Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 17, No. 816.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
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Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 08:09:08 +0100
From: Kluwer <>
Subject: new book on communications
Digital Communities in a Networked Society
e-Commerce, e-Business and e-Government
edited by
Manuel J. Mendes
Universidade Católica de Santos, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Reima Suomi
Dept. of Management, Turku School of Economics and Business Administration,
Carlos Passos
CenPRA/MCT, Centro de Pesquisas Renato Archer, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Digital Communities in a Networked Society: e-Commerce, e-Business
ande-Government deals with the accelerating evolution in the
computerization of society. This evolution, or should we call it a
revolution, is dominantly driven by the Internet, and documented by the
novelties introduced, year by year, by Information and Communication
Technologies. The application fields of those technologies are expanding
constantly, transferring high benefits for the users - human beings
(clients, consumers, citizens) and organizations. In Electronic Business,
enterprises build production networks and proceed to expressive
reorganization of their internal activities. And in Electronic Government,
still in its infancy, practically all nations in the world - rich or poor -
search for the way to use ICT to reach efficiency and to eliminate old
problems such as corruption. It is not yet possible to foresee the impacts
for the citizen but, for sure, the old democracy is being reshaped.
The book contains recent results of research and development in the areas of:
* E-government,
* Business models of e-applications,
* Innovative structures in the internet,
* Auctions and e-payment,
* Future aspects of communication,
* Internet and the web,
* Advanced platforms and grid computing,
* Cooperation and integration,
* Modeling and construction of e-services.
Digital Communities in a NetworkedSociety: e-Commerce, e-Business and
e-Government comprises the papers, contributions and ideas discussed during
the 3rd I3E Conference on e-Commerce, e-Business and e-Government, which
was sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing
(IFIP) and held in September 2003 in Guaruja, São Paulo, Brazil.
* Foreword. Preface.
* Section 1: E-Government. 1. E-Government - A Roadmap For Progress; R.
Traunmüller, M. Wimmer. 2. Reducing Normative And Informative Asymmetries
In Fiscal Management For Local Administrations; M. Carducci, M.A.
Bochicchio, A. Longo.
* Section 2: Business Models Of E-Applications. 3. Who Are The Internet
Content Providers? C.C. Krueger, P.M.C. Swatman. 4. Net Market Makers In
The Australian B2B E-Space. M. Singh. 5. The Success Strategies For Hybrid
Business Model; S. Vatanasakdakul, E.L. Boon Kiat, J. Cooper.
* Section 3: Innovative Structures In The Internet. 6. Influence Of
Electronic Business Technologies On Supply Chain Transformations; W.
Cellary, S. Strykowski. 7. Product Platforms For The Media Industry; L.
Koehler, M. Anding, T. Hess. 8. Dynamic Management Of Business Service
Quality In Collaborative Commerce Systems; B. Roberts, A. Svirskas. 9.
Software For The Changing E-Business; M. Alaranta, T. Valtonen, J. Isoaho.
* Section 4: Auctions And E-Payment. 10. Dynamic ROI Calculations For
E-Commerce Systems; M. Amberg, M. Hirschmeier. 11. μP: A Micropayment
System; P.A.L. Mindlin, C.M. Schweitzer, T.C.M.B. Carvalho, W.V. Ruggiero.
12. Electronic Auctions In Finland; V.K. Tuunainen, M. Rossi, J. Puhakainen.
* Section 5: Future Aspects Of Communication. 13. I-Centric
Communications; R. Popescu-Zeletin, S. Arbanowski, S. Steglich. 14. A
Communication Framework Towards Flexible Associations Of Businesses In
Evolving Environments; H. Ludolph, G. Babin, P. Kropf. 15. Introducing New
Business Models In Provision Of QOS Networks; B.D. Jerman-Blažic.
* Section 6: Internet And The Web. 16. The Semantic Web; R. Studer, S.
Agarwal, R. Volz. 17. Web Personalization Based On User's Trade-Offs; M.
Martins, I. Garaffa, M. Kling. 18. XML Alone Is Not Sufficient For
Effective Web EDI; F.G. Beckenkamp, W. Pree. 19. Institutional Websites
Personalization Using Macro And Micro User Profiles; P.S. Rodrigues Lima,
M.S. Pimenta.
* Section 7: Advanced Platforms And Grid Computing. 20. The Grid: An
Enabling Infrastructure For Future E-Business, E-Commerce And E-Government
Applications; F. Silva, H. Senger. 21. Inter-Organizational E-Services
Accounting Management On Computational Grids; F. Arcieri, F. Fioravanti, E.
Nardelli, M. Talamo. 22. A Web Services Provider; J.-P. Bahsoun, B.
Chebaro, S. Tawbi. 23. Using Metamodels To Promote Data Integration In An
E-Government Application Scenario; A. Figueiredo, A. Kamada, L. Damasceno,
M. Mendes, M. Rodrigues.
* Section 8: Cooperation And Integration Of E-Services. 24. A Service
Oriented Approach To Interorganisational Cooperation; C. Zirpins, W.
Lamersdorf, G. Piccinelli. 25. A Data And Event Oriented Workflow Process
Definition Meta Model Coherent With The UML Profile For Edoc Systems; J.
Soto MejÃa. 26. XML-Based E-Contracting; M. Merz. 27. ICT Support For
Evolving Harmonization Of International Alliances; R.M. Lee, E.D. Campillo.
28. Modeling Framework For E-Business Systems; M.M. Narasipuram.
* Section 9: Modeling And Construction Of E-Services. 29. Reference
Models For Advanced E-Services; C.A. Vissers, M.M. Lankhorst, R.J. Slagter.
30. Mapping "Enterprise Business Architecture" To "Information Systems
Framework"; A. Yamaguchi, M. Suzuki, M. Kataoka. 31. A COTS-Oriented
Process For Constructing Adaptable E-Government Services; C. Ncube. 32.
Analysis Of The Relation Between Service Parameters For Service Level
Management And System Utilization; M. Akatsu, S. Konno, N. Komoda. 33. Use
Of Models And Modelling Techniques For Service Development; L. Ferreira
Pires, M. Van Sinderen, C. Guareis Farias, J.P. Almeida.
Hardbound ISBN: 1-4020-7795-5 Date: April 2004 Pages: 472 pp.
EUR 164.00 / USD 180.00 / GBP 114.00
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