19.504 conferences: information retrieval; techno-remixing

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty willard.mccarty_at_kcl.ac.uk>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2005 07:20:01 +0000

               Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 19, No. 504.
       Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                     Submit to: humanist_at_princeton.edu

   [1] From: Simon Harper <simon.harper_at_MANCHESTER.AC.UK> (83)
         Subject: SIGIR 2006 Call for Papers

   [2] From: lachance_at_origin.chass.utoronto.ca (Francois (81)
         Subject: TCC Worldwide Online Conference

         Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2005 06:51:24 +0000
         From: Simon Harper <simon.harper_at_MANCHESTER.AC.UK>
         Subject: SIGIR 2006 Call for Papers

SIGIR 2006
Call for Papers

29th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference in
Research and Development in Information Retrieval
August 6-11, 2006 Seattle, Washington, USA

Organized by the Information School of the University of Washington and ACM.

SIGIR is the major international forum for the
presentation of new research results and for the
demonstration of new systems and techniques in
the broad field of information retrieval (IR).
The Conference and Program Chairs invite all
those working in areas related to IR to submit
original research contributions, posters, and
proposals for tutorials, workshops, and demonstrations of systems.


SIGIR 2006 welcomes contributions related to any
aspect of IR, but the major areas of interest are
listed below. For each general area, two or more
area coordinators will guide the reviewing process.
* Information Retrieval Theory and Models:
User/Task-based IR theory; Formal models
(Logical, Probabilistic, Vector space,
Structural, Network-based, Language models etc.),
Fusion/Combination. Area coordinators: Bruce
Croft, University of Massachusetts, USA; Peter Bruza, DSTC, Australia.

* IR Performance and Platforms: Performance,
Compression, Scalability, Architectures, Mobile
applications. Area coordinators: Ricardo
Baeza-Yates, University of Chile; Charlie Clarke,
University of Waterloo, Canada.

* Document and Query Representation: Text content
representation (Indexing), Structure-based
representation, XML, Metadata, Request
representation, Queries, Summarization, Natural
language processing for representation. Area
coordinators: Yoelle Maarek, IBM, Israel; Arjen de Vries, CWI, Netherlands.

* IR Evaluation: Test collections, Evaluation
methods and metrics, Experimental design, Data
collection and analysis methods. Area
coordinators: Noriko Kando, National Institute of
Informatics, Japan; Ellen Voorhees, National
Institute of Standards and Technology, USA.

* User-oriented IR: Interactive IR, User
interfaces and visualization, User studies, User
models, Task-based IR. Area coordinators: Ian
Ruthven, University of Strathclyde, UK; Pia
Borlund, Royal School of Library & Information Science, DK.

* Web IR and Digital Libraries: Web IR,
Intranet/enterprise search, Citation and link
analysis, Adversarial IR, Digital libraries,
Distributed IR. Area coordinators: Andrei Broder,
IBM, USA; Krishna Bharat, Google, USA; Ed Fox, Virginia Tech, USA.

* Cross-language Retrieval: Cross-language
retrieval, Multilingual retrieval, Retrieval in
languages other than English, Machine translation
for IR. Area coordinators: Jacques Savoy,
University of Neuchatel, Switzerland; Hsin-hsi
Chen, National Taiwan University.

* Multi-media Retrieval: Video and image
retrieval, Audio and speech retrieval, Music
retrieval. Area coordinators: Stefan Rüger,
Imperial College, UK; Wei-Ying Ma, Microsoft Research, China.

* Document Tracking and Filtering: Topic
detection and tracking, Content-based filtering,
Collaborative filtering, Agents, Routing, Email
spam. Area coordinators: James Allan, University
of Massachusetts, USA; John Reidl, University of Minnesota, USA.

* Question Answering and Extraction: Question
answering, Information extraction, Lexical
acquisition. Area coordinators: Sanda
Harabagiu, University of Texas, USA; Jussi Karlgren, SICS, Sweden.

