Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 19, No. 289.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
Submit to:
[1] From: Susan Stuart <> (20)
Subject: 4th European Computing and Philosophy (E-CAP)
Conference - CFP
[2] From: "C.TA. SCHMIDT" <> (11)
Subject: i-C&P 2006 France
[3] From: Simon Harper <simon.harper_at_MANCHESTER.AC.UK> (33)
Subject: First Call for Papers for the AH2006 Doctoral
[4] From: "Ray Siemens" <siemensr_at_MALA.BC.CA> (25)
[5] From: Simon Harper <simon.harper_at_MANCHESTER.AC.UK> (24)
Subject: 2005 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng
[6] From: Simon Harper <simon.harper_at_MANCHESTER.AC.UK> (44)
Subject: WWW2006 CALL FOR PAPERS: Hypermedia and Multimedia
[7] From: Charles Jones <ce-jones_at_ASCSA.EDU.GR> (16)
Subject: CAA2006 - any Classicists planning to attend?
[8] From: Frank Keller <> (31)
Subject: EACL 2006 call for posters and demos
[9] From: "PSI06 Conference" <> (31)
Subject: PSI 2006: First CFP
[10] From: "Domenico Fiormonte" <> (68)
Subject: Conference of Jennifer Slack
[11] From: "Jack Boeve" <> (47)
Subject: Intellectual Property in Academia--Online Workshops
for Autumn 2005
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 07:28:59 +0100
From: Susan Stuart <>
Subject: 4th European Computing and
Philosophy (E-CAP) Conference - CFP
First Call for Papers
E-CAP 2006_at_NTNU Norway
The 4th European Computing and Philosophy (E-CAP) Conference
Norwegian University for Science and Technology
Dragvoll Campus, Trondheim, Norway, June 22-24, 2006
Conference Co-Chairs:
Charles Ess (Drury University / NTNU): <>
May Thorseth (NTNU): <>
(E-CAP is the European conference on Computing and Philosophy, the European
affiliate of the International Association for Computers and Philosophy
(IACAP): see <> for further information.)
January 27, 2006 Submission of extended abstracts
March 1, 2006 Notification of acceptance
May 5, 2006 Early registration deadline
June 22-24, 2006 Conference
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 07:30:59 +0100
From: "C.TA. SCHMIDT" <>
Subject: i-C&P 2006 France
i-C&P 2006 quick link
COMPUTERS & PHILOSOPHY, an International Conference
Le Mans University, Laval, France, 3-5 May, 2006
Chair: C.T.A. SCHMIDT e-mail
IMPORTANT DATES (check conference url for up-to-date information)
Friday November 18 th 2005 Submission deadline for extended abstracts
(1000 wds.)
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 07:32:35 +0100
From: Simon Harper <simon.harper_at_MANCHESTER.AC.UK>
Subject: First Call for Papers for the AH2006 Doctoral Consortium
First Call for Papers for the AH2006 Doctoral Consortium
VENUE: Dublin, Ireland.
DATES: June 20-23, 2006
The 2006 International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive
Web-Based Systems (AH2006) will take place in Dublin, Ireland. AH2006
will be the fourth in a very successful conference series that began
in Trento, Italy (2000), with subsequent conferences held in Malaga,
Spain (2002) and Eindhoven, the Netherlands (2004).
The AH conferences are a great opportunity for the scientific
exchange and presentation of high quality research in all aspects of
adaptive hypermedia and adaptive web-based systems. This year, in
addition to its plenary scientific sessions, relevant
workshops/tutorials, and industry day, the conference will include a
doctoral consortium.
Importantly, the doctoral consortium is aimed at early stage
postgraduate researchers to road test their research ideas, proposals
and progress by seeking feedback from other peer researchers and
experts in the field. Organisers of the AH2006 Doctoral Consortium
invite submissions to this stream, and particularly encourage student
researchers in year 1 and year 2 of their postgraduate programmes to
participate. All papers will undergo a thorough reviewing process
with a view to providing detailed and constructive feedback.
The best submissions will be selected for presentation at the AH'2006
Doctoral Consortium sessions and extended abstracts of papers will be
included in the AH'2006 proceedings, published by Springer Verlag in
the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.
