17.360 serious blogging

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk)
Date: Thu Oct 30 2003 - 01:43:47 EST

  • Next message: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 17, No. 360.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                         Submit to: humanist@princeton.edu

       [1] From: <dgants@rogers.com> (34)
             Subject: Re: 17.347 serious blogging

       [2] From: DrWender@aol.com (39)
             Subject: Re: 17.354 serious blogging

             Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 06:20:57 +0000
             From: <dgants@rogers.com>
             Subject: Re: 17.347 serious blogging

    > From: Adrian Miles <adrian.miles@rmit.edu.au>
    > Date: 2003/10/28 Tue PM 06:14:21 EST
    > To: humanist@Princeton.EDU
    > >
    > At 8:09 +0000 28/10/03, "Steve Krause wrote:
    > >You mention that this TLS article doesn't discuss in any way if "Salam Pax
    > >is a pseudonym." Does TLS article bring up the reality of Pax? I happen
    > >to think that Pax exists, but what I'm getting at is the nature of the
    > >interface is such that the convincing and "authentic" view of this
    > >first-hand account of the war in Iraq could have been written by an
    > >especially gifted teenager in Kansas, or some place/scenario like that.
    > a good point, however during the rise of his blog the blog community
    > put a lot of effort into this and pretty much confirmed the
    > legitimacy of the blog. There is, I believe, an article in Slate
    > about this, as well as an essay in Tekka (subscription only). Not to
    > mention all the blog posts that went on at the time.
    > blog communities are self organising, and things like ' the
    > epistemology of the blog' and 'authenticity' operate as what I'd
    > probably (in a rather muddled way) call strange attractors to
    > academic bloggers. Bit like the way the media loves a story that has
    > itself in it, really :-)
    > cheers
    > Adrian Miles
    > --
    > + interactive desktop video
    researcher [http://hypertext.rmit.edu.au/vog/]
    > + research blog [http://hypertext.rmit.edu.au/vog/vlog/]
    > + hypertext rmit [http://hypertext.rmit.edu.au]

             Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 06:23:38 +0000
             From: DrWender@aol.com
             Subject: Re: 17.354 serious blogging

    Sorry, friends, I don't understand the problem exposed
    by Norman Gray (17.354[1]):

    >Similarly journals like Postmodern Culture and the Bryn Mawr Classical
    >Review (and for that matter the majority of current STM journals) are
    >basically conventional journals that have simply switched medium, just
    >as their predecessors arguably did when they switched from epistolary
    >networks to the published proceedings of learned societies. Thus if
    >they occasionally dip back into print that's hardly surprising.
    >Perhaps, then, the interesting thing is whether the Baghdad blog or
    >the various paper FAQs are `the first example of a primary
    >_online_form_ reduced to print for commercial publication'.

    Before we will see an exploding discussion on nowaday
    writers who are publishing their _online_form_ diaries
    (see 17.354[2] from Jessica P. Hekman recurring to
    17347[5] from Matt Kirschenbaum: "blog-style
    novels, just as there were a handful of epistolary email novels a few
    years back) it may be helpful to look back many years more.

    When Choderlos published his "Liaisons dangereuses",
    he didn't change the medium - he simulated in print the
    documentation of an (of course: simulated) "epistolary
    network". When Goethe published his "Werther", he did
    in principle the same, reducing the documentation of the
    (of course: simulated) epistolary network to one node
    of the network and finally - because the story reaches the
    death of this node-person and goes on just to the grave -
    building the fiction of an editor who publish the epistolarian
    material. When Goethe a few years later travelled with
    his Chief in Switzerland and wrote real-life letters to a lady
    at home her requesting to sample these letters, and when he
    later on made a redaction of these letters and published this
    work under the title "Briefe aus der Schweiz" - is this (similar
    to the case of the Bagdad blog) an <quote> example of a primary
    _[epistolary]_form_ reduced to print for commercial publication </quote>
    And what is the difference to the case of journals who
    <quote> simply switched medium </quote>


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