Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 17, No. 55.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
Submit to:
[1] From: Katja Mruck <> (203)
Subject: FQS 4(2) "Subjectivity and Reflexivity in Qualitative
Research II" online
[2] From: Sean Lawrence <> (65)
Subject: Latest issue of EMLS
[3] From: Willard McCarty <> (25)
Subject: Archive of Turkish Oral Narrative
[4] From: "danna c. bell-russel" <dbell@LOC.GOV> (91)
Subject: Courage, Patriotism, Community Web Site at Library of
[5] From: "David L. Green" <> (90)
Subject: Cleveland NINCH Copyright Town Meeting Report
Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2003 07:33:30 +0100
From: Katja Mruck <>
Subject: FQS 4(2) "Subjectivity and Reflexivity in Qualitative
Research II" online
Dear colleagues,
I would like to inform you that FQS 4(2) -- Subjectivity and Reflexivity
in Qualitative Research II -- is available at (see for Part
We hope that this most extensive collection on subjectivity and
reflexivity in qualitative research thus far will promote further
understanding and initiate discussions -- whether one agrees with or is
critical against it. This hope is supported by the fact that authors
from various disciplines and nations joined this adventure and gave
insights from their practices and knowledge. Of course, everyone is
invited to join us in these reflection and discussion processes at FQS
also in the future!
Katja Mruck, Editor
Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research
Edited by Wolff-Michael Roth, Franz Breuer & Katja Mruck
Katja Mruck & Franz Breuer: Subjectivity and Reflexivity in Qualitative
Research -- The FQS Issues
Wolff-Michael Roth & Franz Breuer: Reflexivity and Subjectivity: A
Possible Road Map for Reading the Special Issues
Franz Breuer & Wolff-Michael Roth: Subjectivity and Reflexivity in the
Social Sciences: Epistemic Windows and Methodical Consequences
Bruce Bolam, Kate Gleeson & Simon Murphy (UK): "Lay Person" or "Health
Expert"? Exploring Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Reflexivity in
Qualitative Health Research
Gert Dressel & Nikola Langreiter (Austria): When "We Ourselves" Become
Our Own Field of Research
Carolyn Ellis (USA): Grave Tending: With Mom at the Cemetery
Wolfgang Fichten & Birgit Dreier (Germany): Triangulation of
Mary Hanrahan (Australia): Challenging the Dualistic Assumptions of
Academic Writing: Representing Ph.D. Research as Embodied Practice
Silvia Heizmann (Switzerland): "Because of You I Am an Invalid!"-Some
Methodological Reflections About the Limitations of Collecting and
Interpreting Verbal Data and the Attempt to Win New Insights by Applying
the Epistemological Potential of Ethnopsychoanalytical Concepts
Olaf Jensen & Harald Welzer (Germany): One Thing Leads to Another or:
Self-Reflexivity as Method
Helen Kay, Viviene Cree, Kay Tisdall & Jennifer Wallace (Guyana,
Scotland, UK): At the Edge: Negotiating Boundaries in Research with
Children and Young People
Ernst Langthaler (Austria): (Hi)stories on (Hi)stories.
Historical-Anthropological Fieldwork as Reflexive Process
Stuart Lee & Wolff-Michael Roth (Canada): Becoming and Belonging:
Learning Qualitative Research Through Legitimate Peripheral
Stephan Marks & Heidi Moennich-Marks (Germany): The Analysis of
Counter-Transference Reactions Is a Means to Discern Interview-Contents
Judith McMorland, Brigid Carroll, Susan Copas & Judith Pringle (New
Zealand): Enhancing the Practice of PhD Supervisory Relationships
Through First- And Second-Person Action Research/Peer Partnership
Harriet W. Meek (USA): The Place of the Unconscious in Qualitative
Chaim Noy (Israel): The Write of Passage: Reflections on Writing a
Dissertation in Narrative Methodology
Sarah Riley, Wendy Schouten & Sharon Cahill (UK): Exploring the Dynamics
of Subjectivity and Power Between Researcher and Researched
Rudolf Schmitt (Germany): The Interaction between Research Method and
Subjective Competence in Systematic Metaphor Analysis
Maria de Ftima de A. Silveira, Dulce Maria Rosa Gualda, Vera Sobral, &
Ademilda Maria de S. Garcia (Brazil): Workshops of Sensitivity,
Expressiveness and Creativity: A Path to Integrate Subjectivity and
Reflection in Qualitative Research
Tilo Weber (Germany): There Is No Objective Subjectivity in the Study of
Social Interaction
Nicole Capezza (USA): The Cultural-Psychological Foundations for
Violence and Nonviolence. An Empirical Study
Monica Colombo (Italy): Reflexivity and Narratives in Action Research: A
Discursive Approach
Marisela Hernndez (Venezuela): Recovering the Objects: Towards a
"Tasty" Research
Helmar Schoene (Germany): Participant Observation in Political Science:
Methodological Reflection and Field Report
Franz Breuer: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods: Positions and
Position Changes in Psychology. A Comment on Texts by Jochen Fahrenberg
and Juergen Rost
Jochen Fahrenberg (Germany): Interpretation in Psychology and Social
Science-New Approach or a Neglected Tradition?
