17.826 academic lodging in N Germany? Aramaic texts in Latin letters?

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk)
Date: Fri May 07 2004 - 16:49:54 EDT

  • Next message: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 17, No. 826.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                         Submit to: humanist@princeton.edu

       [1] From: "chk" <chk@oberlin.net> (19)
             Subject: Inexpensive short-term academic lodging in N. Germany

       [2] From: "Yuri Tambovtsev" <yutamb@mail.cis.ru> (8)
             Subject: I wish I could get Aramaic texts in Latin lettrs

             Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 07:06:57 +0100
             From: "chk" <chk@oberlin.net>
             Subject: Inexpensive short-term academic lodging in N. Germany sought

    Inexpensive short-term academic lodging in N. Germany sought

    Long, long time reader of HUMANIST, and recently retired emeritus
    professor at Oberlin College in Ohio is looking for a bit of
    information on the possibility of short-term community academic or
    research lodging of some kind in northern Germany for a period of
    about three weeks or perhaps longer beginning about the first week
    of June. The point of this projected German trip is, if possible,
    to find inexpensive lodging (like a dorm room) among a group of
    German-speaking academics, or some such, where there would be the
    possibility to speak a good deal of German with tolerant
    German-speakers (to improve my German speaking ability), do a bit of
    writing, and use as a base of operations to travel around. One of
    my sons, in his mid-twenties, would be with me for maybe 10 days. I
    have no idea whether this is a utopian idea, a realistic
    possibility, or an extraordinarily uninformed thought. Any
    information on the subject would be greatly appreciated. Either a
    note to the list or to me personally would do it. Many thanks!

    - Christian Koch

             Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 07:07:44 +0100
             From: "Yuri Tambovtsev" <yutamb@mail.cis.ru>
             Subject: I wish I could get Aramaic texts in Latin lettrs

    Dear Humanist List Members, I wonder if many of you saw the modern film
    about Jesus Christ who speaks Aramaic in this film. I wonder if it is
    possible to find the script of this film in Aramaic but by Latin letters?
    Or may be other Aramaic texts in Latin letters? I'd like to compute the
    frequency of occurrences of Aramaic phonemes, especially its sound
    structure at the beginning (Anlaut) and the end (Auslaut) of the Aramaic
    word. Or may be, you know of such counts? Looking forward to hearing from
    you soon to <mailto:yutamb@hotmail.com>yutamb@hotmail.com

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