Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 21, No. 11.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
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Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 16:21:23 +0100
From: Carlos Areces <>
Subject: Doctoral Consortium at the Eurolan 2007 Summer
School: Last CFP
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Doctoral Consortium at the 8th EUROLAN Summer School
* Last Call for Participation *
July 30 - August 2, 2007, Iasi, Romania
Doctoral Consortium - Call for Papers
Submission Deadline: May 14, 2007
1. General Information
The Doctoral Consortium at EUROLAN-2007 will provide an opportunity
for graduate students (PhD and MSc heading towards PhD studies)
investigating topics in Computational Linguistics and Natural
Language Processing to present their current work and receive
constructive feedback and guidance on future research, both from the
general audience and the invited lecturers at the Summer School.
The Doctoral Consortium will be held as a workshop during 3 or 4
consecutive evenings (1.5 hour slots) in the second week of the
EUROLAN 2007 Summer School, July 30 - August 2, 2007. The final
version of the accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings
of the EUROLAN 2007 Doctoral Consortium, at the University Al. I.
Cuza Publishing House. During the Summer School the students will
present their work, will receive constructive comments wrt. to
current and future research directions from a panel of established
researchers, and will benefit from the collaborative climate
established among all participants, thus enhancing future joint work
among them. Students will also prepare a poster which will be on
display throughout the Summer School.
We invite all interested graduate students to submit their work to
the Consortium. As the main goal of the Consortium is for the authors
to receive feedback, the emphasis is on work in progress.
The research being presented can be from any topic area within
Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing, including
but not limited to:
* phonetics, phonology, and morphology;
* pragmatics, discourse, semantics, syntax, and the lexicon;
* text understanding and generation;
* computational semantics;
* ontology enriched NLP applications;
* multilingual NLP;
* multilingual question answering;
* machine translation;
* corpus-based language processing;
* electronic dictionaries;
* written and spoken natural language interfaces;
* knowledge acquisition;
* terminology;
* text summarisation;
* text classification;
* computer-aided language learning;
* human computer interaction;
* language resources;
* evaluation, assessment and standards in language engineering;
* theoretical and application-oriented papers related to NLP of every kind.
Well-known researchers from these areas will be invited lecturers of
the school and therefore available for interesting discussions.
Received on Fri May 11 2007 - 11:37:38 EDT
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