Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 17, No. 654.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
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[1] From: "P. Kaszubski" <przemka@amu.edu.pl> (63)
Subject: 2nd CfP: Workshop Assessing the potential of corpora
[2] From: Philippe Schlenker <schlenke@humnet.ucla.edu> (27)
Subject: Workshop-Semantic Approaches to Binding Theories
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2004 08:28:25 +0000
From: "P. Kaszubski" <przemka@amu.edu.pl>
Subject: 2nd CfP: Workshop Assessing the potential of corpora
Workshop on "Assessing the potential of corpora"
May 20, from 9 am
Organised by Przemysław Kaszubski (Poznań)
as part of 35th Poznań Linguistic Meeting
Deadline for abstract submission: 15 March
The primary goal of the workshop is to convene a forum of users of
corpora, from Poland and beyond, willing to exchange opinions on the
feasibility and practicality of corpus-based methods in linguistic
study, language teaching, and other applications.
Part 1 will feature presentations (30 minutes + 10-minute discussion,
or slightly less if time disallows ).
Part 2 will comprise an open panel discussion, introduced by our
special guest, Prof. Dafydd Gibbon (University of Bielefeld), who
will give an overview of corpora and corpus-based linguistics against
the background of other advanced language technologies of today.
Among the topics proposed so far:
Automatic phonetic annotation of corpora for EFL purposes Prof.
Włodzimierz Sobkowiak (AMU Poznań);
Corpora in MA linguistic courses: what's wrong with teaching
linguistics in Poland Prof. Tadeusz Piotrowski (University of
A search tool for corpora with positional tagsets and ambiguities
Dr Adam Przepiórkowski (Polish Academy of Sciences);
On unsupervised grammar induction from untagged corpora Prof.
Damir Cavar (& Giancarlo Schrementi, Joshua Herring, Toshikazu Ikuta)
(Indiana University)
Studying metaphor with the BNC Dr. Małgorzata Fabiszak (AMU
Corpora for the teaching of translation Maciej Machniewski (AMU
Corpus-based teaching of English syntax Dr. Paweł Scheffler (AMU
Web concordancing and EFL writing Dr. Przemysław Kaszubski (AMU
and more... (altogether about 10 presentations are planned)
We hope to publish all contributions in a special edition of Poznań
Studies in Contemporary Linguistics.
Abstracts of 250-300 words should be e-mailed by March 15 to: Przemek
Kaszubski (kprzemek@ifa.amu.edu.pl)
Participants are required to register for the PLM2004 conference at
Dr Przemyslaw Kaszubski
t: +48 61 8293515
e: przemka@amu.edu.pl
w: http://elex.amu.edu.pl/ifa/staff/kaszubski.html
School of English (IFA)
Adam Mickiewicz University
Al. Niepodleglosci 4
61-874 Poznan
t: +48 61 8293506
f: +48 61 8523103
w: http://elex.amu.edu.pl/ifa
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2004 08:29:39 +0000
From: Philippe Schlenker <schlenke@humnet.ucla.edu>
Subject: Workshop-Semantic Approaches to Binding Theories
Workshop: Semantic Approaches to Binding Theory
organized as part of the
European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI 2004)
16-20 August, 2004 in Nancy
Workshop Organizers:
Ed Keenan, UCLA (ekeenan @ ucla. edu)
Philippe Schlenker, UCLA & IJN (schlenke @ ucla. edu)
Workshop Purpose:
Binding Theory, which is concerned with sentence-internal constraints on
anaphora, was originally conceived in syntactic terms as a set of
conditions on the distribution of indices (Chomsky 1983). Thus Condition A
stated that anaphors are locally bound (*John/i thinks that himself/i is
clever); Condition B stated that Pronominals are locally free (*He/i likes
him/i), and Condition C required that R-expressions be free (*He/i thinks
that John/i is clever). But other researchers have attempted to derive these
constraints from lexical semantics or the interpretative procedure rather
than the syntax. Some add a semantic component to a syntactic core
(e.g. Reinhart 1983, Heim 1993, Fox 2000, Buring 2002), but others are more
radically semantic (e.g. works by Jacobson, Keenan, Barker & Shan, Butler).
The workshop, which is intended for advanced PhD students and researchers,
will provide a forum to compare and assess these diverse proposals. We
welcome proposals for 45mn contributions (30mn presentation + 15mn
discussion), which should be specific, explicit and semantically informed.
We list below some possible topics, though the list is not exhaustive.
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