Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 17, No. 41.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
Submit to:
Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 05:23:31 +0100
From: "R. Allen Shoaf" <>
Subject: Announcing EXEMPLARIA Webprint
*** X-posted -- Apologies for
duplication ***
Exemplaria is pleased to announce the launch on its World Wide Web
site of "Joking with the Enemy: Beyond Ritual in the Ordene de chevalerie,"
by Michelle R. Warren, of the University of Miami.
The URL is
The essay will remain online through the spring of 2004. The page also
contains an e-mail link to the author as well as an e-mail link to
Exemplaria staff. Readers should feel free to communicate with the author
about her essay; equally, they should feel free to call to the attention of
the editors of Exemplaria any problems that they may have with the site
itself. N.B. The webprint is launched as a .pdf file, which can be opened
and read with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader, since this format enables
platform-independent download and printout of a given essay. We welcome
your comments on this practice, especially if you encounter any
difficulties with the file.
In launching this essay on the World Wide Web, Exemplaria
subscribes to the "Principles for Emerging Systems of Scholarly Publishing"
published on the World Wide Web by the Association of Research Libraries at URL
and we recommend this position paper to our colleagues using our website
who, like us, are concerned about the future of scholarly publishing.
Sincerely yours,
Al Shoaf
R. Allen Shoaf, Alumni Professor of English 1990-93
Fellow of the National Endowment for the Humanities 1982-1983 & 1999-2000
University of Florida, P.O. Box 117310, Gainesville, FL 32611-7310
Senior Editor, EXEMPLARIA,
FAX 352.392-0860; VOICE 352.371-7149; 352.392-6650 x 264
725 NE 6th Street, Gainesville, FL 32601-5567
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