Postgraduate authors of the selected submissions are expected to
attend the conference and present their own work. They will also have
priority with respect to receiving travel support from the Local
Organisation Committee.
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 07:33:07 +0100
From: "Ray Siemens" <siemensr_at_MALA.BC.CA>
Incorporating computing into our work impacts some of the central tenets
of humanistic endeavour, one of which being the nature of how work gets
done. Research in the digital humanities is, in large part, typified by
a requirement for collaboration beyond traditional boundaries, often
necessitating cooperation among members of diverse communities and in
other disciplines, faculties, institutions, and sectors. This one-day
colloquium focuses on the nature of such collaborations and
partnerships, and the groups that they involve: humanists, computing
specialists, research funding agencies, publishers, others in both
public and private sectors, and beyond.
We welcome proposals for short papers / presentations of either 10 or 20
minutes on the theme of 'Models of Partnership in Digital Research', for
a one-day colloquium at Sheffield Hallam University on Wednesday 28 June
2006. The lead speaker will be Professor Ray Siemens of the University
of Victoria, Canada Research Chair in Humanities Computing. Other
presentations already confirmed will include Dr Steve Earnshaw,
Sheffield Hallam University, on his lottery-funded project for widening
access to the Sheffield Flood Claims Archive (see ) and Dr Matthew Steggle, Sheffield Hallam
University, on EEBO and LION. We request a short (one-paragraph)
abstract to be sent to the organiser, Professor Lisa Hopkins
( by 1 April 2006.
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 07:33:58 +0100
From: Simon Harper <simon.harper_at_MANCHESTER.AC.UK>
Subject: 2005 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng 2005)
Registration is now open for the 2005 ACM Symposium on
Document Engineering (DocEng 2005). Register soon! Registration
costs increase by US$50 on October 1, 2005. The registration site
can be accessed via this link:
For the first time, ACM DocEng has two keynote speakers:
Wednesday, November 2:
"The Future of Documents"
Tom Malloy, Adobe Systems, USA
Thursday, November 3:
"Engineering Information in Documents: Leaving Room for Uncertainty"
Dick Bulterman, CWI, Netherlands
Ethan Munson
Treasurer, ACM DocEng 2005
ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2005
Bristol, UK
November 2-4, 2005
Sponsored by ACM SIGWEB
and by Hewlett-Packard Laboratories
With additional support from Adobe
and Xerox Research Centre Europe.
Web Site:
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 07:34:30 +0100
From: Simon Harper <simon.harper_at_MANCHESTER.AC.UK>
Subject: WWW2006 CALL FOR PAPERS: Hypermedia and Multimedia Track
The International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2) invite
you to participate in the Fifteenth International World Wide Web
Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland on May 22nd-26th 2006.
Refereed Track: Hypermedia and Multimedia
The media is not the only message. How media is composed, be it with
video edits, display layouts or hyperlinks, also conveys important
information, both for the end-user in final presentations, and for
the author in selecting raw media for incorporation into
presentations. Since its beginning, such composition has been a
fundamental component of the World Wide Web. The Hypermedia and
Multimedia Track of WWW2006 brings together the latest research in
this field, showing how the Web continues to connect media, ideas and people.
Hypermedia and multimedia research investigates how media is composed
and how best to exploit this compositional structure. Primary
compositional components include space, time and navigation. Here,
media is both final presentations and raw source media that can end
up in final presentations. Media processing starts with its capture
and creation by different people with different tools. We expect it
then to connect media in different formats from different locations.
Finally, good cutting-edge hypermedia and multimedia should make all
media available to anyone, anywhere at any time, in the means best
suited for them.
Potential topics for contribution to this year's track include:
facilitating authoring
unifying the media creation-to-presentation life cycle
use of context for capture, analysis, authoring and rendering
analysis and accessing
indexing and retrieval
link analysis
emerging hypermedia and multimedia standards
mining of media and its compositional structure
acquisition of media metadata
(semi-)automatic presentation generation
mobile and ubiquitous environments
media streaming
rights management
computational aesthetics
The conference URL is
with the CFP at
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 07:36:07 +0100
From: Charles Jones <ce-jones_at_ASCSA.EDU.GR>
Subject: CAA2006 - any Classicists planning to attend?
