17.353 new on WWW

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk)
Date: Tue Oct 28 2003 - 03:13:14 EST

  • Next message: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 17, No. 353.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                         Submit to: humanist@princeton.edu

       [1] From: Tim van Gelder <tgelder@unimelb.edu.au> (108)
             Subject: Latest Additions to Critical Thinking On The Web

       [2] From: Edward Vanhoutte <evanhoutte@kantl.be> (57)
             Subject: Release DALF Guidelines and DTD Version 1.0

       [3] From: Ross Scaife <scaife@uky.edu> (13)
             Subject: Re: 17.322 "open content" in the humanities?

       [4] From: owner-bmcr-l@brynmawr.edu (21)
             Subject: BMCR webcast

             Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 06:47:35 +0000
             From: Tim van Gelder <tgelder@unimelb.edu.au>
             Subject: Latest Additions to Critical Thinking On The Web

    27 Oct

    Two from the New York Times Magazine. Available free now, but not for long:

    <http://www.nytimes.com/2003/10/26/magazine/26BRAINS.html>There's a Sucker
    Born in Every Medial Prefrontal Cortex By Clive Thompson
    "With the help of brain scanners, scientists are refashioning themselves as
    "neuromarketers." Can they finally make advertising a science?" Find out
    how Coca Cola's advertising really does drive your perceptions - like it or

    <http://www.nytimes.com/2003/10/26/magazine/26CANNIBALISM.html>The Most
    Unconventional Weapon by Daniel Berger
    "Soldiers in Congo are resorting to the practice of cannibalism. Mystical
    belief, like disease and poverty, would seem to be an unyielding African
    curse." Cultural relativism, anyone? [Warning - not for the faint-hearted.]

    20 Oct

    in Email Lists and Newsletters

    <http://www.americancynic.com/index.html>American Cynic
    "The Cynic is a weekly, e-mailed distribution list sending interesting
    information and thought-provoking stories to intelligent, discerning
    readers at large. We feel that being a little bit cynical is an essential
    characteristic for a healthy perspective on modern life. We focus on the
    historical, social, political, and scientific arenas. We'll discuss the
    media, technology, and current events. The Cynic has been called a
    "thinking person's Paul Harvey", and "a riot for the sane mind". The weekly
    newsletter is readable in about 3 to 4 minutes..." [20 Oct 03]

    In Textbooks, and Statistics and Probability


    to Probability by Charles M. Grinstead & J. Laurie Snell
    An entire, 500+ page textbook on probability. Designed for use in a
    one-semester college course. Not the best "self-help" guide for novices,
    but could be a very useful resource for those who already have some
    familiarity with probability and are comfortable with a moderately
    technical treatment. [20 Oct 03]

    15 Oct

    in Teaching

    <http://www.csmonitor.com/2003/1014/p18s01-lehl.html>Rethinking thinking By
    Mark Clayton, Christian Science Monitor
    "College classes that make one think - it's a basic concept assumed as a
    given. But many grads walk away with a diploma yet still lack critical
    thinking skills. That's why some educators are asking students to close
    their textbooks and do a little more reflecting." [15 Oct 03]

    14 Oct

    in Experts and Expertise - Investment Professionals

    <http://www.nature.com/nsu/030922/030922-6.html>Stock market traders show
    signs of zero intelligence by Philip Ball, in Nature Science Update
    A model making random decisions behaves just like a real stock market. So,
    what is the evidence that investment professionals' experience and
    (supposed) insight is helping them make better-than-random choices? [14 Oct 03]

    13 Oct

    in Skepticism - Meta-skepticism

    Doubts Relative to Napoleon Buonaparte by Richard Whately
    Delightful satire of the standards of evidence skeptics profess to
    maintain. This essay from the mid-19C displays critical thinking even as it
    lampoons such thinking when taken to extremes. [13 Oct 03]

    7 Oct

    in Political Correctness - Reviews

    <http://www.skeptic.com/LevitPost.html>Pious Fantasies. Review of Teresi's
    Lost Discoveries, by Norman Levitt
    Scathing review of yet another bout of Western self-flagellation. Levitt
    has a very sharp pen, though his style can be somewhat florid. "this book
    is an intellectual disaster and, worse, a moral disaster. The homiletics of
    officially sanctioned "diversity" are glibly indifferent to the soundness
    of the intellectual currency and resonate with an exceedingly narrow notion
    of morality." [7 Oct 03]

    1 Oct

    in Guides

    <http://www-ari.army.mil/Outreach/leader_3.htm>Practical Thinking by Jon
    Falleson, US Army (large pdf file)
    Overview and content of a 6 lesson, 12 hour course in critical
    thinking. Although developed for use by Army battle commanders, the
    material is sufficiently generic that this could be used for anyone wanting
    to understand how thinking might be improved in complex, uncertain, noisy
    and high-pressure situations. [1 Oct 03]

    30 Sep

    in Statistics and Probability

    <http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/327/7417/741>Simple tools for
    understanding risks: from innumeracy to insight by Gerd Gigerenzer
    Useful guide by Mr. "Statistics Made Simple" himself. "Bad presentation of
    medical statistics such as the risks associated with a particular
    intervention can lead to patients making poor decisions on treatment.
    Particularly confusing are single event probabilities, conditional
    probabilities (such as sensitivity and specificity), and relative risks.
    How can doctors improve the presentation of statistical information so that
    patients can make well informed decisions?" [30 Sep 03]

    in Experts and Expertise

    <http://www.ksu.edu/psych/cws/index.htm>Cochran-Weiss-Shanteau (CWS) Home Page
    Experts on expertise. A trove of resources, including articles, FAQ and
    software. Centred on a particular method of determining to what extent the
    experts are any good, but there is lots of more general information. [30
    Sep 03]

    25 Sep

    in Guides

    <http://philosophy.hku.hk/think/project/miniguide.pdf>A Mini Guide to
    Critical Thinking by Joe Lau (pdf file)
    A bit more than "mini". 26 page document surveys major topics. Clear and
    simple. Would be useful as a reference, for brushing up on key concepts.
    [25 Sep 03]

    Yahoo! Groups Sponsor

    The "critical" email list is moderated with a view to ensuring that all
    postings make substantial contributions on the topic of critical thinking
    likely to be of interest or value to a majority of list subscribers.
    General discussion related to issues raised on this list can be sent to the
    unmoderated group critical_discuss@yahoogroups.com

    To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

    Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the
    <http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/>Yahoo! Terms of Service.

             Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 07:58:51 +0000
             From: Edward Vanhoutte <evanhoutte@kantl.be>
             Subject: Release DALF Guidelines and DTD Version 1.0

    The Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies of the Royal
    Academy of Dutch Language and Literature (Gent, Belgium) is happy to
    announce that version 1.0 of the DALF Guidelines for the Description and
    Encoding of Modern Correspondence Material and the DALF DTD have now
    been released.

    The Guidelines and DTDs can be downloaded for on-line or off-line
    browsing (HTML and PDF) from the DALF website:

    The editors would like to thank the members of the community for their
    valuable input and comments on the draft version, and welcome all signs
    of interest in the DALF project.

    DALF is an acronym for "Digital Archive of Letters in Flanders". It is
    envisioned as a growing textbase of correspondence material which can
    generate different products for both academia and a wider audience, and
    thus provide a tool for diverse research disciplines ranging from
    literary criticism to historical, diachronic, synchronic, and
    sociolinguistic research. The input of this textbase will consist of the
    materials produced in separate electronic edition projects. In order to
    ensure maximum flexibility and (re)usability of each of the electronic
    editions, a formal framework is required that can guarantee uniform
    integration of new projects in the DALF project. The DALF project can be
    expected to stimulate new electronic edition projects, as well as the
    international debate on electronic editions of correspondence material.

    The DALF DTD has been specified as a customisation of the TEI DTD in the
    way specified in chapter 29 of the TEI P4 Guidelines. The creation of
    the DTD has taken into account the insights and practices presented in
    international projects like TEI (Text Encoding Initiative), Master
    (Manuscript Access through Standards for Electronic Records), and MEP
    (Model Editions Partnership).

    The DALF guidelines (ed. by Edward Vanhoutte & Ron Van den Branden)
    provide a detailed documentation of the DALF specific extensions to the
    TEI and pointers to the TEI guidelines.

    Currently, several pilot projects are testing the DALF DTD, encoding
    thousands of modern holograph correspondence material.

    - DALF site: <http://www.kantl.be/ctb/project/dalf/>
    - DALF Guidelines:
    - DALF DTD files:

    The editors welcome all comments: <evanhoutte@kantl.be>


    Edward Vanhoutte


    ============= Edward Vanhoutte Co-ordinator Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie - CTB (KANTL) Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies Reviews Editor, Literary and Linguistic Computing Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature Koningstraat 18 / b-9000 Gent / Belgium tel: +32 9 265 93 51 / fax: +32 9 265 93 49 evanhoutte@kantl.be http://www.kantl.be/ctb/ http://www.kantl.be/ctb/vanhoutte/

    --[3]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 08:02:47 +0000 From: Ross Scaife <scaife@uky.edu> Subject: Re: 17.322 "open content" in the humanities?

    Here's a substantive complement to the current discussion of Open Access issues on this list:

    "Scholarly Communication and Epistemic Cultures," by Blaise Cronin, Professor of Information Science, Indiana University

    It was the keynote address at the very recent conference called

    Scholarly Tribes and Tribulations: How Tradition and Technology Are Driving Disciplinary Change


    This discussion began with a question (or observation) about how OA initiatives seem a lot more common in the sciences than in the humanities. Cronin is especially good at how "the technologies of electronic publishing and disciplinary publishing regimes are co-constitutive."

    -- Ross Scaife

    --[4]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 08:01:25 +0000 From: owner-bmcr-l@brynmawr.edu Subject: BMCR webcast

    [Forwarded from the Bryn Mawr Classical Review, which as many here will know is one of the earliest and still one of the most fit of the Web publications we have. --WM]

    Dear BMCR readers:

    We'd like to let you know about an exciting new idea, which could expand the remit of BMCR.

    At Bryn Mawr College, on November 7, we are hosting a Forum entitled "Jews and Christians Reading the Bible". This will be a conversation which takes its starting point from Mark Vessey's review of David Dawson's book on Christian Figural Reading (BMCR 2002.11.16). Mark Vessey will be present; so will David Dawson and (for new blood) Rachel Havrelock. The style will be very informal, and audience participation will be warmly invited.

    Readers of BMCR worldwide are included in this invitation: we shall be webcasting the Forum live, and inviting questions and responses from you electronically.

    If the Forum is a success, we shall be looking out for subsequent reviews from which to develop, and webcast, such conversations.

    For further information on the Forum, and how to participate, please go to: http://www.brynmawr.edu/classicsforum. Edited clips from the proceedings will be available on the website after the event.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Tue Oct 28 2003 - 03:22:56 EST