19.573 events

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty willard.mccarty_at_kcl.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 08:54:32 +0000

               Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 19, No. 573.
       Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                     Submit to: humanist_at_princeton.edu

   [1] From: alckmar_at_cce.ufsc.br (10)
         Subject: Literaturas del Texto al Hipertexto / Literatures from
                 text to hypertext

   [2] From: Simon Harper <simon.harper_at_MANCHESTER.AC.UK> (57)
         Subject: AH2006 FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS

   [3] From: "Nguyen, Julia" <JNguyen_at_NEH.GOV> (53)
         Subject: NEH Landmarks of American History and Culture grants

   [4] From: Charles Ess <cmess_at_drury.edu> (28)
         Subject: Reminder - CFP for ECAP'06

         Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 08:10:25 +0000
         From: alckmar_at_cce.ufsc.br
         Subject: Literaturas del Texto al
Hipertexto / Literatures from text to hypertext

Date : Mon, 23 Jan 2006 17:31:09 -0200
De : alckmar_at_cce.ufsc.br
Adresse de retour :alckmar_at_cce.ufsc.br

Sujet : Literaturas del Texto al Hipertexto / Literatures from text to

I would ask you to take notice of this congress!
Je vous prierais de prendre note de la réalisation de ce congrès!
Pediria a vocês que olhassem com cuidada a notícia sobre a realização desse


         Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 08:13:20 +0000
         From: Simon Harper <simon.harper_at_MANCHESTER.AC.UK>
         Subject: AH2006 FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS


      The 4th International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and
          Adaptive Web-Based Systems (AH2006)
              June 20th - 23rd, Dublin Ireland

              FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS ** Due Feb 3rd 2006 **

Submissions for full and short technical papers are invited on
original and previously unpublished research in the many and varied
aspects of adaptive hypermedia and adaptive web-based systems. AH2006
is held co-operation with the ACM SIGWEB, ACM SIGIR, AIED Society.
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag
(LNCS). Authors of top ranked selected papers will be invited to
prepare enhanced versions for possible fast-track publication in ACM
Transactions on the Web (TWEB).

Foundations & Core Technologies
      - User profiling and modeling in adaptive hypermedia and Web-based
      - Group modeling and community-based profiling on the WWW
      - Web-based recommender systems and recommendation strategies
      - Data mining for Web personalization
      - Personalization, meta-data and standards (XML, the Semantic Web
      - Intelligent Web agents for personalization and adaptivity
      - Composition and management of adaptive Web services and

Application Domains
      - Adaptive information filtering and personalized information
        retrieval on the Web
      - Personalized e-Learning and adaptive Web-based educational
      - Adaptivity and Personalization for digital TV and 3D Web
      - Personalizing the mobile Web (PDAs, mobile phones and other
        handheld devices)
      - Personalization of Web sites, digital libraries, tourist
        services and cultural heritage
        Personalization in e-Commerce, eGovernment and Healthcare
      - Adaptive multimedia content authoring and delivery
      - Adaptive hypermedia in ubiquitous computing environments and
        Smart Spaces

Practical Issues
      - Privacy, trust and security in adaptive Web systems
      - Architectures for scalable adaptive systems
      - Evaluation methodologies, deployment experiences & user studies
      - Empirical studies of adaptive hypermedia and Web systems
      - Management, usability and scrutability of adaptive Web systems

      Professor Carole Goble, University of Manchester
      Professor Judy Kay, University of Sydney
      Professor Jon Oberlander, University of Edinburgh

      Paper (full & short) submissions: February 3, 2006
      Doctorial Consortium paper submission February 3, 2006
      Notification of acceptance: March 10, 2006
      Final versions due: March 31, 2006
      Workshop/Tutorial Proposals due: February 10, 2006
      Workshops & Tutorials: June 20, 2006

      Main conference: June 21-23, 2006


         Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 08:18:19 +0000
         From: "Nguyen, Julia" <JNguyen_at_NEH.GOV>
         Subject: NEH Landmarks of American History and Culture grants

The Division of Education Programs of the National Endowment for the
Humanities seeks applications for Landmarks of American History and
Culture: Workshops for School Teachers and Landmarks of American
History and Culture: Workshops for Community College Faculty to take
place in the summer of 2007. These grant opportunities are part of
the "We the People" initiative, which is designed to enhance the
teaching, study, and understanding of American history and culture.
Landmarks of American History and Culture workshops bring groups of
K-12 teachers or community college faculty together for intensive,
one-week, residence-based workshops at or near significant American
sites. Eligible applicants include museums, libraries, cultural and
learned societies, state humanities councils, colleges and
universities, schools and school districts. Collaborative programs
are encouraged. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =
"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

For details about the program, some sample projects, and application
guidelines, go to

(Workshops for School Teachers) or

(Workshops for Community College Faculty).

Current Landmarks of American History and Culture: Workshops for
School Teachers to be held in the summer of 2006 are described at

Workshops for community college faculty to be held in the summer of
2006 are described at

As always, Division of Education program officers are available to
help out, whether it's to discuss your ideas or to read a draft
proposal. Here are their names and contact information:

Thomas Adams, 202-606-8396, tadams_at_neh.gov
Douglas Arnold, 202-606-8225, darnold_at_neh.gov
Barbara Ashbrook, 202-606-8388, bashbrook_at_neh.gov
Sonia Feigenbaum, 202-606-8490,
Gary Henrickson, 202-606-8241, ghenrickson_at_neh.gov
Judy Jeffrey Howard, 202-606-8398, jhoward_at_neh.gov
Julia Nguyen, 202-606-8213, jnguyen_at_neh.gov
Robert Sayers, 202-606-8215, rsayers_at_neh.gov

Note that the deadline is fast approaching: 15 March.

Please be aware that your application must be submitted
electronically through Grants.gov. Institutions must register with
Grants.gov, a process which usually takes about two
weeks. Information about Grants.gov is included with the application
guidelines on the NEH website at the addresses listed above.

Julia Huston Nguyen, Ph.D.
Senior Program Officer
Division of Education Programs
National Endowment for the Humanities
1100 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20506
(202) 606-8213

         Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 08:48:32 +0000
         From: Charles Ess <cmess_at_drury.edu>
         Subject: Reminder - CFP for ECAP'06

Dear Humanists,

With apologies for duplications, and request for distribution to interested
colleagues / lists:

The European Computers and Philosophy Conference (ECAP), held in cooperation
with the International Association for Computing and Philosophy and the
Association of Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Artificial
Intelligence (SIGART), will take place in Trondheim, Norway, June 22-24,

Please see the conference website for the call for papers, programme tracks
and track chairs, and registration and accommodation details:


The deadline for submitting extended abstracts is January 27, 2006. There
are significant reductions in fees for early-bird registrations, as well as
for Phd, Masters and undergraduate students.

With thanks from the ECAP'06 Coordinating and Program Committees,

Charles Ess

Distinguished Research Professor,
Interdisciplinary Studies <http://www.drury.edu/gp21>
Drury University
900 N. Benton Ave. Voice: 417-873-7230
Springfield, MO 65802 USA FAX: 417-873-7435
Home page: http://www.drury.edu/ess/ess.html

Co-chair, CATaC'06: http://www.catacconference.org
Co-chair, ECAP'06: http://www.eu-cap.org

Professor II, Globalization and Applied Ethics Programmes
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway

Exemplary persons seek harmony, not sameness. -- Analects 13.23
Received on Wed Jan 25 2006 - 04:16:01 EST

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