Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 35, No. 486. Department of Digital Humanities, University of Cologne Hosted by DH-Cologne Submit to: Date: 2022-01-25 01:25:20+00:00 From: <> Subject: labyrinths and mazes >> Re: [Humanist] 35.483: oracles and intelligence Willard Thank you for pointing to Italo Calvino’s lecture on ghosts and cybernetics. I have been able to locate an English version in which Calvino “towards the end of [his] little talk references the work of "German poet and critic Hans Magnus Enzensberger, "Topological Structures in Modern Literature, " which [he] read in the Buenos Aires magazine Sur (May-June 1966)" I am curious as to how many languages this Enzensberger essay traversed before landing in Calvino anglicized. I ask because one can technically distinguish between a maze and a labyrinth in some usages of English. [quote] A labyrinth has a single through-route with twists and turns but without branches. A maze is a confusing pathway that has many branches, choices of path and dead-ends. A labyrinth is not designed to be difficult to navigate. It may be long but there is only one path (unicursal). A maze is a tour puzzle and can be designed with various levels of difficulty and complexity. [cit] <> [/cit] [/quote] Back translations of “maze” yield: das Labyrinth and der Irrgarten. Whatever the sources of the Calvino quotation, he is read in English as saying: [quote] But these games of orientation are in turn games of disorientation. Therein lies their fascination and their risk. The labyrinth is made so that whoever enters it will stray and get lost. [cit] Calvino, Italo. (1986). The Uses of Literature. San Diego, New York, London. Harcourt Brace & Company (trans. Patrick Creagh) [/cit] [/quote] Granted one can “get lost” in a labyrinth i.e. disoriented as to its length. But I suggest that what is here in scope is a “maze” where wrong turns are easy to take. Happy for any philological or bibliographic pointers to illumine what is for me a mystery. Thank you, F François Lachance, Ph.d. @FranoisLachanc2 living in the beginning of the long 22nd century; sequencing the "future antérieur" . _______________________________________________ Unsubscribe at: List posts to: List info and archives at at: Listmember interface at: Subscribe at: