18.745 more on research positions at Rovira i Virgili

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty willard.mccarty_at_kcl.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 07:27:05 +0100

               Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 18, No. 745.
       Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                     Submit to: humanist_at_princeton.edu

         Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 07:07:33 +0100
         From: "Carlos Martin-Vide" <carlos.martin_at_urv.net>
         Subject: research positions 2005-9

> Apologies for multiple posting!
> Please, pass the information to whom may be interested. Thanks.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> A few 5-year junior research positions may be available starting in
> 2005-2006 in the Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics at Rovira i
> Virgili University (Tarragona, Spain).
> The web site of the host institute is:
> http://www.grlmc.com
> The eligible topics are the institute's current or future research
> directions:
> - Formal language theory and its applications.
> - Biomolecular computing and nanotechnology.
> - Bioinformatics.
> - Language and speech technologies.
> - Formal theories of language acquisition and evolutionary linguistics.
> - Computational neuroscience.
> Other related fields might still be eligible provided there exist strong
> enough candidates for them.
> - Duration: 5 years.
> - The researchers that can prove an exceptional record during that period
> will be eligible for a permanent senior research position.
> - Work contract with all Social Security rights.
> - The main duty of the position is research, with possible supervising and
> doctoral teaching too.
> - The scheme funding the position is extremely competitive.
> - PhD degree got before May 13, 2003.
> - Experience at a foreign institute for at least 2 years.
> - Age less than 34.
> - Exceptional research career, with a very strong record of publications
> and other achievements.
> - There is no restriction on nationality.
> - Salary at the level of a young Associate Professor in the Spanish
> university system.
> - Full public health insurance coverage.
> It will consist of 2 steps:
> - a pre-selection based on CV and carried out by the host institute,
> - a full proposal (application form + CV + letters of reference + letter
> of acceptance by the host institute), to be assessed externally by the
> funding agency.
> Expressions of interest are welcome until May 4, 2005. They should
> contain the researcher's CV and mention "2005-9" in the subject box. The
> outcome of the preselection will be reported immediately after.
> Preselected candidates will be given full support in the application
> process by the host institute. The deadline for completing the whole
> process is May 10, 2005.
> Carlos Martin-Vide
> carlos.martin_at_urv.net
Received on Wed Apr 27 2005 - 02:35:49 EDT

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