34th Annual Meeting and Conference of
Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology
CAA2006-- Fargo April 18-21, 2006
Ramada Plaza Suites and Conference Center
Fargo, North Dakota, USA
The Conference Organizing Committee for CAA2006 invites you to
participate in the Annual Conference of Computer Applications and
Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA).
You can participate in the conference by submitting an abstract for
a paper presentation, symposium, poster, workshop, or roundtable
panel. Or, simply attend the conference, with its open and cordial
atmosphere, to learn more about new developments in computer
applications and quantitative methods, and to meet and talk with
international colleagues.
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 07:36:40 +0100
From: Frank Keller <>
Subject: EACL 2006 call for posters and demos
11th Meeting of the European Chapter of the Association for
Computational Linguistics
April 3rd - 7th 2006
Trento, Italy
* * * Submission deadline: December 6, 2005 * * *
The European Association of Computational Linguistics invites the
submission of posters and system demonstrations for its 11th meeting.
The areas of interest for posters and demos are the same as those
mentioned in the call for full papers.
POSTERS should present work in progress, project status reports,
unevaluated results or system summaries (with or without demos). In
the programme of the conference there will be sessions reserved for
posters. Each poster will be allocated 4 pages in a companion volume
in the conference proceedings.
DEMONSTRATIONS should showcase implemented systems in any area of
computational linguistics. Each demo will be allocated 4 pages in a
companion volume in the conference proceedings.
Developers should outline the design of their system and provide
sufficient details to allow the evaluation of its validity, quality,
and relevance to computational linguistics. Pointers to web sites
running a demo preview will also be helpful.
Demo submissions should also clearly indicate if any computer
equipment is expected to be provided by the local organizer. If so,
please specify desired hardware platform, hard disk and memory
capacity, operating system and other software needed in order to run
the demo. If you are bringing your own laptop, you should instead
request a video projector if you need one, providing details about PC
type, screen resolution, etc.
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 07:40:42 +0100
From: "PSI06 Conference" <>
Subject: PSI 2006: First CFP
Sixth International Andrei Ershov Memorial Conference
27--30 June 2006, Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok, Russia
The conference is held to honor the 75th anniversary of academician Andrei
Ershov (1931-1988) and his outstanding contributions towards advancing
informatics. The first five conferences were held in 1991, 1996, 1999, 2001
and 2003, respectively, and proved to be significant international events.
Andrei Ershov was one of the early Russian pioneers in the field of the
theory of programming and systems programming, a founder of the Siberian
Computer Science School. In 1974 he was nominated as a Distinguished Fellow
of the British Computer Society. In 1981 he received the Silver Core Award
for services rendered to IFIP. Andrei Ershov's brilliant speeches were
always in the focus of public attention. Especially notable was his lecture
on "Aesthetic and human factor in programming" presented at the AFIPS
Spring Joint Computer Conference in 1972. Andrei Ershov was not only an
extremely gifted scientist, teacher and fighter for his ideas, but also a
bright and many-sided personality. He wrote poetry, translated the works of
R. Kipling and other English poets, and enjoyed playing guitar and singing.
Everyone who had the pleasure of knowing Andrei Ershov and working with him
will always remember his great vision, eminent achievements, and generous
The aim of the conference is to provide a forum for the presentation and
in-depth discussion of advanced research directions in computer science.
For a developing science, it is important to work out consolidating ideas,
concepts and models. Movement in this direction is another aim of the
conference. Improvement of the contacts and exchange of ideas between
researchers from the East and West are further goals.
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 07:42:08 +0100
From: "Domenico Fiormonte" <>
Subject: Conference of Jennifer Slack
In collaboration with the Dept. of Philosophy and
the BA and MA Programme in Communication Studies ("Comunicazione
nella Società della Globalizzazione") of the University of Roma Tre
Giacomo Marramao
Domenico Fiormonte
Emanuela Fornari
introduce and discuss with:
Jennifer Slack
(Professor of Communication and Cultural Studies, Michigan
Technological University)
who will give a lecture on:
"Cultural Studies in the United States: State of the Art"
Wed 28 Sept 2005 h 17-20
Università di Roma Tre - Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
Via Ostiense 234, Roma - Aula Verra (ground floor)
The presentation will be in English. An Italian translation of the
paper will be distributed to the audience.
