21.156 Phd Studentship at UCL

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty willard.mccarty_at_kcl.ac.uk>
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2007 10:28:13 +0100

               Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 21, No. 156.
       Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                     Submit to: humanist_at_princeton.edu

         Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2007 10:20:01 +0100
         From: Melissa Terras <m.terras_at_UCL.AC.UK>
         Subject: Phd Studentship at UCL - 3D scanning of museum objects

Hello Everyone,

Below is an advert for a phd studentship at UCL,
which may be of interest to all you digital
classicists (although the objects to be scanned
wont just be classical items, but UCL does have
some great classical collections....) Please do
circulate to anyone you think may be interested.


>Funded PhD studentship
>E-Curator: 3D colour scans for remote object identification and
>This project draws on UCL's expertise both in
>curatorship and in e-Science. It takes advantage
>of the presence at UCL of world class
>collections across a range of disciplines and of
>a state of the art colour scanner, the quality
>of which is unequalled in the UK. The project
>aims to apply e-science technologies to museum
>work and artefact analysis, exploring the
>potential to capture and share in a secure and
>repeatable manner very large, detailed datasets
>about museum artefacts, thereby enhancing
>international scholarship and facilitating the
>safe movement of artefacts. The ability to share
>validated 3D colour data could facilitate
>object-tracking and condition checking, enabling
>curators and conservators to compare records
>collected at different institutions and stored
>remotely, or collected over a period of time
>under different conditions, in order to assess
>and monitor change. The project is jointly
>funded by the Arts and Humanities Research
>Council (AHRC), the Engineering and Physical
>Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the Joint
>Information Systems Committee (JISC).
>The specific aims of the project are to:
> * Develop a repeatable methodology for
> recording the surface detail and colour quality
> of a range of object types and materials
> * Explore the potential for producing
> validated datasets that would allow closer and
> more scientific examination of groups of
> objects, the processes involved in their
> manufacture, and issues of wear and deterioration.
> * Examine how the resulting datasets could
> be transmitted, shared and compared.
> * To begin to build expertise in the use and
> transmission of 3D scan data as a curatorial tool.
>The PhD student will work as part of a team to
>explore the usage of the developed tools and
>undertake re-scanning and comparison of the
>objects on a periodic basis. This work will form
>the basis of a 4 year PhD investigation of the
>abilities of 3D colour scanning and e-science
>based data sharing and visualization for the
>museum community. The studentship will be
>supervised by Sally MacDonald, Director of UCL
>Museums and Collections and will be based in the Institute of Archaeology.
>To be eligible for a full award, which covers
>the cost of tuition fees and a maintenance grant
>(GBP 14,700 in 2007/8), applicants should be
>normally resident in the UK. Applicants should
>have a good background in museum, material
>culture, conservation, heritage studies or
>archaeology at honours degree level (first/upper
>second), and preferably some post-graduate
>training or museums experience. A strong
>interest in cultural heritage technologies is
>essential and experience in computing will be an
>advantage. The studentship must start no later than 1 October 2007.
>Application forms can be downloaded from:
>or are available from Lisa Daniel, Graduate
>Programmes Administrator,Institute of
>Archaeology, UCL, 31-34 Gordon Square, London
>WC1H OPY. Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7679 7499,
>Candidates should indicate on the application
>form under "Programme of Study" that they are
>applying for the AHRC-EPSRC-JISC Research Studentship.
>Further information on the application process
>may be obtained by email from: Lisa Daniel
>The closing date for applications is 10 August 2007.

Sally MacDonald
Director, UCL Museums and Collections
Vice Provost's Office, UCL, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT
tel: 020 7679 2825
mob: 07809 565349
fax: 020 7916 8505

Melissa M. Terras MA MSc DPhil CLTHE
Lecturer in Electronic Communication
School of Library, Archive and Information Studies
Henry Morley Building
University College London
Gower Street
Received on Sat Jul 14 2007 - 05:46:12 EDT

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