Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 17, No. 766.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
Submit to:
[1] From: Maurizio Lana <> (14)
Subject: Re: 17.765 a quotation from Gregory Bateson
[2] From: John Byron <> (55)
Subject: Re: 17.765 a quotation from Gregory Bateson
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2004 08:42:12 +0100
From: Maurizio Lana <>
Subject: Re: 17.765 a quotation from Gregory Bateson
At 10.42 04/04/2004, you wrote:
>Someone named Jim Funaro (who seems to have vanished utterly) attributed
>the following useful sentence to Gregory Bateson: "There are the hard
>sciences, and then there are the difficult sciences."
did you try to write him at jafunaro@CABRILLO.EDU?
i found a message form him dated December 4, 2003, referring to a
conference (CONTACT 2004) to be held in the year 2004.
the above message should mean that he hasn't vanished utterly
Maurizio Lana - ricercatore
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Università del Piemonte Orientale a Vercelli
via Manzoni 8, I-13100 Vercelli
+39 347 7370925
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2004 08:42:46 +0100
From: John Byron <>
Subject: Re: 17.765 a quotation from Gregory Bateson
Hi WIllard,
Don't know, but it's a beauty - I'd also be keen to be able to reference it
Nardi and Schiano may be easier to find that Funaro - they use the same
line in a presentation online at
(although they may simply have ripped it off from the other source).
Wunsch is also lovely. I have a meeting with the Aust Academy of Science
tomorrow when I will try it out...
On Sunday, April 4, 2004, at 06:42 PM, Humanist Discussion Group (by way
of Willard McCarty <>) wrote:
>Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 17, No. 765.
> Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
> Submit to:
> Date: Sun, 04 Apr 2004 09:33:29 +0100
> From: Willard McCarty <>
> >
>Someone named Jim Funaro (who seems to have vanished utterly) attributed
>the following useful sentence to Gregory Bateson: "There are the hard
>sciences, and then there are the difficult sciences." (See
>for the
>reference.) Can anyone point me to chapter and verse?
>Allow me to offer and bestow a reward in anticipation: the title of a paper
>by Guillaume Wunsch (Louvain), "God has chosen to give the easy problems to
>the physicists, or why demographers need theory", found online at
> [Note: If you do not receive a reply within 24 hours please
>Dr Willard McCarty | Senior Lecturer | Centre for Computing in the
>Humanities | King's College London | Strand | London WC2R 2LS || +44 (0)20
>7848-2784 fax: -2980 ||
John Byron
Executive Director
The Australian Academy of the Humanities
tel +61 2 6125 9860
fax +61 2 6248 6287
mob 0410 557 157
3 Liversidge Street, ANU campus, Canberra
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