Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 18, No. 203.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
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[1] From: Taller HyR Linguisticos para Espanol y Portugues (78)
Subject: Last CFP - Workshop on Linguistic Resources for
Spanish and Portuguese 04
[2] From: "Jos Lehmann" <> (89)
Subject: FOIS-2004 (Call for Participation)
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2004 07:19:44 +0100
From: Taller HyR Linguisticos para Espanol y Portugues
Subject: Last CFP - Workshop on Linguistic Resources for Spanish
and Portuguese 04
Workshop on Linguistic Tools and Resources
for Spanish and Portuguese
Puebla, México
Noviembre 22-23, 2004
Web Site:
The organizing committee of the Workshop on Linguistic Tools and Resources
for Spanish and Portuguese ( invites
researchers and students related to this research area to participate with
proposals and works in this event.
The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum in order to improve the
cooperation between the iberoamerican groups interested in linguistic
technology, particularly for Spanish and Portuguese languages. Within the
goals of the event are the creation of joint protocols for development,
evaluation, comparison and interchange of linguistic tools and resources
for these languages.
Interest subjects turn around the design, building and use of linguistic
resources (LR) for Spanish and Portuguese, as well as tools for their
recollection and analysis. Following is a brief and not restricted list of
the related topics:
* Guidelines, standards, specifications, models and best practices for LR
* Methods, tools, procedures for the acquisition, creation, management,
access, distribution, use of LR
* Monolingual and multilingual LR for Spanish and Portuguese
* Multimodal and multimedia LR. Integration of various modalities in LR
(speech, vision, language)
* Exploitation of LR in different types of applications (information
extraction, information retrieval, vocal and multisensorial interfaces,
translation, summarisation, www services, etc.)
Deadline for paper submission: september 13, 2004
Notification of acceptance: september 27, 2004
Deadline for camera-ready papers: october 11, 2004
Submission Guidelines
Authors should format their papers according to the LNCS guidelines. Papers
may be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English, with a length between
four and eight pages. Paper submission will be done by e-mail to the
workshop e-mail address
All papers received will be cross-reviewed by at least two referees in the
topical area. Accepted papers will be published in a local edition.
Scientific committee
Ariadne Carvalho, UNICAMP, Brasil
Sofía Galicia, FC-UNAM, México
Julio Gonzalo, UNED, España
Héctor Jiménez, BUAP, México
Aurelio López, INAOE, México
Manuel Montes, INAOE, México
Lluis Padró, UPC, España
Manuel Palomar, UA, España
Anselmo Peñas, UNED, España
Luis A. Pineda, IIMAS-UNAM, México
Horacio Rodríguez, UPC, España
Paolo Rosso, UPV, España
Maximiliano Saiz, UA, España
Grigori Sidorov, CIC-IPN, México
Gerardo Sierra, INI-UNAM, México
Dominique Vaufreydaz, INRIA, Francia
Renata Vieira, UNISINOS, Brasil
Maria das Graças Volpe Nunes, USP, Brasil
Jean Caelen, IMAG, Francia
Programme committee
Alexander Gelbukh, CIC-IPN, México
Nuno Mamede, L2F/INESC-ID, Portugal
Vera Lúcia Strube de Lima, PUCRS, Brasil
Alfonso Ureña, GSI, España
Luis Villaseñor, INAOE, México.
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2004 07:20:31 +0100
From: "Jos Lehmann" <>
Subject: FOIS-2004 (Call for Participation)
International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems
November 4-6, 2004, Torino (Italy)
Check out conference program & (early) registration details on
<> or below!
Looking forward to meeting you in Torino!
FOIS-2004 Conference Program
Wendesday, November 3
Workshop on the Potential of Cognitive Semantics for Ontologies
Thursday, November 4
8:45-9:15 Registration and Reception
9:15-9:30 Welcome Addresses
9:30-10:30 Invited Talk: Amie L. Thomasson: Methods of Categorization
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 Session 1: Categories
Thomas Bittner, Maureen Donnelly, Barry Smith: Individuals, Universals,
Collections: On the Foundational Relations of Ontology
Fabian Neuhaus, Pierre Grenon, Barry Smith: A Formal Theory of
Substances, Qualities, and Universals
Jonathan Simon: How to Be a Bicategorialist
12:30-14:30 Lunch
14:30-16:00 Session 2: Perspectives
Barry Smith: Beyond Concepts: Ontology as Reality Representation
Simon K Milton: Top-Level Ontology: The Problem with Naturalism
Joseph A. Goguen: Ontology, Society, and Ontotheology
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30-18:30 Session 3: Methodology
Brandon Bennett: Relative Definability in Formal Ontologies
William Andersen, Christopher Menzel: Modal Rigidity in the OntoClean
Massimiliano Carrara, Pierdaniele Giaretta, Vittorio Morato, Marzia
Soavi, Giuseppe Spolaore: Identity and Modality in OntoClean
Klaus Lüttich, Till Mossakowski: Specification of Ontologies in CASL
Friday, November 5
9:00-10:00 Invited Talk Peter Gärdenfors: How to Make the Semantic Web
More Semantic
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-12:30 Session 4: Semantics and Cognition
Martin Raubal: Formalizing Conceptual Spaces
Nicholas Asher, Pascal Denis: Dynamic Typing for Lexical Semantics - A
Case Study: The Genitive Construction
Massimo Poesio, Abdulrahman Almuhareb: Feature-Based vs. Property-Based
KR: An Empirical Perspective
Olivier Bodenreider, Barry Smith, Anita Burgun: The
Ontology-Epistemology Divide: A Case Study in Medical Terminology
12:30-14:30 Lunch
14:30-16:00 Session 5: Social Reality
Guido Boella, Leendert van der Torre: An Agent-Oriented Ontology of
Social Reality
Joost Breuker, Rinke Hoekstra: Core Concepts of Law: Taking Common Sense
John Bateman: The Place of Language within a Foundational Ontology
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30-18:30 Session 6: Space, Time and Causality
John Bateman, Scott Farrar: Towards a Generic Foundation for Spatial
Maureen Donnelly: Relative Places
John Stell, Matthew West: A Four-Dimensionalist Mereotopology
Jos Lehmann, Stefano Borgo, Claudio Masolo, Aldo Gangemi: Causality and
Causation in DOLCE
Saturday, November 6
9:00-10:30 Session 7: Mind and Action
Roberta Ferrario, Alessandro Oltramari: Towards a Computational Ontology
of Mind
Walter ten Brinke, David McG. Squire, John Bigelow: Supervenience in
Content-Based Image Retrieval
Dnyanesh Rajpathak, Enrico Motta: An Ontological Formalization of the
Planning Task
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-13:00 Session 8: Ontological Analysis
Stefan Schulz, Udo Hahn: Ontological Foundations of Biological Continuants
Mariano Fernández-López, Asunción Gómez-Pérez: Searching for a Time
Ontology for Semantic Web Applications
Mariana Casella dos Santos, James Matthew Fielding, Christoffel Dhaen,
Werner Ceusters: Philosophical Scrutiny
for Run-Time Support of Application Ontology Development
Palash Bera, Yair Wand: Analyzing OWL Using a Philosophy-Based Ontology
13:00-13:15 Conclusion
[material deleted]
Received on Fri Sep 10 2004 - 04:38:49 EDT
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