Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 21, No. 190.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
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Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 08:51:50 +0100
From: Willard McCarty <>
Subject: First International Conference on Global
Interoperability for Language Resources
Interoperability for Language Resources
From: Nancy Ide <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 10:04:11 -0400
Second Call for Papers
First International Conference on Global Interoperability
for Language Resources
City University of Hong Kong
Kowloon, Hong Kong
9-11 January 2008
Language resources, including not only corpora but also
lexicons, knowledge bases and ontologies, grammars, etc.
support the development of language processing applications
that are increasingly important to the global society.
Substantial effort has been devoted to the creation of such
resources for the world's major languages over the past
decades, and new projects are developing similar resources
for less widely-used languages. Some standards and best
practices have emerged for representing and linking
language corpora and annotations, efforts such as "Global
WordNet" and the development of framenets in multiple
languages seek to create and link specific lexical and
semantic resources across languages, and there are efforts
to integrate such resources into general ontologies such as
SUMO and to enable common access to ontologies spread across
the World Wide Web. As the need for cross-lingual studies and
applications grows, it is increasingly important to develop
resources in the world's languages that can be compared and
linked, used and analyzed with common software, and that
contain linguistic information for the same or comparable
phenomena. We envision the eventual development of a
"global web" of language resources, wherein, for example,
linguistically-annotated corpora in multiple languages are
inter-linked via the use of common categories, or
categories that are mapped to one another; resources such
as wordnets and framenets are linked not only to versions
in different languages, but also to each other; and common
representations enable analysis and use of resources in
different languages and of different types within available
The first international conference on Global
Interoperability for Language Resources will bring together
designers, developers, and users of corpora and other
language resources from across the globe, in order to:
o assess the state of the art in methods and schemes for
resource representation, annotation, interlinkage, and
o consider the requirements for (and obstacles to)
multi-lingual and multi-modal interoperability and
o consider the requirements for achieving interoperability
among multi-lingual resources of different types,
including corpora, lexicons, knowledge bases,
ontologies, etc., as well as the systems and frameworks
that enable their creation and exploitation;
o consider the ways in which web technologies are and may
be used to enable resource interoperability and inter-
o work toward the definition of best practice guidelines
and standards for language resource representation,
annotation, and use that will enable interoperability;
o consider means to map or harmonize linguistic
information in order to better enable cross-lingual
o provide direction for developers of resources for less
widely used languages;
o promote collaboration and cooperation among developers
of language resources across the globe;
o consider ways to provide central or distributed access
to language resources developed throughout the world.
Paper submissions are invited on (but not limited to) the
following topics:
o multi-lingual and/or multi-modal language resources,
with focus on the mechanisms enabling interoperability;
o support for multi-linguality and multi-modality in
systems/frameworks for resource creation, annotation,
use, and access;
o existing and proposed standards and best practice guidelines
for language resources, including standards for linguistic
annotations at any and all linguistics levels;
o systems, frameworks, and architectures to support the
development and exploitation of interoperable language
o evaluation of existing resources, systems and
frameworks, and/or standards in terms of support for
o harmonization, integration, and/or linking of language
resources, including corpora, wordnets, framenets,
ontologies, etc.;
o web-based technologies for resource interoperability,
inter-linkage, and access;
o interoperability of ontologies for language processing
o support for multi-linguality, multi-culturality, and
In addition to full-length paper presentations, the Program Committee
also invites proposals for posters addressing any of the above topics.
Posters describing existing or developing resources or tools that
provide an assessment of needs and/or considerations for interoperability
are especially encouraged.
Accepted papers will be included in conference proceedings,
to be published by City University Press, Hong Kong. A selection
of outstanding conference presentations will be published in a
special issue of the journal "Language Resources and Evaluation".
Dr Willard McCarty | Reader in Humanities Computing | Centre for
Computing in the Humanities | King's College London | Et sic in infinitum (Fludd 1617, p. 26).
Received on Tue Jul 31 2007 - 04:03:54 EDT
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