Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 17, No. 817.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
Submit to:
[1] From: Matt Kirschenbaum <> (19)
Subject: Re: 17.802 what's needed?
[2] From: Maurizio Lana <> (25)
Subject: Re: 17.813 what's needed; pedagogical use of text-
[3] From: Shlomo Argamon <> (14)
Subject: RE: 17.813 what's needed?
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 08:06:51 +0100
From: Matt Kirschenbaum <>
Subject: Re: 17.802 what's needed?
Willard asks "what's needed." I would like to see this community able to
document some specific instances of new knowledge that has been created
as a direct result of access to text analysis or digital resources in
the humanities. By this I don't just mean generic statements like, "with
the advent of the Blake Archive I can compare images from dozens of his
different illuminated books." I also don't mean linguistic computing,
where such successes are well known and documented. For those working in
text anaylsis, electronic editing, digital libraries, and related
fields: are we able to point to actual cases where a problem has been
solved, a question has been answered, received wisdom has been
overturned, or new things have been learned? In the same way we can
point to new knowledge that has come from the advent of the Hinman
collator or the scanning electron microscope.
Positivistic? Maybe, but it strikes me that this community has done a
very good job in articulating the ways in which humanities computing is
capable of raising questions; time to see whether we're also any good at
answering them? Matt
Matthew G. Kirschenbaum_____________________________
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 08:07:12 +0100
From: Maurizio Lana <>
Subject: Re: 17.813 what's needed; pedagogical use of text-analysis
At 07.48 21/04/2004, you wrote:
>Three things come to mind as having served well in other fields and which
>could be applied to humanities computing.
>The first is from mathematics, namely the creation of a series of "grand
>challenges" to the members of the discipline.
>The second is from computational linguistics and information retrieval,
>namely to host "competitions" in which software competitors attempt to
>solve a hard problem in which evaluation of competing systems has proven
>difficult to assess.
>The third method is from computer science and computational linguistics,
>namely to produce standards for the field.
the "ad hoc attribution contest" of Patrick Juola seems to address all of
these suggestions.
it would be interesting to hear Patrick explain if and how did he have them
in mind.
by the way he comes from the the dept. of mathematics and computer science
of the duquesne university.
Maurizio Lana - ricercatore
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Università del Piemonte Orientale a Vercelli
via Manzoni 8, I-13100 Vercelli
+39 347 7370925
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 08:07:29 +0100
From: Shlomo Argamon <>
Subject: RE: 17.813 what's needed?
Briefly, on this general topic, I would like to personally urge those of you
interested in this issue and with something to say to submit abstracts,
position papers, or full articles to the AAAI Symposium that I am
co-chairing this October on style-related issues in computing (the CFP was
recently posted here). Most/many attendees will likely come mainly from a
computing perspective, so people from a more "humanity-centric" perspective
will be particularly welcome, to improve the relevance of the meeting.
If there are any questions about this, please do not hesitate to email me
Shlomo Argamon
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