* Text Data Mining and Machine Learning for
IR. Area coordinators: Thorsten Joachims,
Cornell University; ChengXiang Zhai, University of Illinois, USA.

* Text Categorization and Clustering. Area
coordinators: Isabelle Moulinier, Thomson Legal
and Regulatory, USA; Jan Pedersen, Yahoo!, USA.

* Domain Specific IR Applications: Genomic IR, IR
in software engineering, IR for chemical
structures. Area coordinators: Bill Hersh,
Oregon Health Sciences University, USA; Gordon
Cormack, University of Waterloo, CA.

         Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2005 06:52:31 +0000
         From: lachance_at_origin.chass.utoronto.ca (Francois Lachance)
         Subject: TCC Worldwide Online Conference

> Voyaging into a new decade!
> April 18-20, 2006
> Pre-Conference Dates: April 4-6, 2006
> Submission Deadline: January 31, 2006
> Homepage: http://tcc.kcc.hawaii.edu
> CALL FOR PROPOSALS. TCC 2006 invites faculty, support staff,
> librarians, counselors, students, administrators, and consultants to
> submit proposals for papers, discussions and other presentations that
> address this year's conference theme.
> http://tcc.kcc.hawaii.edu/proposals/
> INTRODUCTION. The TCC voyage continues. Over the past 10 years, much
> has changed, and some things have not. Online courses are still
> compared with face-to-face classes in terms of instructional delivery
> rather than student outcomes. Where will we go in the next ten, how
> will we employ technology and address change, and most importantly, how
> will students benefit from all of this?
> Students are increasingly proficient in using online technologies and
> will require little further IT training in college. They will demand
> greater use of technology in teaching and learning. Educators must
> increasingly use technology to gain their attention and accommodate
> their learning styles and preferences. (ECAR, Students and Information
> Technology, 2005)
> Blogs, wikis, taggin', mp3 players, online music, podcasts, AJAX, to
> name a few, have evolved considerably in the past year. Companies have
> incorporated blog watching into their PR and marketing operations.
> Universities are providing open content. Programmers are producing open
> source software.
> Is smaller and lighter better? Can higher education benefit? What is
> the new remix among students, technology and learning? What do students
> say?
> THEME. TCC 2006 will present papers and presentations that explore this
> remix of new information sources and emerging technologies as it
> impacts the learner in colleges and universities worldwide.
> Topics may include the use and benefits of information technology to
> student learning in areas such as:
> * Online, hybrid, or blended learning
> * Distance learning and mobile learning
> * Student orientation and preparation
> * Factors that lead to student success
> * Implementing technology in learning centered environments
> * E-portfolios and other online assessment tools
> * Emerging technologies for teaching and learning (blogs, wikis,
> podcasts, etc)
> * Open content and open source
> * Multimedia resources and delivery
> * Building and sustaining learning communities
> * Using technology to enhance communication between faculty and students
> * Online student services (tutoring, advising, payments, etc)
> * Facilitating institutional change with technology
> * Professional development for faculty and staff
> * Global learning or international education
> * Gender equity, the Digital Divide, and access for everyone
> * Educational technology use in Asia & the Pacific, Europe, South
> America, and Africa.
> PROPOSAL SUBMISSIONS. Be sure to describe clearly the content, goals,
> and expected outcomes of your presentation. For details on submitting
> your proposal, go to the conference home page and click "Proposal
> Submission."
> http://tcc.kcc.hawaii.edu/proposals/
> General presentations may be in one of several formats including
> discussion, poster session, roundtable, and pre-conference activity.
> Papers must be submitted in full and will be peer reviewed. Accepted
> papers will be published in conference proceedings. For details, click
> on "Presentation Formats" on the conference home page.
> http://tcc.kcc.hawaii.edu/presentation/
> The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2006.
> ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. For additional information, see
> <http://tcc.kcc.hawaii.edu>.
Received on Tue Dec 13 2005 - 02:34:43 EST

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