21.395 announcement of a ListServ for Librarians Interested in Drupal

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty willard.mccarty_at_kcl.ac.uk>
Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2007 10:12:38 +0000

               Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 21, No. 395.
       Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                     Submit to: humanist_at_princeton.edu

         Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2007 06:39:46 +0000
         From: Leo Robert Klein <leo_at_leoklein.com>
         Subject: Announcing DRUPAL4LIB, a ListServ for Librarians
Interested in Drupal

Hi All,

I'm pleased to announce a new ListServ for librarians called 'DRUPAL4LIB'.

As the name implies, 'DRUPAL4LIB' is for those interested in Drupal,
a popular open-source CMS, as it relates to libraries and librarians.

The idea is to have a forum to exchange ideas and advice, share
experiences, and maybe even collaborate on a couple of projects that
highlight the use of Drupal in a library context.

The ever helpful Cary Gordon <listuser_at_chillco.com> has kindly agreed
to serve as "moderator" along with your's truly.


Send the command 'SUBSCRIBE DRUPAL4LIB First_name Last_name' in the
body of an email to LISTSERV_at_LISTSERV.UIC.EDU.

Alternatively you can subscribe by selecting 'Join or Leave the
DRUPAL4LIB List' from the DRUPAL4LIB Archives Page:

Everyone is welcome, whether beginner or pro!


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www.leoklein.com (site)
www.ChicagoLibrarian.com (blog)

aim/msn/yhoo/goog: 'leorobertklein'
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Received on Fri Dec 07 2007 - 01:37:35 EST

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