19.160 new on WWW: D-Lib July/August 2005

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty willard.mccarty_at_kcl.ac.uk>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 07:29:38 +0100

               Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 19, No. 160.
       Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                     Submit to: humanist_at_princeton.edu

         Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 07:25:05 +0100
         From: Bonnie Wilson <bwilson_at_cnri.reston.va.us>
         Subject: D-Lib July/August 2005


The July/August 2005 issue of D-Lib Magazine (http://www.dlib.org/)
is now available.

This tenth anniversary issue contains nine articles, reports from the
ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2005, the 'In Brief'
column, excerpts from recent press releases, and news of upcoming
conferences and other items of interest in 'Clips and Pointers'. The
Featured Collection for the July/August issue is Kinematic Models for
Design Digital Library (KMODDL) contributed by Kizer Walker and John
M. Saylor, Cornell University.

The articles include:

A Tenth Anniversary for D-Lib Magazine
Bonita Wilson and Allison L. Powell, Corporation for National
Research Initiatives

Really 10 Years Old?
Amy Friedlander, Shinkuro, Inc.

Whence Leadership?
Ronald L. Larsen, University of Pittsburgh

Funding for Digital Libraries Research: Past and Present
Stephen M. Griffin, National Science Foundation

Digital Libraries: Challenges and Influential Work
William H. Mischo, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Where Do We Go From Here? The Next Decade for Digital Libraries
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information

A Viewpoint Analysis of the Digital Library
William A. Arms, Cornell University

Dewey Meets Turing: Librarians, Computer Scientists, and the Digital
Libraries Initiative
Andreas Paepcke, Hector Garcia-Molina, and Rebecca Wesley, Stanford University

Border Crossings: Reflections on a Decade of Metadata Consensus Building
Stuart L. Weibel, OCLC Research

The reports from JCDL 2005 include:

Report on the Fifth ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries -
Cyberinfrastructure for Research and Education: June 11, 2005, Denver, Colorado
Tamara Sumner, University of Colorado at Boulder

JCDL Workshop Report: Studying Digital Library Users in the Wild
Michael Khoo, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research and
David Ribes, University of California - San Diego

Developing a Digital Libraries Education Program: JCDL Workshop Summary
Molly Dolan, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

NSF/NSDL & CODATA Workshop on International Scientific Data,
Standards, and Digital Libraries
Laura M. Bartolo, Kent State University and John Rumble, Information
International Associates

Next Generation Knowledge Organization Systems: Integration
Challenges and Strategies
Deanne DiPietro, Sonoma Ecology Center

D-Lib has mirror sites at the following locations:

UKOLN, University of Bath, Bath, England

The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

State Library of Lower Saxony and the University Library of
Goettingen, Goettingen,

Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

BN - National Library of Portugal, Portugal

(If the mirror site closest to you is not displaying the July/August
2005 issue of D-Lib Magazine at this time, please check back later.
There is a delay between the time the magazine is released in the
United States and the time when the mirroring process has been completed.)

Bonnie Wilson
D-Lib Magazine
Received on Tue Jul 19 2005 - 02:53:43 EDT

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