18.431 conference activities

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty willard.mccarty_at_kcl.ac.uk>
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 09:01:10 +0000

               Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 18, No. 431.
       Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                     Submit to: humanist_at_princeton.edu

   [1] From: "J. Stephen Downie" <jdownie_at_uiuc.edu> (59)
         Subject: MIREX 2005 : Call for evaluation topics

   [2] From: "J. Trant" <jtrant_at_archimuse.com> (61)
         Subject: MW2005: Best of the Web Nominations Open

   [3] From: Zwarts_at_science.uva.nl, (81)
         Subject: ESSLLI workshop CfP: Formal semantics and cross-
                 linguistic data

   [4] From: Shuly Wintner <shuly_at_cs.haifa.ac.il> (39)
         Subject: ISCOL-04: December 27th, 2004

   [5] From: stefansinclair_noreply_at_coch-cosh.ca (53)
         Subject: COCH-COSH 2005 Conference UPDATE

         Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 08:33:25 +0000
         From: "J. Stephen Downie" <jdownie_at_uiuc.edu>
         Subject: MIREX 2005 : Call for evaluation topics

MIREX 2005 2nd Annual Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange
September 11-15, 2005 London, UK

DEADLINE January 16, 2005

The 2nd Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange will take place
during the 6th ISMIR Conference in London, UK, September 11-15, 2005.
The goal of this contest is to compare state-of-the-art algorithms and
systems relevant for Music Information Retrieval. We aim at MIREX to
represent the vast and multidisciplinary field of MIR, including
symbolic, audio, and other subdisciplines.

- Evaluation topics will be proposed by the participants.
- Evaluation procedures and test collections will be agreed among the
- Partial test data will be made available to the participants for
algorithm fine tuning.
- Evaluation of submitted algorithms will be performed by the MIREX
organizing committee.
- Results will be presented during a poster and a panel session.

As a first step, we are issuing a call for evaluation topics. Calls for
evaluation procedures and for participation will follow.

Interested individuals are encouraged to join the MIREX mailing list at
For more information, please see the ISMIR 2005 website at



Submissions of evaluation topics should include:
- a title
- a short description of the problem to be addressed (data and query
type, expected results),
- a list of possible participants (names, email addresses, and
likelihood of entering),
- suggestions for evaluation procedures (metrics, listening tests, etc),
- suggestions for relevant test collections (including how they might be
obtained and possible copyright issues).

Proposals should be submitted to J. Stephen Downie at jdownie_at_uiuc.edu
(MIREX General Chair) and Emmanuel Vincent at
emmanuel.vincent_at_elec.qmul.ac.uk (MIREX Local Chair) by January 16, 2005.
The MIREX organizing committee will retain all proposals, score them
according to their likeliness of being held and publish them on the
MIREX mailing list and web site. All willing participants will have
until February 20, 2005 to amend the proposals. Then the MIREX
organizing committee will review the amended proposals and select the
ones that will be held.

We are looking forward to your contributions !

The MIREX organizing committee.

List reminder:

0. ISMIR 2005 will take place in London, UK, 11-15 September 2005.
1. Please do not send HTML documents to the list
2. Please do not send attachments (pictures, Word, etc.) to the list
3. Please do not send commercial ads to the list
4. Reuse of email addresses found on the list for unsolicited mail is forbidden
5. To unsubscribe, mail to "listserv_at_ircam.fr" the following text: unsub
6. The archives of the list are at http://lists.ircam.fr/
7. The collective web sites of the ISMIR conferences are at

         Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 08:34:11 +0000
         From: "J. Trant" <jtrant_at_archimuse.com>
         Subject: MW2005: Best of the Web Nominations Open

          Museums and the Web 2005
          Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
          April 13 - April 16, 2005

*** Nominate Your Favourite Site for the Best of the Web 2005 ***

Nominations are now open for the 2005 Best of the Web competition, held
every year in conjunction with Museums and the Web, the international
conference about culture and heritage on-line.

You are invited to nominate sites for consideration by an international
panel of judges. Please use the on-line form at

The nomination period closes January 15, 2005.

***Choose the Right Category ***

The MW2005 Best of the Web categories are:
      * On-line Exhibition
      * E-Services
      * Educational Use
      * Innovative or Experimental Application
      * Museum Professional's Site
      * Research Site

        In addition, the Judges select the Best Overall Museum Site, from
all sites nominated.

Please review the category definitions at
http://www.archimuse.com/mw2005/best/categories.html before you nominate a
site using our on-line form.

*** Things to Remember ***

This is NOT a popularity contest. You will do better with one good
justification than with lots of separate nominations.