Juergen Rost (Germany): Zeitgeist and Fashions in the Analysis of
Empirical Data
Franz Breuer, Jo Reichertz & Wolff-Michael Roth: Taboos of Thematization
and Gate Keeping in the Social Sciences: Moderators' Comments
Angelika Birck (Germany): Laura's Doctorate
Guenter Burkart (Germany): On Taboos of Thematizing and the
Impossibility of Doing a Sociology of Sociology
Valerie Malhotra Bentz (USA): Review Note: Arthur P. Bochner & Carolyn
Ellis (Eds.) (2002). Ethnographically Speaking: Autoethnography,
Literature and Aesthetics
Michael B. Buchholz (Germany): Review Note: Klaus Antons, Andreas Amann,
Gisela Clausen, Oliver Koenig & Karl Schattenhofer (2001).
Gruppenprozesse verstehen. Gruppendynamische Forschung und Praxis
[Understanding Group Processes. Group Dynamics-Research and Practice]
Thomas Doebler (Germany): Review Note: Edmund Ballhaus (Ed.) (2001).
Kulturwissenschaft, Film und Oeffentlichkeit [Cultural Science, Film,
and Public]
Susanne Friese (Germany): Review Note: Andreas Wernet (2000).
Einfuehrung in die Interpretationstechnik der Objektiven Hermeneutik
[Introduction to Interpretation Techniques of Objective Hermeneutics]
Ralf Ottermann (Germany): What is the Sociology of Crime? Disciplinary
Conspicuousnesses and Qualitative Links. Review Essay: Stefanie Eifler
(2002). Kriminalsoziologie [Sociology of Crime]
Carl Ratner (USA): Reply to Wolff-Michael Roth's Review Essay Culture
and Identity, published in FQS 4(1)
Dietmar Rost (Germany): Inside the Ghost Train of Collective Identity.
Lutz Niethammer's Criticism of the Concept's Boom. Review Essay: Lutz
Niethammer (2000). Kollektive Identitaet. Heimliche Quellen einer
unheimlichen Konjunktur [Collective Identity. Clandestine Sources of an
Eerie Boom]
Wolff-Michael Roth (Canada): The Dialectic of the General and Particular
in Social Science Research and Teaching Praxis. Review Essay: Carol R.
Ember & Melvin Ember (2001). Cross-Cultural Research Methods
Wilhelm Schwendemann (Germany): Review Note: Harald Welzer (Ed.) (1999).
Auf den Truemmern der Geschichte: Gespraeche mit Raul Hilberg, Hans
Mommsen und Zygmunt Bauman [On the Ruins of History: Discourses with
Raul Hilberg, Hans Mommsen and Zygmunt Bauman]
Achim Seiffarth (Italy): Qualitative Research for the Education of
Mankind. Review Essay: Andreas Mueller-Hartmann & Marita
Schocker-v.Ditfurth (Eds.) (2001). Qualitative Forschung im Bereich
Fremdsprachen lehren und lernen [Qualitative Research in Foreign
Language Teaching and Learning]
Martin Spetsmann-Kunkel (Germany): Review Note: Beate Krais & Gunter
Gebauer (2002). Habitus
Peter Stegmaier (Germany): Review Note: Thomas Samuel Eberle (2000).
