Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 17, No. 611.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
Submit to: humanist@princeton.edu
[1] From: <alerts@springer.com> (43)
Subject: Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations,
Methodologies and Applications
[2] From: orlandi@rmcisadu.let.uniroma1.it (43)
Subject: new book (+ HCS)
Date: Fri, 06 Feb 2004 07:45:19 +0000
From: <alerts@springer.com>
Subject: Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies
and Applications
Volume 8 Number 4 of Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations,
Methodologies and Applications, published by Springer Verlag, is now
available on the SpringerLink web site at
The table of contents follows:
Research on advanced soft computing and its applications p. 239
V. Novák, I. Perfilieva, H. T. Nguyen, V. Kreinovich
Deduction from conditional knowledge p. 247
D. Bamber, I. R. Goodman, H. T. Nguyen
Fuzzy logic deduction with crisp observations p. 256
A. Dvorák, V. Novák
Varieties generated by T-norms p. 264
M. Gehrke, C. Walker, E. Walker
On the optimal choice of quality metric in image compression: a soft computing
approach p. 268
O. Kosheleva
Towards more realistic (e.g., non-associative) “and”- and “or”-operations
in fuzzy
logic p. 274
V. Kreinovich
Intensional theory of granular computing p. 281
V. Novák
Normal forms in BL and L? algebras of functions p. 291
I. Perfilieva
Categories of fuzzy sets p. 299
C. L. Walker
Date: Fri, 06 Feb 2004 07:50:01 +0000
From: orlandi@rmcisadu.let.uniroma1.it
Subject: new book (+ HCS)
For those interested, just published:
I modelli nella ricerca archeologica. Il ruolo dell'informatica.
(Convegno Internazionale, 23-24 novembre 2000) = Contributi
del Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare, n. 107. Roma, Accademia
Nazionale dei Lincei, 2003. 202 p., ISBN 88-218-0900-5, Euro 15.-
The authors of the contributions are: J.-Cl. Gardin, A. Guidi,
P. Moscati, F. D'Andria, G. Azzena, A.-M. Giumier-Sorbets, A.
Bietti, M.P. Guermandi, T. Orlandi, F. Djindjian.
The Conference is the second step in the progress of a research
about Humanities Computing (or Humanities Computer Science)
patronized by the Centro Linceo. The first Conference was held
in 1998 and published in 1999, also in the Series of the Centro
Linceo: Il ruolo del modello nella scienza e nel sapere =
Contributi... n. 100, 219 p. --
I take the liberty of making two remarks, referring to the
recent discussion on Humanities Computer Science (Humanist 17.545
1) The signalled books being mainly in Italian, nobody as usual
will read them, let alone evaluate and discuss the ideas proposed.
Mark that modelling etc. is fashionable today in HC(S), but
was it in 1999?
I have already tried to point out this bad situation, but I
want to add: it sound reasonable that an HC(S) scholar should
know the humanistic culture "at large", and not only one branch
of it. Well, do HC(S) fellow scholars believe that it is possible
to have a good idea of humanistic culture without reading one line
of Italian? Granted, the cultural position of Italy is irrelevant
after some decennies, but -- santo cielo -- its literature has
taught something to the others for a few centuries, and you cannot
really know it without knowing Italian!
2) And speaking of humanistic culture at large, it also sounds
reasonable that if a really transverse discipline HC(S) exists,
the scholars who want to cultivate it should study (and publish
in) not only one branch of it. I happened to write articles trying
to show the influence of CS in the field of philology, literature,
archaeology, and history; the experience has been interesting,
but rather discouraging. Are there others?
Tito Orlandi
Tito Orlandi orlandi@rmcisadu.let.uniroma1.it
CISADU - Fac. di Lettere Tel. 39+06.4991-3936
P.zale Aldo Moro, 5 Fax 39+60.4991-3945
00185 Roma http://rmcisadu.let.uniroma1.it/~orlandi
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