For more info:;
Biographical Sketch of J Slack
Jennifer Slack works in the areas of cultural studies, communication
theory, culture and technology, and culture and environment. She is
active in the International Communication Association and the National
Communication Association and reviews for many journals of communication
and cultural studies. Positions held include book review editor of the
journal Cultural Studies and President of the Philosophy of Communication
Division of the International Communication Association. She is the author
of Communication Technologies and Society (1984) and editor of The
Ideology of the Information Age (with Fred Fejes, 1987), Thinking
Geometrically (by John Waisanen, Peter Lang, 2002), and Animations (of
Deleuze and Guattari) (Peter Lang, 2003).
Jennifer, under the name jd slack, is a pastel painter who exhibits
and sells artwork and offers workshops in pastel techniques.
In addition to life as an academic and artist, Jennifer lives with
her husband, Kenny Svenson, on a 40 acre farm, where they farm with
work horses, keep chickens and dogs, tend a huge garden in the
summer, and move a lot of snow in the winter. The Keweenaw
peninsula where they live averages about 300 inches of snow a year.
Her latest book
"Culture and Technology. A Primer", (with J. Macgregor Wise), Peter
Lang, 2005 (
<< From genetically modified food to weapons of mass destruction, we live
in an age of intense debate about technology's place in our culture. While
the technologies have changed, these debates go back hundreds of years,
and their assumptions have become deeply entrenched in our culture.
Culture + Technology is an essential guide to the fascinating history of
these debates, and offers new perspectives that give readers the tools
they need to make informed decisions about the role of technology in our
lives. In clear and compelling language, Slack and Wise untangle and
expose the cultural assumptions that underlie our thinking about
technology, stories so deeply held we often don't recognize their
influence. The book considers the perceived inevitability of technological
advance and our myths about progress. It also looks at sources of
resistance to these stories from the Luddites of the 19th century to the
Unabomber in our own time. Slack and Wise help readers sift through the
confusions about culture and technology that arise in their own everyday
lives. This book is a must read for anyone who cares about the place of
technology in our lives. It is a primer for beginners, and an invaluable
resource for those who have pondered these issues before.>>
Domenico Fiormonte
Ricercatore in Linguistica
Universita' Roma Tre
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 07:52:34 +0100
From: "Jack Boeve" <>
Subject: Intellectual Property in
Academia--Online Workshops for Autumn 2005
The Center for Intellectual Property at the University of Maryland
University College is interested in advertising this nonprofit,
educational workshop series for interested educators, librarians,
administrators, and attorneys. We would greatly appreciate your posting
the message below to your listserv or promoting this opportunity within
your networks. Thank you.
[Please excuse the inevitable duplication of this notice.]
University of Maryland University College
Center for Intellectual Property
2005-2006 Intellectual Property in Academia Online Workshop
The Autumn 2005 lineup includes two workshops...
E-Reserves and Copyright
October 17-October 28, 2005
Moderated by Laura (Lolly) Gasaway, Esq., Professor of Law and
Director, Law Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Goals: Workshop participants will:
* Learn about the background of reserve collections and fair
* Discuss the purpose and legal basis for e-reserves;
* Review various guidelines for e-reserves and classroom use;
* and more...
Early registration--only $125--closes SEPTEMBER 30.
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and the University Campus: A
Safe Harbor?
November 7-November 18, 2005
Moderated by Arnold Lutzker, Esq., Senior Partner, Lutzker, Lutzker &
Settlemyer, LLP
Goals--Workshop participants will:
*Discuss the DMCA's original intentions;
*Discuss concepts of OSP and Safe Harbor;
*Analyze recent DMCA judicial opinions and discuss legislative
*and more...
Early registration--only $125--closes OCTOBER 28.
Space is limited--Register now online at
Additional information: call 240-582-2965 or visit
--Jack Boeve
Center for Intellectual Property
University of Maryland University College
Received on Mon Sep 26 2005 - 03:58:29 EDT
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