Lebensweltanalyse und Handlungstheorie. Beitraege zur Verstehenden
Soziologie [Life-world Analysis and Action Theory. Contributions to
Interpretative Sociology]
Benjamin Stingl (Germany): Youth-Youth Culture-Techno. Review Essay:
Ronald Hitzler & Michaela Pfadenhauer (Eds.) (2001). Techno-Soziologie:
Erkundungen einer Jugendkultur [Techno-Sociology: Exploration of a Youth
Tilmann Walter (Germany): Review Note: kea. Zeitschrift fuer
Kulturwissenschaften [kea. Journal for Cultural Sciences] (2001),
Ausgabe 14: Heteronormativitaet [Heteronormativity
Till Westermayer (Germany): Review Note: Peter Berger (2001). Computer
und Weltbild. Habitualisierte Konzepte von der Welt der Computer
[Computer and Worldview. Habitualized Concepts of the World of
-- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) Deutsch -> English -> Espanol -> sign the Budapest Open Access Initiative:
Visit for Workshop and Conference Announcements.
--[2]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2003 07:34:20 +0100 From: Sean Lawrence <> Subject: Latest issue of EMLS
Early Modern Literary Studies is delighted to announce the launch of its May issue, which is, as usual, available free online at The table of contents is below.
Romancing Multiplicity: Female Subjectivity and the Body Divisible in Margaret Cavendish's Blazing World. [1] Geraldine Wagner, College of the Holy Cross.
Elizabeth Cary's Mariam and the Critique of Pure Reason. [2] William M. Hamlin, Washington State University.
Propaganda or a Record of Events? Richard Mulcaster's The Passage Of Our Most Drad Soveraigne Lady Quene Elyzabeth Through The Citie Of London Westminster The Daye Before Her Coronacion. [3] William Leahy, Brunel University.
Religion, Politics, Revenge: The Dead in Renaissance Drama. [4] Thomas Rist, University of Aberdeen.
"The Legend of the Bischop of St. Androis Lyfe" and the Survival of Scottish Poetry. [5] David J. Parkinson, University of Saskatchewan.
How to Read an Early Modern Map: Between the Particular and the General, the Material and the Abstract, Words and Mathematics. [6] Jess Edwards, London Metropolitan University.
"Thy temperance invincible": Humanism in Book II of The Faerie Queene and Paradise Regained. [7] Sung-Kyun Yim, Sookmyung Women's University.
Nicholas Canny. Making Ireland British, 1580-1650. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001. [8] Joan Fitzpatrick, University College Northampton.
Julie Stone Peters, Theatre of the Book, 1480-1880: Print, Text, and Performance in Europe. [9] Andrew Murphy, St Andrews University.
Christie Carson and Jacky Bratton, eds. The Cambridge King Lear CD-ROM: Text and Performance Archive. [10] Michael Best, University of Victoria.
Heather Wolfe. Elizabeth Cary Lady Falkland: Life and Letters. Cambridge: Renaissance Texts from Manuscript no. 4 and Tempe: Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies vol. 230, 2001. [11] Marie-Louise Coolahan, National University of Ireland, Galway.
Shankar Raman. Framing "India": The Colonial Imaginary in Early Modern Culture. Stanford: Stanford UP, 2002. [12] Mark Aune, North Dakota State University.
Ruth Samson Luborsky and Elizabeth Morley Ingram. A Guide to English Illustrated Books 1536-1603. Tempe, AZ: MRTS, 1998. [13] Joseph Jones, University of British Columbia Library.
Christina Luckyj, 'A moving Rhetoricke': Gender and Silence in Early Modern England. Manchester: Manchester UP, 2002, and Eve Rachele Sanders, Gender and Literacy in Early Modern England. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998. [14] Danielle Clarke, University College Dublin.
Michael Neill, Putting History to the Question: Power, Politics, and Society in English Renaissance Drama. New York: Columbia UP, 2000. [15] Christopher Ivic, SUNY Potsdam.
Rhonda Lemke Sanford. Maps and Memory in Early Modern England: A Sense of Place. New York and Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2002. [16] Jess Edwards, London Metropolitan University.
Margreta de Grazia and Stanley Wells, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2001. [17] Adam Smyth, University of Reading.
Tom Cain, ed. The Poetry of Mildmay Fane, Second Earl of Westmorland: from the Fulbeck, Harvard and Westmorland Manuscripts. Manchester: Manchester UP, 2001. [18] Andrew McRae, University of Exeter.
James Grantham Turner. Libertines and Radicals in Early Modern London: Sexuality, Politics and Literary Culture, 1630-1685. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2002. [19] Jim Daems, Simon Fraser University.
Reviewing Information, Books Received for Review, and Forthcoming Reviews.
Theatre Reviews
Coriolanus, directed by David Farr, at The Dukeries, Ollerton and on tour. [20] Katherine Wilkinson, Sheffield Hallam University.
Alex Cox's Revengers Tragedy. [21] Jerome de Groot, University College Dublin.
