Humanist Discussion Group

Humanist Archives: Aug. 18, 2021, 6:57 a.m. Humanist 35.191 - events: who has access?

              Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 35, No. 191.
        Department of Digital Humanities, University of Cologne
                      Hosted by DH-Cologne
                Submit to:

        Date: 2021-08-17 11:35:53+00:00
        From: Tupman, Charlotte <C.Tupman2@EXETER.AC.UK>
        Subject: Call for Participation: Who Has Access to the Digital Humanities? Diversity and Inclusivity in DH in Ireland and the UK

Call for Participation

UK/IE Digital Humanities Network event

22 October 2021

Who has Access to the Digital Humanities? Diversity and Inclusivity in DH
in Ireland and the UK

The convenors of an AHRC/IRC funded project to undertake research and
consultation towards the implementation of a permanent Digital
Humanities association for the UK and Ireland (see list of team members
here: invite submissions from individuals
to co-create an event relating to DH and inclusion.

One of the dreams of information and communication technologies is that
of equitable and open access to information, to services, and to
opportunities.We know, of course, that this is only true on the surface,
and that technological systems tend to recreate the inequities of the
cultures and societies that build them.As such, the dream of the digital
humanities as a ‘big tent’ (that is, capacious, broad and inclusive) is
also one that we need to constantly query and challenge if the field is
to have a claim to being inclusive and diverse.

This is a particularly pressing issue as we explore the potential for a
regional DH network to support the use and promotion of DH methods in
the UK and Ireland.We would therefore like to ask our growing community
to co-create an event on the state of inclusivity in DH in our
countries, and how we might actively strive to improve from this
baseline. This virtual event will take place on 22nd October, 2021,
from 10AM-4PM.

Themes welcomed:

Access barriers come in many forms, and the only way
to address them is to surface and discuss them. For this reason, the
programme committee welcomes submissions addressing the broadest
possible interpretation of disinclusion, based on ageism, racism,
classism, sexism or ableism; geography, culture, or ethnicity; hidden
behind the availability or accessibility of data, funding, software,
infrastructures, or the languages we use; manifesting as closed
opportunities, labour or reward inequities, or well-meaning inclusivity
measures that trivialise or tokenise certain kinds of experience.In
particular, we welcome submissions that point not only toward the
problems, but profile good practice examples and measures we might take
as a network..

Perspectives welcomed:

This call is for students, early career researchers, activists, community 
workers, or any who do or would engage in DH/online practices, 
methodologies and spaces etc., and who have an interest in shared 
practice, open exchange, or to showcase their work.

Submissions may therefore be from individuals, teams or pairs of
collaborators having experienced successful or failed attempts to be a
part of the DH community, representative groups from different sectors,
or other configuration. We would particularly like to encourage
non-academic contributions, and indeed those representing the voices of
people who would like to access DH but who cannot for different reasons.
As we are a UK/Irish network, however, we will highlight experiences
either tied to the specificities of this geographical space, or offering
reflections relevant to our future development.


The programme committee encourages potential participants to
propose a form to follow their function.From a 5-minute provocation to a
full 45-minute panel session; prerecorded or live; based on personal
experiences or research.In your submission, please let us know as well
if there are any measures you would like us to take to ensure you feel
you will be able to present in a safe and welcoming environment of
listening, learning and discussion.


Please submit via this form (
a description of up to 250 words of how you would like to contribute 
along with a bio note of up to 50 words by 5PM on 13 September, 2021.
The programme committee will meet to consider the proposals, and 
convene a meeting for all participants to discuss issues of format and 
ground rules in the first week of October.

Dr Charlotte Tupman
Research Fellow in Digital Humanities
Director of Global, Department of Classics and Ancient History
College of Humanities
University of Exeter
Tel. +44 (0)1392 72 4243 

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