Humanist Discussion Group

Humanist Archives: June 24, 2021, 8:22 a.m. Humanist 35.105 - pubs: on annotation

              Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 35, No. 105.
        Department of Digital Humanities, University of Cologne
                      Hosted by DH-Cologne
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        Date: 2021-06-23 11:22:14+00:00
        From: Willard McCarty <>
        Subject: new book on annotation

Julia Nantke and Frederik Schlupkothen, eds.
Annotations in Scholarly Editions and Research: Functions,
Differentiation, Systematization. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020.
(chapters downloadable from:


Julia Nantke and Frederik Schlupkothen Introduction | 1

Manuel Bamert
  „Aha!“ – Annotieren mit Stiften als epistemische Praxis | 19

Tamara Drummond and Janina Wildfeuer
The Multimodal Annotation of Gender Differences in Contemporary TV
Series | 35

Walter Fanta
Ein Schema für das Schreiben | 59

Lina Franken, Gertraud Koch und Heike Zinsmeister
Annotationen als Instrument der Strukturierung | 89

Joseph S. Freedman
Footnotes (as Annotations) in Historical Context and Their Relevance
for Digital Humanities in Our Time | 109

Maria Hinzmann
‚Annotationsspiralen‘ und ‚hermeneutischer Zirkel‘? | 131

Jan Horstmann
Undogmatic Literary Annotation with CATMA | 157

Marijn Koolen and Peter Boot
Facilitating Reusable Third-Party Annotations in Digital Editions | 177

Sarah Lang
Digitale Annotation alchemischer Decknamen | 201

Felix Lange
An Online Field Study on Scholarly Journal Annotations | 221

Christian Lück
Beispiele annotieren | 249

Willard McCarty
Making and Studying Notes | 271

Georg Rehm
Observations on Annotations | 299

Nils Reiter, Marcus Willand und Evelyn Gius
Die Erstellung von Annotationsrichtlinien als Community-Aufgabe
für die Digitalen Geisteswissenschaften | 325

Frederik Schlupkothen and Karl-Heinrich Schmidt
‘Commentary’ and ‘Explanatory Note’ in Editorial Studies and
Digital Publishing | 351

Ruggero Sciuto
A ‘Reversible Figure Annotation System’ for the Born-Digital
Critical Edition of d’Holbach’s Complete Works | 373

Willard McCarty,
Professor emeritus, King's College London;
Editor, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews;  Humanist

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