Lent Term: Cambridge Drama, 2003. [22] Michael Grosvenor Myer.
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--[3]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2003 07:37:13 +0100 From: Willard McCarty <> Subject: Archive of Turkish Oral Narrative
[This forwarded from a rather heavily formatted e-mail message; I pass it on as an example of access to material that otherwise would be unlikely to be published. --WM]
>The Archive of Turkish Oral Narrative, ATON, has a constantly growing >number of patrons. New statistics have been released emphasizing the >continued success of the ATON website ><> Approximately 200,000 >documents have been digitally delivered to half the countries in the >world. The Epics (Dastan) which date back 2,200 years are the most popular >of the collection. > >Patrons have used 10,000 internet service points to access the website. >The site is organized in mutually supporting sections including music, >historical documentation, explanations of the narratives, and >anthropological and ethnographic materials. Of the three similar programs >worldwide ATON is the only collection digitized and accessible on the web. > >There are currently around 200 links to the ATON website from various >other sites around the world. Academic and professional organizations with >a link include such prestigious institutions as The U.S. Library of >Congress and the British Library.
Dr Willard McCarty | Senior Lecturer | Centre for Computing in the Humanities | King's College London | Strand | London WC2R 2LS || +44 (0)20 7848-2784 fax: -2980 ||
--[4]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2003 07:39:27 +0100 From: "danna c. bell-russel" <dbell@LOC.GOV> Subject: Courage, Patriotism, Community Web Site at Library of Congress
Good afternoon,
This announcement is being sent to a number of lists. Please accept our apologies for duplicate postings.
Please direct any questions about the site to the email address provided below not to the poster.
Courage, Patriotism, Community Web Site Debuts on Library of Congress website
In honor of Memorial Day and in celebration of the American spirit, the Library of Congress is launching a new Web site highlighting its collections of veterans stories, patriotic music and community life. The new site, called Courage, Patriotism, Community, is accessible at
Courage, Patriotism, Community comprises three Web presentations: Experiencing War: Stories from the Veterans History Project; Patriotic Melodies: Selections from I Hear America Singing; and Community Roots: Selections from the Local Legacies Project.
Experiencing War ( features selected stories from the Librarys Veterans History Project in the American Folklife Center. Created by an act of Congress in 2000, the Veterans History Project provides veterans and the civilians who supported them the opportunity to record for posterity their wartime experiences. These poignant stories, which reflect the Web sites theme of courage, patriotism and community, are told through video, audio and written personal accounts from 21 veterans and civilians. They include such stories as that of James Walsh, veteran of the Korean War, who describes the numbing cold and horrifying scenes he endured with the 25th Infantry. Also included are photographs, diaries and scrapbooksall digitized and presented on the Web site. This initial release of personal narratives will be followed by many more from the 7,000 collections the Veterans History Project has received to date.
Patriotic Melodies ( illustrates the close connection between patriotism, music, and the expression of the American spirit; it features some of the nations most beloved patriotic tunes as well as the story behind the creation of each melody. The 26 initial selections include national songs like The Star Spangled Banner, America and My Country Tis of Thee; military theme songs like The Army Goes Rolling Along, Anchors Aweigh and The Marines Hymn; and music like Over There and Yankee Doodle Boy drawn from musical theater. A trip to the Web site will allow visitors to turn the pages of Aaron Coplands Fanfare for the Common Man, listen to Kate Smith sing God Bless America, and learn interesting factssuch as the title of George M. Cohans renowned song, Youre a Grand Old Flag, which was originally titled Youre a Grand Old Rag.
Community Roots ( documents Americas local festivals, community events and other grassroots activities. The events selected for this presentation come from the larger Local Legacies collectiona joint project of the Library of Congress and the U.S. Congress that was initiated during the Librarys bicentennial celebration in 2000 to document the nations multicultural traditions at the turn of the 20th century. For the purpose of the online presentation, one local tradition has been selected to represent each state, the District of Columbia, the territories and trusts. These include Buccaneer Days in Texas, which celebrates a time in history when pirate ships sailed the Gulf waters, and the Worlds Largest Pancake Breakfastserving some 40,000in Springfield, Mass. Viewed as a whole, Community Roots highlights the ways in which Americans celebrate their diverse cultural backgrounds.
The Library of Congress is the largest repository of human knowledge in the history of the world. During the last decade, the Library took advantage of the power of the Internet and the unparalleled resources of its collections and curators to become the leading provider of free noncommercial educational content on the World Wide Web. Its award-winning Web site is accessible at From baseball cards to presidential diaries, from Edisons first films to Mathew Bradys Civil War photographs, more than 8 million items are now available online showcasing the creativity and courage of the American people.
