19.195 postdoc in humanities computing at Victoria

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty willard.mccarty_at_kcl.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2005 07:30:07 +0100

               Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 19, No. 195.
       Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                     Submit to: humanist_at_princeton.edu

         Date: Fri, 05 Aug 2005 06:55:11 +0100
         From: "Ray Siemens" <siemensr_at_MALA.BC.CA>
         Subject: Call for Applicants: Post-Doctoral Researcher in
Humanities Computing (Victoria, BC)

Call for Applicants: Post-Doctoral Researcher in Humanities Computing
(Victoria, BC)

The University of Victoria's Humanities Computing and Media Centre is
looking for a suitably-qualified Post-Doctoral Researcher to join its
work as part of the Text Analysis Portal for Research (TAPoR) Project
for the 2005/6 academic year.

Candidates interested in this position will bring established academic
research questions in an area or areas of Humanities Computing to the
position, will have demonstrated capability in implementing solutions to
those questions using the technologies supported by TAPoR at UVic, and
will be prepared to work in a cooperative, collaborative environment
toward achieving goals common to the UVic TAPoR group. This position
may also involve teaching and participating in curriculum development.

Examples of technologies supported by TAPoR at UVic are: XML, XSLT, and
XSL encoding languages; TEI P4 and P5; XQuery; and eXist XML databases.
In addition, UVic TAPoR project members frequently work with XHTML,
JavaScript and CSS, and web-based SQL database projects using
PostgresSQL and mySQL.

Salary for this position is competitive, and will be commensurate with

Applications including a brief cover letter, CV, and the names and
contact information for three referees, may be sent electronically to
          Ray Siemens
          Canada Research Chair in Humanities Computing
          UVic TAPoR Principle Investigator

Applications will be received and reviewed until the position is filled.


About TAPoR: TAPoR is building a unique human and computing
infrastructure for text analysis across the country by establishing six
regional centers (UMcMaster, UMontreal, UAlberta, UNew Brunswick,
UToronto, and UVictoria) to form one national text analysis research
portal. This portal will be a gateway to tools for sophisticated
analysis and retrieval, along with representative texts for
experimentation. The local centers will include text research
laboratories with best-of-breed software and full-text servers that are
coordinated into a vertical portal for the study of electronic texts.
Each center will be integrated into its local research culture and,
thus, some variation will exist from center to center.

TAPoR at the University of Victoria's HCMC has a multimedia laboratory
and server infrastructure suitable for research into a variety of areas
of Humanities Computing, including multimedia enrichment and
acquisition, text representation and text analysis. UVic's newly
appointed CRC Chair in Humanities Computing, and our resident computing
experts, provide guidance and expertise to the 8+ TAPoR-related research
projects currently under development. To learn more about UVic people
and projects, see http://web.uvic.ca/hrd/tapor/index.htm.

R.G. Siemens
English, University of Victoria, PO Box 3070 STN CSC, Victoria, BC,
Canada. V8W 3W1
Phone: (250) 721-7272 Fax: (250) 721-6498
siemens@uvic.ca http://web.uvic.ca/~siemens/
Received on Wed Aug 10 2005 - 02:46:49 EDT

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