Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 15, No. 629.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
[1] From: (28)
Subject: EDILOG 2002, 3rd CFP (Submission deadline: May 10)
[2] From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <> (52)
Subject: Metadata Conference: call for papers
[3] From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <> (49)
Subject: "Steering by Standards" OCLC Videoconference: "Paper
Past, Digital Future: Managing Metadata Standards in
Date: Fri, 03 May 2002 06:07:22 +0100
Subject: EDILOG 2002, 3rd CFP (Submission deadline: May 10)
Third Call for Papers
Edinburgh University
Sept 4th-6th 2002
Edilog 2002 will be the sixth in a series of workshops that aims to
bring together researchers working on the semantics and pragmatics of
dialogues in fields such as artificial intelligence, formal semantics
and pragmatics, computational linguistics, philosophy, and psychology.
We invite abstracts on all topics related to the semantics and
pragmatics of dialogues, including, but not limited to:
- models of common ground/mutual belief in communication
- modelling agents' information states and how they get updated
- multi-agent models and turn-taking
- goals, intentions and commitments in communication
- semantic interpretation in dialogues
- reference in dialogues
- dialogue and discourse structure
- interpretation of questions and answers
- nonlinguistic interaction in communication
- natural language understanding and reasoning in spoken dialogue systems
- multimodal dialogue systems
- dialogue management in practical implementations
- categorisation of dialogue moves or speech acts in corpora
- designing and evaluating dialogue systems
[material deleted]
Date: Fri, 03 May 2002 06:08:15 +0100
Subject: Metadata Conference: call for papers
News on Networking Cultural Heritage Resources
from across the Community
May 2, 2002
DC-2002: Metadata for e-Communities
Supporting Diversity and Convergence
Florence, 13-17 October 2002
Call for Papers, Deadline: 15th June 2002
Please note this important international meeting on the Dublin Core and
Metadata Applications this Fall in Florence. The importance of metadata in
resource discovery of cultural heritage materials is a notable component of
the conference and we trust there will be a good response to the call for
papers from the heritage community.
David Green
>Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 07:57:34 -0500
Metadata for e-Communities
Supporting Diversity and Convergence
Florence, 13-17 October 2002
2rd International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications
Combined Conference, Tutorials, and Workshop
* Dates and times
Sunday evening, October 13 - Thursday, October 17 2002
* Venue
Convitto della Calza - Oltrarno Meeting Center
Piazza della Calza 6,
50125 Florence, Italy
The DCMI 2002 Programme Committee invites papers
in the following categories:
* E-Government
* Search engines and metadata
* Educational metadata: improving communication
* Knowledge management
* Use of DC metadata for commerce and intranets
* Semantic web: roles of standard cataloguing,
indexing, metadata and ontologies
* Metadata interoperability: tools and protocols
* Cultural heritage metadata
The size and scope of the World Wide Web often make information
discovery difficult. Metadata is an important tool in addressing the
problem of resource discovery on the Web.
The convergence of resource description standards and development of
enabling infrastructure promises to improve the discovery and management
of information across and within disciplines. The Dublin Core Metadata
Initiative has been active in the development of Web resource discovery
standards since 1995 when a core set of elements was agreed upon in a
workshop held in by Dublin, Ohio, U.S.A.
[material deleted]
Date: Fri, 03 May 2002 06:09:43 +0100
Subject: "Steering by Standards" OCLC Videoconference: "Paper
Past, Digital Future: Managing Metadata Standards in
News on Networking Cultural Heritage Resources
from across the Community
May 2, 2002
OCLC Institute "Steering by Standards" Videoconference
"Paper Past, Digital Future: Managing Metadata Standards in Transition,"
May 29, 2002, 12:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EDT
Register as a Downlink Site ($350)
>From: "Lytle,Amy" <>
>>Standards Videoconference Coming Soon
>Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 13:04:47 -0400
>[Widely cross-posted with apologies. Please redistribute as appropriate.
>Thank you!]
The OCLC Institute announces the third videoconference in its "Steering by
Standards" series: "Paper Past, Digital Future: Managing Metadata Standards
in Transition," May 29, 2002, 12:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EDT.
Why do we need to augment or replace our "tried and true" cataloging
standards? Can multiple standards coexist in a single catalog? Join your
colleagues, both local and across North America, to discuss the
proliferation of information standards competing for our attention in
today's blended world of paper-based and digital information. Barbara
Tillett, Library of Congress, will be joined by Liz Bishoff, Colorado
Digitization Project, and Sam Dempsey, & Taylor, to
discuss the need for and best ways to integrate standards such as Dublin
Core, EAD, TEI, and ONIX into existing catalogs. Presentations, panel
discussion and the opportunity for questions and comments from the
participants will ensure a lively and informative broadcast.
Register your site as a satellite-downlink location by clicking on
<>. Cost for this event is
$350.00 per site. Contact Amy Lytle for details on purchasing tapes of the
entire series.
For questions or comments, contact Amy Lytle, OCLC Institute at or via phone at 800-848-8578 x 5212.
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