Please direct any questions to the Library of Congress Public Affairs Office at (202) 707-2905 or via email at
--[5]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2003 07:42:26 +0100 From: "David L. Green" <> Subject: Cleveland NINCH Copyright Town Meeting Report Available
NINCH COPYRIGHT TOWN MEETING REPORTS AVAILABLE "Copyright for Artists and their Public" Cleveland Museum of Art: April 12, 2003
Full and summary reports are now available on the 22nd NINCH Copyright Town Hall Meeting hosted April 12, 2003 by the Cleveland Museum of Art and sponsored by the Center for Law, Technology and the Arts, Case Western Reserve University School of Law.
"Copyright for Artists and their Public: Artists' Rights and Art's Rights," divided into three parts: an expert review of copyright law and its evolution in the digital age, a discussion of the copyright and contract issues artists face when they go to work for, or sell work or rights to, organizations, and an exploration of the legality and consequences of art that appropriates work that is copyright protected.
June Besek, Executive Director of the Kernochan Center for Law, Media and the Arts at Columbia Law School, masterfully reviewed copyright law, emphasizing among other topics: the distinction between ownership of an object and ownership of its intellectual property rights; the number of rights included in the copyright bundle; moral rights (generally downplayed in the US); the range of exceptions to copyright control and the particular challenges of the digital landscape, the legal response to date and what may be expected down the road. While some of the more over-protective elements of the DMCA were being countered in new proposed legislation, June Besek saw the future in a combination of enforcement of the law and development of new business models.
Turning to the intertwined issues of copyright, contracts and work for hire, Alberta Arthurs gave a rich contextual introduction to the conflicts, invoking the 2002 American Assembly report on this topic. Legal scholar, Maureen O'Rourke, powerfully demonstrated the situation of the individual creator in the post-Tasini digital world, in which corporate publishers force creators to give up all rights for the same price paid a few years ago for print-only rights. With copyright law offering little protection and contract law favoring large industrial players, O'Rourke proposed more collective action along the lines of the National Writers Union to redress current grievances.
O'Rourke's legal perspective was given heft and color by photographer Richard Kelly, who said he spent more time negotiating contracts than taking photographs, but felt lucky when he could negotiate, as most publishers cannot afford the time for individual negotiation. Artists needed a just and balanced regime in which they were compensated for electronic rights to their work. Kelly expressed dismay that the legal hurdles facing artists are not discussed in art schools, and noted the need for artists to become educated about their rights.
Attorney Deborah Coleman followed with an informed discussion of a museum's perspectives. She registered the frequent conflict between educational mission and economic survival and the need to rely on contracts in a sea of legal uncertainty. The Cleveland Museum was concerned about the integrity of images and their fate in the world but was not satisfied by the efficacy of legal or technical protection measures to date. In questions, Alberta Arthurs expressed her disappointment that the goals and balance of copyright were currently being displaced and needed re-adjustment. She particularly felt it was difficult to organize the many voices of the arts community into a unified viewpoint to match that of the corporate world (which, though often disparate, was more unified and forceful on these issues).
In the third section of the meeting, allowable access and re-use of artistic work online was examined by a lawyer/musician, a new media musician and a photographer. Attorney Mark Avsec, recounting his own experience defending himself against the charge of misappropriation, outlined the "test" of the elements needed to prove infringement as proclaimed by the landmark 1946 case, Arnstein v. Porter. Although supporting copyright's monopoly, Avsec questioned whether copyright was successfully serving its purpose today. This challenge was illustrated in style by Mark Gunderson, who demonstrated the signature music collage format of his audio art band, The Evolution Control Committee (ECC). Giving full credit to their sources, ECC's work (in for example playing radically edited sections of Dan Rather's CBS Evening News reports against AC/DC in the "Rocked by Rape" piece) was probably illegal art, but should it be allowed, encouraged or squashed?
Photographer Walt Seng recounted his involvement in a case of unauthorized commercial use of his photographs and concluded that strong and clear copyright education was very badly needed and could save many people's time in unnecessary lawsuits.
In a final discussion about international law and copyright, the utility of registering copyright and creators' ability to choose their own licenses through the new Creative Commons organization, there was final agreement that artists need to collaborate and to educate and be educated further about copyright issues, especially in the digital world of today.
-- David L. Green 202.494.9846
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