17.141 research on blogging

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk)
Date: Tue Jul 08 2003 - 01:41:37 EDT

  • Next message: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 17, No. 141.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                         Submit to: humanist@princeton.edu

       [1] From: "Milena Radzikowska" <milena@yardog.ca> (8)
             Subject: Re: 17.134 research on blogging

       [2] From: lachance@origin.chass.utoronto.ca (Francois (21)
             Subject: Re: 17.134 research on blogging

             Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2003 06:38:32 +0100
             From: "Milena Radzikowska" <milena@yardog.ca>
             Subject: Re: 17.134 research on blogging


    I presented a paper on blogging at the Communicational Spaces 2003
    Conference, at the University of Alberta, this past May. You can look at my
    abstract, references, and the PDF presentation on my blog:
    http://www.yardog.ca/blog/blogging.html. I am still putting the finishing
    touches on my paper and it should be available on my blog very shortly.

    Good luck!

    milena radzikowska

             Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2003 06:38:57 +0100
             From: lachance@origin.chass.utoronto.ca (Francois Lachance)
             Subject: Re: 17.134 research on blogging


    Perhaps some of the Humansit subscribers who are participant-experts in
    blogging would care to venture a post or two on the following research

    1) searching the blogsphere
    Given the lag time search engines such as Google and Altavista have in
    indexing WWW sites, how does one navigate the blogsphere apart from the
    embedded links in postings or the lists of links to blogs found in the
    sidebars of many (but not all blog sites).

    2) accessibility of the blogsphere
    A quick history of weblogging software might reveal some sociological
    indicators: which accessibility and cross-platform questions arose when
    in the discourse; what reactions did the questions sollicit.

    Try using a browser such as Lynx to access some weblogs and observe which
    features "translate". There is some dynamically generated data that
    doesn't cross in some cases (depending upon the software used to run the
    blog and the design principles incorporated in that software).

    In short, there is room for a machine-centred research agenda.

    Francois Lachance, Scholar-at-large

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