17.257 ALLC/ACH 2004, 2nd Call for Papers

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk)
Date: Tue Sep 23 2003 - 02:59:07 EDT

  • Next message: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 17, No. 257.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                         Submit to: humanist@princeton.edu

             Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 07:45:25 +0100
             From: Jan-Gunnar Tingsell <tingsell@hum.gu.se>
             Subject: ALLC / ACH - 2004, 2nd Call for Papers

    ALLC/ACH-2004, 2nd Call for Papers.

    Computing and Multilingual, Multicultural Heritage
    16th Joint Annual Conference of ALLC and ACH
    June 11-16, 2004, Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden

    The conference website can be visited at: http://www.hum.gu.se/allcach2004/

    The 2004 conference has two aims. First, we invite papers and contributions
    in all areas related to humanities computing and the application of
    advanced information technologies in humanities subjects, including
    linguistics, literature, cultural and historical studies, translation
    studies, media studies and digital collections. Papers on research and on
    teaching are both of interest. Papers may report on new theoretical and
    methodological advances in any relevant field. Second, within this context,
    the conference is expected to address the increased challenges of
    multilingualism, an issue manifested by the further enlargement of Europe
    and the process of integration of nations world wide. We thus also
    encourage papers related to the linguistic and cultural issues of
    multilingual communities.

    It is clear that specialists in humanities computing can help achieve these
    aims through individual scientific and educational tasks and joint
    projects, as well as by making available their research base through
    educational and electronic library resources. We believe that responding to
    these new challenges will also have a fertilizing effect on humanities
    computing as a whole by opening up new ways and methodologies to enhance
    the use of computers and computation in a wide range of humanities disciplines.
    We welcome presentations in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and
    Further information on the research and educational activities as well as
    on past conferences of the two associations can be found at www.allc.org
    (ALLC) and www.ach.org (ACH). For an overview of the range of topics
    covered by humanities computing please refer to the journals of the
    Associations, Literary and Linguistic Computing (www.oup.co.uk) and
    Computers and the Humanities (www.kluweronline.com).

    Jan-Gunnar Tingsell                     <tingsell@hum.gu.se>
    Centre for Humanities Computing phone:  +46 31 773 4553
    Göteborg University                     fax:    +46 31 773 4455
    URL: http://www.hum.gu.se/hfds/

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