      * You many nominate the same part of the same site in ONLY ONE one
      * Be specific and include as precise a URL as possible, for the part
of the site
         related to the category you have chosen.
      * You may nominate only one site in each category.
      * You may nominate sites even if you are unable to attend MW2005
      * All sites will be reviewed by an international panel of judges, who
will present
         awards at the MW2005 conference in Vancouver.

      * No site will be considered for a Best of the Web award if one of the
judges is associated with it.

*** Thanks! ***

Thank you for helping us recognize the Best of the Web. We hope to see you
in Vancouver.

jennifer and David

David Bearman and Jennifer Trant
Co-Chairs: Museums and the Web 2005
April 13-16, 2005, Vancouver BC Archives & Museum Informatics
http://www.archimuse.com/mw2005/        158 Lee Avenue
email: mw2005_at_archimuse.com     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
phone +1 416 691 2516 / fax +1 416 352-6025
J. Trant                                jtrant_at_archimuse.com
Partner & Principal Consultant          phone: +1 416 691 2516
Archives & Museum Informatics   fax: +1 416 352 6025
158 Lee Ave, Toronto
Ontario M4E 2P3 Canada          http://www.archimuse.com
         Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 08:36:16 +0000
         From: Zwarts_at_science.uva.nl,
         Subject: ESSLLI workshop CfP: Formal semantics and
cross-linguistic data
** Our apologies for multiple copies! ***
Formal semantics and cross-linguistic data
15-19 August 2005
organized as part of
European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information
ESSLLI 2005 http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/esslli05/
8-19 August, 2005 in Edinburgh
Workshop Organizers:
Helen de Hoop H.deHoop_at_let.ru.nl
Joost Zwarts J.Zwarts_at_let.ru.nl
Workshop Purpose:
The purpose of this workshop is to strengthen the ties between formal
semantic methods and theories on the one hand and data from lesser-studied
languages across the world on the other hand. Both formal semantics and
descriptive and typological linguistics will benefit from more interaction
in this area. The workshop aims to provide a forum for advanced PhD students
and researchers to present and discuss their work with colleagues and
researchers who work in the broad subject areas represented at ESSLLI.
Workshop Topics:
Most formal semantic and pragmatic work is done on (Indo) European
languages, especially English. Only a small, but growing, number of formal
semanticists are involved in descriptive and typological linguistics
involving languages from other continents and some promising work has
already been done on topics such as quantification, number, tense, aspect,
and modality. We think it is of utmost importance for the development of
formal semantic and pragmatic theories to broaden the empirical database. In
this way, linguistic typology can provide us with a new perspective on
semantic and pragmatic analyses, while in addition formal accounts can offer
more precise criteria for a proper treatment of semantic and pragmatic
variation. For this workshop, we solicit original contributions that either
apply formal semantics-pragmatics in the analysis of lesser-studied
languages or in which theory formation crucially draws on data from such
languages or comparison between languages.
Submission details:
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract describing an application
of formal semantic methods to cross-linguistic data. Submissions should not
exceed 10 pages/5000 words and be in PDF format. Please send your submission
electronically to J.Zwarts_at_let.ru.nl on or before March 9, 2005. The
submissions will be reviewed by the workshop's programme committee. The
accepted papers will appear in the workshop proceedings published by ESSLLI.
The format for the final versions will be 18 May 2005.
Workshop format:
The workshop is part of ESSLLI and is open to all ESSLLI participants. It
will consist of five 90-minute sessions held over five consecutive days in
the second week of ESSLLI. There will be 2 slots for paper presentation
and discussion per session. On the first day the workshop organizers will
give an introduction to the topic.
Invited speakers
Martina Faller
Donka Farkas and Henriette de Swart
Workshop Program Committee
Veneeta Dayal
Martina Faller
Donka Farkas
Helen de Hoop
Henriette de Swart
Yoad Winter
Joost Zwarts
Sponsored by the NWO PIONIER Project 'Case Cross-Linguistically'
Important Dates:
Submissions: March 9, 2005
Notification: April 18, 2005
Preliminary programme: April 23, 2005
ESSLLI early registration: May 1, 2005
Final papers for proceedings: May 18, 2005
Final programme: June 22, 2005
Workshop dates: August 15-19, 2005
Local Arrangements:
All workshop participants including the presenters will be required to
register for ESSLLI.  The registration fee for authors presenting a paper
will correspond to the early student/workshop speaker registration fee.
Moreover, a number of  additional fee waiver grants will be made available
by the OC on a competitive basis and workshop participants are eligible to
apply for those.
There will be no reimbursement for travel costs and accommodation. Workshop
speakers who have difficulty in finding funding should contact the local
organizing committee to ask for the possibilities for a grant.
Further Information:
About the workshop: http://www.ru.nl/pionier/esslli/
About ESSLLI: http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/esslli05/
         Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 08:35:37 +0000
         From: Shuly Wintner <shuly_at_cs.haifa.ac.il>
         Subject: ISCOL-04: December 27th, 2004
ISCOL-04 ­ Bar Ilan University
ISCOL'04, the Israeli Seminar on Computational Linguistics, will take place
at Bar Ilan University on Monday, December 27, 2004, 10:00-17:30. This
year, we will honor Prof. Yaacov Choueka upon his retirement. The seminar
will include invited talks by Prof. Dan Roth (UIUC) and Prof. Yaacov
Choueka (Bar-Ilan), presentations of recent products of the Knowledge
Center for Processing Hebrew, and scientific presentations of language
processing research in Israel.
Program (see abstracts on the web site)
10:00-10:20     Gathering and refreshments
10:20-10:30     Opening
10:30-10:55     Hspell - the Free Hebrew Spell-Checker and Morphological
                      Dan Kenigsberg and Nadav Har'El
10:55-11:20     Master-Slave Dependency Model and its Application to Hebrew
                      Yan Tsitrin
11:20-12:20     Knowledge Center for Processing Hebrew: Product Presentations
12:20-13:20     Lunch (cold dairy buffet)
13:20-13:45     Summarizing Jewish Law Articles Using Genetic Algorithms
                  Yaakov HaCohen-Kerner
13:45-14:10     Reader-based Exploration of Lexical Cohesion
                  Beata Klebanov
14:10-15:10     Invited Talk:
                      Learning and Inference with Structured Representations
                      Dan Roth, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
15:10-15:40     Coffee break
15:40-16:05     Scaling Web Based Acquisition of Entailment Relations
                  Idan Szpektor, Hristo Tanev, Ido Dagan and Bonaventura
16:05-16:30 Feature Generation for Text Categorization Using Hierarchical Web
                      Knowledge Bases
                      Evgeniy Gabrilovich and Shaul Markovitch
16:30-17:30     Honorary talk:
                      NLP: Challenges, Problems, and Achievements; a Sober
                  Prof. Yaacov Choueka, Bar Ilan University
[material deleted]
         Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 08:36:49 +0000
         From: stefansinclair_noreply_at_coch-cosh.ca
         Subject: COCH-COSH 2005 Conference UPDATE
  > From: Patrick Finn <patrickfinn_at_shaw.ca>
UPDATE: The COCH/COSH conference committee has extended the deadline
for the upcoming meeting at The University of Western Ontario by a few
days to Monday, December 20th. All contributions should follow the
format outlined below.
The Networked Citizen: New Contributions of the Digital Humanities
Consortium for Computers in the Humanities / Consortium pour
Ordinateurs en Sciences Humaines (COCH/COSH) 2005 Meeting of the
Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities The University of
Western Ontario, May 29 - 31, 2005
Proposals for papers and sessions are invited to be considered for
presentation at the 2005 meeting of COCH/COSH at the Congress of the
Social Sciences and Humanities.
Particularly welcome are proposals that develop the idea of the
networked citizen and the role of the Arts and Humanities in their
work/lives. Further topics may include, but will not be limited to:
- the web as network
- the post-national citizen
- humanities computing as an agora for multi-disciplinary engagement
- the network and society, from an Arts and Humanities perspective
- humanities computing and pedagogy
- computing in the visual, musical, and performance arts
- scholarly electronic publishing and dissemination
- digital/electronic copyright issues
- computing in multi-lingual and non-English environments
- e-accessibility
- ongoing humanities computing research involving materials in
textual, oral/aural, visual, multi-media, and other formats
- the paradoxes of standardization
- humanities versus instrumental methods
- the future of the humanities in computing
The conference will also see a number of joint sessions with several
Federation societies - and will feature special panels designed to
emphasize communication across arts and humanities disciplines with a
focus on the integration of the work of the computing humanist and the
broader humanities research community.
There is a limited amount of funding available to support a graduate
student panel. Interested parties should inquire through the address
Paper and/or session proposals will be accepted until Monday,
December 20, 2004. Please note that all presenters must be members of
COCH/COSH at the time of the conference.
Abstracts/proposals should include the following information at the
top of the front page: title of paper, author's name(s); complete
mailing address, including e-mail; institutional affiliation and rank,
if any, of the author; statement of need for audio-visual equipment.
Abstracts of papers should be between 150 and 300 words long, and
clearly indicate the paper's thesis, methodology and conclusion.
Single-paper proposals will be accepted electronically via the
conference web site: http://www.coch-cosh.ca/Congress/2005/
Session proposals and other inquiries may be emailed directly to
Patrick Finn (St. Mary's University-College) and Alan Galey
(University of Western Ontario): conference_at_coch-cosh.ca
Received on Thu Dec 16 2004 - 05:28:47 EST

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