena del rio riande <> Subject: Conference. Digital Humanities: Perspectives from the South The Argentine Association of Digital Humanities/Asociación Argentina de Humanidades Digitales (AAHD) invites to participate in its Fifth International Conference: Digital Humanities. Perspectives from the South, to be held at Universidad Nacional del Comahue (National University of Comahue)-Facultad de Lenguas (Faculty of Languages ), General Roca city (Füskü Menuko, in Mapuche language), 17-10 November, 2022. The deadline for sending abstracts for short 15 minute paper presentations and workshops is May 31st, 2022. The languages for the conference are Spanish, English, and Portuguese. There will be additional workshops, networking events, keynotes and the possibility to engage in leisure activities to get to know the Patagonian region. The CFP can be found on our site at (CfP in English attached in landing page). Asociación Argentina de Humanidades Digitales ### Dra. Gimena del Rio Riande Investigadora Adjunta. IIBICRIT, CONICET (Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas y Crítica Textual) - <> Asociación Argentina de Humanidades Digitales: Coordinadora Humanidades Digitales CAICYT Lab: Twitter: @gimenadelr <> Marcelo T. de Alvear 1694 (1060). Buenos Aires - Argentina (54)-11-4129-1158 _______________________________________________ Unsubscribe at: List posts to: List info and archives at at: Listmember interface at: Subscribe at: